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Admin Setup

Justin McWilliams edited this page Oct 12, 2015 · 1 revision


Building Simian requires Xcode, Xcode Command Line Tools, pkgbuild, python2.6 and setuptools. You will build and package Simian on a local OS X 10.7 (or greater) workstation, deploy it to App Engine, and install the package on client machines.

(TODO: Add table of contents.)

Configure Your Workstation

Estimated Time: 10-60 minutes

Download and Install Xcode

Xcode, a free download from Apple, is required to build Simian. Simian has been tested with v6.0.1, though it's likely to build successfully with the latest version, available here:

Download and Install Command Line Tools

Starting with Xcode 4.3 Apple has removed the Command Line Tools from Xcode, therefore they now must be installed manually. They're available from the Apple Developer Tools site, which requires a (free) Apple developer account:

Alternatively, the Command Line Tools may be installed within Xcode via, Xcode -> Preferences -> Downloads.

Download Simian

Estimated Time: 1 minute

Simian is available for download via Git:

  • Open Terminal and execute, git clone

In the future, to update to newer releases in Git, run "git pull"

Build and Test

Estimated Time: 1-5 minutes

Change directory to the Git clone (e.g. cd simian), where Makefile is present, and run:

make test

to build and run tests. Dependency problems will be shaken out in the beginning and should be automatically satisfied.

Your build is unlikely to work until make test completes with all tests passing. When all the tests pass, your Python installation is OK and you can proceed.

For more on testing, please see the Testing wiki.

Obtain an App Engine instance

Estimated Time: 3-5 minutes

  1. Download and install the latest App Engine SDK: * If you're on a Mac, this will download a "launcher" bundle; make sure to install the command-line utilities when prompted on the first execution of the .app. If you skipped this and would like to later install the command-line utilities, you can click "GoogleAppEngineLauncher" -> "Make Symlnks..." in the OS X menu bar. * If you've recently updated your GoogleAppEngineLauncher you may need to do "Make Symlinks..." again.
  2. Visit and click Create Application to create a new application, taking note of the Application Identifier and appid you chose. * It's highly recommended that you restrict access to your Google Apps domain under Authentication Options.
    • If you do this, then you must authorize the application by following Configuring Google Apps to Authenticate on Appspot. * It's highly recommended that you keep the default of High Replication in Storage Options. For increased stability and uptime do not change this setting to the Master/Slave option.

Configuration and App Engine deployment

Estimated Time: 5 minutes

  1. Make configuration modifications in PWD/etc/simian per the Configuration Wiki. * This includes editing PWD/etc/simian/settings.cfg.
  2. To deploy to App Engine, run make release or make release_with_oauth, which: * creates a bundle to upload to App Engine. * symlinks various Python dependencies in the bundle. * generates an application ID from PWD/etc/simian/settings.cfg domain and subdomain values, and updates gae_bundle/app.yaml accordingly. * compiles the JavaScript source using the Closure Compiler Service. * runs update gae_bundle/ to upload the bundle to App Engine.

Setup Simian RSA Private Key and Public Cert

Estimated Time: 10-60 minutes

It is critical that you populate your server with a RSA private key and its paired public cert for Simian to function. This only needs to be done once, or whenever you wish to change certificates, not every time you deploy a server.

See the wiki section SimianAndCertificates for more information about certificates use and creation.

After creating your private key and certificates, visit the Admin Tools -> Config section of your Simian web UI to upload them to the server. e.g. if your site is

If you need to re-populate a new Simian server certificate and key onto your Simian server see our tips and tricks wiki for more information.

Packaging a Deployable Client

Estimated Time: 5 minutes

If you've completed the above, you're ready to package a client for deployment. Please see PackagingDeployableClient for more information.