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gord02 committed Aug 24, 2019
0 parents commit 5e30395
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Showing 188 changed files with 44,852 additions and 0 deletions.
201 changes: 201 additions & 0 deletions BackEnd/BackEnd.txt
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,201 @@

the computer first must figure out what IP adress to send request to, udemy get request and figures out what to do wiht it
such as asking for course so udemy goes into datbase and composes them into the course and pictures of udemy and begins
to render it for us to see.

1.when going to url : IP address for the domain is found.
2.HTTP request is sent asking for a partciluar page.
3. Sever recieves request and figures out what to do with it.
4It then responds with HTML and Javascript.
(asks for website then gets one back).

static vs dynamic webpages
2 types of pages dynamic web-pages are sites that are complied on the server or by the server side where the sever is pulling together or
contrutcing a web page before its sent back as a response. Everything i have written so far has been static. But just
because a page has Dynamic content does not make it a dynamic page it has the same html and javascript eveytime
(fundamental pieces). Dynamic websites have different content that changes along with its html ex websites like social
media or reddit can refresh and bring new stuff everytime is it opened.

stack is what language the backend programming is written of which there are many choices

get- to recive info; asking for dat
post- sgigining up for something or creating a comment; posting info to datbase ; sends data ;adding post to a dtabase.
put and patch- is used to edit or update hings such as a title updating profile
delete- is used to delete.

-data can be sent through a get post but it is usally done in the form of query string (which are a part of get request)
this inside the seach bar and follows a question mark and is strung together by apresants. or parameters

-requests can be made from different places not just browser,
-every request has a verb or a type(get,post etc..)

-a sever the thing that recives data and sends it back is just code.

-users cannot create post requests inside url bars so post request are done in forms.(99% of the time)

-when requests are made even ones as simple as ours we are redirected but just to the same page were notjust staying on the
same page.we are sent away and brought back to see new info.(refresh) a rquest is always made.\

-there are three parts we need the text editor(sublime), terminal(to start server) and bowser(to view)
envirnoment/text editor, terminal

command line
cd- to go into folder
cd .. to go out
ls- to see all elements in path or folder etc..
cd + BEGGINNINGOFNAME + tab =auto complete
touch- touch orange.txt is the syntax for creating a new file of any type.
syntax: touch yellow.txt
mkdir= makedirectory to make dirctory(or folder)
syntax: mkdir FavCOlors
you can cd into two paths at noce by putting them on one line
rm- used to delete a specific file
syntax: rm FILENSME.txt
ex: rm green.txt
rm -rf- is used to delete folder along with everything insde them\(recsive force: this deletes all the child directories)
rm -rf colors

mkdir can be put onto the same line with a space inbetween names as well as files with the touch command

mkdir Animals/AwesomeAnimals :can be used to write into files without gping into them
ex: touch Animals/SketchyAnimals/Snakes

is a way for us to write javascript on the server side
typing node in the terminal allows you to now type in javascript
but alert methods do not work becuase it exist with the browser so no DOM etc...
so node can somewhat replace the use of console.

npm-node package manager
it is a tool that comes with nodjs which lets us install packages: javascript libraires (code that someone else wrote); it
is easy to use. (express)
this is used to retirve stuff such as packages or libraries. this is because script tags cannot be used becuase in nodejs
there is no html just javascript.
npm the wbsite with nodejs and terminal allows you to dowlaod stuff(packages) easily by simply typing in what you would
like to download in the terminal or console.

#installing and Using Packages

use 'npm install PACKAGENAME' to install a package; this dowalods it and makes/adds/saves it too node_modules
use 'require(PACKAGENAME)' to include a package; must be saved to a varaible

faker is helpful becuase it generates allot of fake usful data. it has real use.

express framework
code that someone else wrote that we can use
Both frameworks and libraries are extrenal code that can be added to your own application but a libray is something that
you are in control of beign able to use a few or many: but in frameworkd some control is given up we get to fill in the
blanks like a mad libs. framework take all the common stuff that we do in every application such as set up and basic things
and pre packages all this stuff so we dont have to build it from scratch all the time. Express is a web development
framework and their are frameworks for many other sutff such as mobile apps and games. (express is the GlUe), it is the
most dowloaded for nodejs.
frameworks that are heavy using exmaple of mad libs would have a lot of text and only minimal blanks for you to fill in and
vice versa express is very light weight.
good tool to make web apps and flexable.
frameworks are used to make websites etc faster.

routes are responsible for listening for requests (from url etc) and reciveing those requests and decides what to send
back depending on what the requests ask for.

node + appname.js= run a file
ctrl + C is used to escape

Route syntax:

// "/" => "Hi there!" this is the first route
app.get("/", function (request, response) {
//request or commonly req is an object that contian all the information about the request that tirggered the route
//response is all the info that we are going to respond with

you must require the packages berfore they can be used.
var cat = require("cat-me");
var joke= require("knock-knock-jokes")


javascrript obejct notation: adata type formating data : cotains dta

DRY code- dont repeat yourself

routes Params

clear- clears

routes are checked and onced matched code is run and then is done it does not continue.
**the order of routes matter.** this is becuase the get star one cannot be placed first becuase it matches everything
// the star operator acts as a route that is any other than the three above so anything other than those three will be sent
to this page.this for when user try to use a route that is undefeind. Star operator matches everything.
* star operator= if no other route is matched match to star.

order matters for routes

app.get("/r/:SubredditName", function(req, res){
});// with the colon the tell the retriver get not to look for a url with the excat words word for word but anything that
has /r/: in it.

app.("/r/:subredditName/comments/:id/title/")//having the colon after comment meanings that it ends their so everything
completetly nessary eds thier and the rout and branch of after it. comments and everything preceding it need to be there.

depedencies contain a list of packages and the version number of each package thats needed in order for this app to run.

templates are dynamic html files

res.render("homepage.html")//this works becuase res is responmse and once data is recived from websites our website
chooses what to res with and in this can it choses to render something such as html

emjs embeded javascript

views is the first thing that express will look for.

when we use the internet we make HTTP request and get HTMl back. API's dont respond with HTML, HTML contains information
about the structure of a page .API's respond with data, not sturcutre.
They use simpler data formats like XML and JSON becuase it reomves the filler of color etc.. that is not needed when
communicating with a machine opppose ot someone that might need to look at the code.

Extended Markup Language
xml is syntacticly silmilar to HTML but it does not describe presetation or structure like HTML such as bolded element or
this line is a list. there are no partcular tags and users can place whatever they want.

Javascript Object Notation
json looks exactly like javascript objects, but everything is a string; it is used to send or store data without any of the
extra pretty html.Json and Xml can both represent the same data. Json is widley used becuase it is easly converted to
javascript because of its similarities.

JSONPlaceholder is an API
Binary file added BackEnd/Backend Features.PNG
Sorry, something went wrong. Reload?
Sorry, we cannot display this file.
Sorry, this file is invalid so it cannot be displayed.
Binary file added BackEnd/Frontend vs Backend.PNG
Sorry, something went wrong. Reload?
Sorry, we cannot display this file.
Sorry, this file is invalid so it cannot be displayed.
Binary file added BackEnd/Stacks.PNG
Sorry, something went wrong. Reload?
Sorry, we cannot display this file.
Sorry, this file is invalid so it cannot be displayed.
120 changes: 120 additions & 0 deletions BootStrap 4/Dom Notes
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,120 @@


dom is works by using to parts the first is selct and the second in manipulate.

-All the objects all the representation of our elements all live inside this doducment object it is the top level.


var tag = document.getElementById("NAMEOFID")
var class = document.getElementByClassName("NAMEOFClass") =node list(array like )
var tagTypes = document.getElementByTagName("TAGSTYPE") ex: ("h1"), ("body"), ("title"), ("head")

all these elements behind the scences are retruned as objects by DOM

var li = document.querySelcetor("#highlight")
var li = document.querySelcetor(".bolded")
var h1 = document.querySelcetor("h1")

query replaces getElemntBY tag: but query will only output it the first of a class name not all instances. only the very first: this could be used to get body.

var h1 = document.querySelcetorAll("h1") this will select all h1.
var h1 = document.querySelcetorAll(".bolded").

can do all that getElementby and querySelcetor can.

selector exercsie
var classex = document.querySelcetorAll("#first")
var classex = document.querySelcetor("#first")
var classex = document.querySelcetorAll(".special")[0]
var classex = document.querySelcetor(".special") t
var idex = document.querySelcetor("h1 + p")
var idex = document.querySelcetor("p")
var idex = document.querySelcetorAll("p")[0]
var Tagex = document.getElementByTagName("p")[0]
var Tagex = document.getElementByClassName("special")[0] //this narrows down the selction to only the first class named special
var Tagex = document.getElementById("first")


style is a property is one way to manpilate an element's style.
The right side must be a string threfore even colors need quotes becuase it is java script rules.

(once selected)

javascript should not overlapp to much wiht CSS it should be used to turn on and off the styling

ex: p.classList.add("big")// this would add an alreayd defined big class to the classList
p.classList.remove("big")// will take it away and
p.classList.toggle("big")// will take it away if it is already there or add it if it is not.(dos and undos) such as checking stuff.
textContent is editor that effects all text inside of an element :

textcontent can be used to take and or manipulate text inside of node lists.
ex: var p = document.getElementbyTagName("p")[0];
//outputs text inside p paragraph.

is like textcontent which allows us to return the contents of a whatever is sleceted. so it would return the same as p.textContent outputed including all other tags such as ul or li.
thses are two ways of grabing text

textcontent is treated and rendered as text
but innerhtml is can be treated as <h1> tags etc..

ex.: document.querySelector("h1").textContent= "TEXTTHATREPLACESORGINALTEXT"

arttibutes are thinks like href and src.
this can be used to change all links to another.

var link= document.getElementByTagName("img")[0]
link.getAttribute("src") this would give us the link to the first image and .setAttribute("href", "") would change them to be another or in this case google.
ad the name for that new link can be changed with : a.textcontent = "NEWNAME"

set attribute only work on idvidual obejects

we select elements and then
Types of Events : Clicking on a button, Hovering over a link, Dragging and Dropping, Pressing the Enter key
event listener are used to detect when the event happen. it is like a senor waiting forsomething to happen.
ex: listen fro a click on this button, listen for a hover event on h1, listen for key press event on text input

to add lister addEventListener

var h1 = doucment.querySelector("h1");
h1 = "the element displayed first on screen"
h1.addEventListener("click", function(){
alert("h1 was clicked");
})once the h1 is clicked the alert is run.
you can have more than one addlister pretaning to one element one after the other.

doucment.querySelector("ul").addEventListener("click", function(){
console.log("you clicked the ul")
})this will print this^ everytime ul is clicked.

THIS- the keyword this inside of an event listener refers to the item or the element that the event was triggered on.
syntax for eventlisteners:

elemetnNAME.addEventListener("click", function(){


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