Microservices based on zeit/micro generator
Install using yarn:
$ yarn global add @gorillab/create-micro
$ create-micro --help
Usage: create-micro [options] [command]
help Display help
-d, --dockerfile Include Dockerfile in the project using mhart/alpine-node (disabled by default)
-h, --help Output usage information
-n, --name [value] Name of the basic micro application (defaults to "micro-service")
-v, --version Output the version number
$ create-micro -n my-application
Installing packages using yarn...
yarn install v0.21.3
[1/4] Resolving packages...
[2/4] Fetching packages...
[3/4] Linking dependencies...
warning "[email protected]" has unmet peer dependency "eslint@>=3.14.1".
warning "[email protected]" has unmet peer dependency "request@^2.34".
warning "[email protected]" has unmet peer dependency "request@^2.34".
[4/4] Building fresh packages...
Done in 12.03s.
To create a Dockerfile in your service, use the flag --dockerfile
$ create-micro --dockerfile -n my-service
- src
- config
- mysql.js
- sample.controller.js
- sample.middleware.js
- sample.model.js
- helpers.js
- index.js
- .env.example
- .gitignore
- package.json
- Dockerfile (if flag --dockerfile was used)
By default, is used the last version of micro and micro-dev.
The default image is the latest version of mhart/alpine-node
, and the Dockerfile installs just the production dependencies.
Just to lint:
$ yarn test
To start the local server:
$ yarn start
To start the production server:
$ yarn serve
Don't forget to set the NODE_ENV environment variable to production