Depend on gulp-deps-map, you can intstall by
npm install gulp-deps-loader --save
var gulpDepsloader = require('gulp-deps-loader');
var ignore = require('gulp-ignore');
var watch = require('gulp-watch');
// html load js & css and release
var options = {
map: './public/src/map.json', // map path
js_prefix: '/src/', // js 加载路劲前缀
css_prefix: '/src/', // css加载路劲前缀
js_default: [
], // 默认加载的js库
css_default: [
] // 默认加载的css库
.pipe(ignore('.**/directive/**/*.html')) // release by loader
.pipe(watch(['./src/**/*.html', '!./src/**/directive/**/*.html']))
// .pipe(combo(null, {async: false}))
this plugin will load css which has the same path and name with js depended by html