Simple API for importing csv files.
The basic importer has a name, file, and a foreach block.
importer :items do file 'items.csv' foreach do |row| Item.create(:name => row[:name]) end end
simple_importer uses fastercsv, which replaces the csv standard lib in ruby1.9. Importers have configuration options that match those of fastercsv. The foreach block is called for each row in the csv file. The argument passed into the foreach block is a fastercsv row created with the specified configuration.
importer :items do file 'items.csv' # all fastercsv options are supported headers false converters :numeric # etc.. foreach do |row| Item.create(:name => row[:name]) end end
Importers have a default configuration that matches the following importer.
importer :items do file 'items.csv' # default configuration col_sep "," row_sep :auto quote_char '"' field_size_limit nil converters :all unconverted_fields nil headers true return_headers false header_converters :symbol skip_blanks false force_quotes false # end default configuration foreach do |row| Item.create(:name => row[:name]) end end
Define before_filter-style callbacks in the form of the before block. This block is run once before the importer runs.
importer :items do file 'items.csv' before do Item.delete_all end foreach do |row| Item.create(:name => row[:name]) end end
Passing an array of file paths to the file configuration field will process all the rows in each file.
importer :items do file Dir.glob("data/*.csv") foreach do |row| Item.create(:name => row[:name]) end end
Use the foreach_file block to add per-file behavior.
importer :items do file Dir.glob("data/*.csv") foreach_file do |file| List.create(:name => File.basename(file, ".csv")) end foreach do |row| Item.create(:name => row[:name]) end end
Nest the foreach block to give your row processing block access to foreach_file block variables.
importer :items do file Dir.glob("data/*.csv") foreach_file do |file| list = List.create(:name => File.basename(file, ".csv")) foreach do |row| Item.create(:name => row[:name], :list => list) end end end
simple_importer provides a method that will find and load importer definitions in the importers, lib/importers, and app/importers directories.
# importer definition is in lib/importers/item.rb SimpleImporter.find_importers
SimpleImporter now has a collection of importers and each importer can be run now that it has been loaded.
# the following will fire off the actual importers SimpleImporter.importers.each do |importer| end
simple_importer provides rake tasks to run importers individually or all at once.
# add this to your rakefile # lib/tasks/simple_importer.rake is a good place in your rails app require 'simple_importer/tasks'
rake -T simple_importer will show a rake task for each importer as well as an import task which runs all of the importers. Descriptions defined in the importer will be used for the rake task description.
importer :items do file 'items.csv' desc 'Import all of the cool items' ... end
fastercsv (if you are not using ruby 1.9)
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Copyright © 2009 Justin Marney. See LICENSE for details.