A Fast, In-memory, Bitmap tool.(For: Number(Integers) filtering). Non-multi threaded, non-distributed.
gem 'bitmapper'
gem install bitmapper
currently supports max 10 digits numbers
map = Bitmapper.new(3)
3 -> is the number of digits from left which will be considered as index
In a nutshell giving a index ~= number of digits/2 will show good time and memory performance. See working to know more.
adds the numbers in the given file to bitmap. Similar operations
Apart from numbers the bitmap's binary sequence can be dumped to file.
map.dump_to_str("/tmp/file_name", <bucket_index>)
map.load_from_str("/tmp/file_with_binary_string, <bucket_index>)
the bucket_index is the ID of the bucket to dump. dumping the whole bitmap to binary string is still pending.
map.set 9876543210
map.set "9876543210"
map.clear 98765432100
map.status? 987654321 # returns true/false
map.set "98765G`32100" # this is equivalent to map.set "98765G`32100".to_i => map.set 98765
map.status? "98765G`32100" # returns true
raises TypeError, for number more than 10 digits
Number is split in two based on the index length given at the begining.
Ex: 9876543210 -> 987:6543210
987 -> this is the index of bucket in which rest of number is stored.
6543210 -> this is the offset of the bit in 987 bucket.
987 bucket is created when a number of form 987xxxxxxx is given for the first time.
10-digit numbers For 4 Million numbers index 6, number series 1x to 9x
add: 2.3 sec
remove: 2.3 sec
dump_to: 3.9 sec
Memory usage: 22MB
For 100 Million numbers index 6, number series 1x - 9x
add: 62.1 sec
remove: 62.1 sec
dump_to: 68.1 sec
Memory usage: 190MB
As the index value decreases the dump_to might take longer time, and the memory usage will increase. Considering completly random set of numbers.
- Check file_exist? for input files
- eliminate the parameter in new
- consider padding for numbers with lesser digits