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Running Hackerspace with Docker

Luke Cassar edited this page Jun 16, 2021 · 1 revision

Getting Started

Installing Docker

The easiest way to get started is to install Docker. Docker uses a concept called containers, which allows you to get started on software without having to manually setup your development environment and install a bunch of things - Docker will handle that for you.

Instructions for Windows

Installing Docker on Windows is a bit tricky so we have additional inforamation:

If running Windows 10 Pro, Enterprise, or Education, use these instructions -

If running Windows 10 Home, use these instructions -

Issues that you may encounter:

  • Unable to install WSL 2 due to running an older version of Windows

    • Solution is to install WSL 1 and then install an older version of Docker. Try installing
  • Unable to install Docker with Error: Installation Failed: one prerequisite is not fulfilled. Docker Desktop requires Windows 10 Pro or Enterprise version xxxxx to run.

    • Solution is to follow this workaround to 'trick' Docker during installation
  • You can install Docker but when you build locally, your container gives the following error in the logs "standard_init_linux.go:207: exec user process caused “no such file or directory” on windows"

Once installed and running, use Powershell to follow the instructions in the Docker Deployment Instructions section.

Deployment instructions

$ rails server

Docker Deployment Instructions

Initialise environment variables required by docker-compose:

cp .env.example .env

IMPORTANT: Then edit .env with a text editor and choose a more secure password for the POSTGRES_PASSWORD variable.

If you don't want to wait for the Docker image to build from your local copy of the repo, start with:

docker pull govhackau/hackerspace3

(If you don't do the above, the image will get automatically built; this should take about 10 minutes on a modern machine.)

Run Hackerspace:

NOTE: The initial run of Hackerspace will likely take several minutes to initialise the database before being usable. This is normal.

$ docker-compose up -d

Then browse to http://localhost:3000 and click Sign In.

(Note, refer to db/seeders/seeder.rb and db/seeders/user_seeder.rb to see where these are set)

To stop Hackerspace:

$ docker-compose down

Or, to stop and remove the Hackerspace database:

NOTE: If you do this, you'll need to re-run the "Initialise the postgres database" instructions above, the next time you want to use Hackerspace. Only do this if you want to start with a fresh database, or completely remove the Hackerspace project from Docker.

$ docker-compose down -v

To explicitly rebuild a new hackerspace3 Docker image from your local code:

docker build -t govhackau/hackerspace3 .

Or, to build the image and start the container as usual, run:

docker-compose up --build

To actively make local changes to your codebase without needing to rebuild the image, start the database image with:

docker-compose up -d postgres

Then start the govhackau/hackerspace3 image with:

docker-compose run --rm -d -v "$(pwd)":/usr/src/app --service-ports hackerspace3

NOTE: Due to the "$(pwd)" in the above command, it should work in any POSIX shell (bash/sh/zsh etc), and PowerShell. It won't work in Windows Command Prompt.

This runs the container and bind-mounts your checked out code into the container so you can work on it without needing to rebuild the container's image.

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