Awesome snippets of code for xonshrc in xonsh shell.
If you like the idea click β on the repo and tweet.
- Fork this repository
- Rename the repository to
- Change the name in
- Change the name of
- Add xontribs you need to (the xontribs will be installed automatically during
pip install
) - Now you can just run anywhere:
pip install -U git+ echo 'xontrib load rc_yourname' >> ~/.xonshrc xonsh
- Increment version to update the package using
pip install -U git+
Just read rc_awesome and copy the snippets to your xonsh RC.
Or add awesome xonsh RC to the end of your xonshrc:
curl -s >> ~/.xonshrc
Or install awesome xonsh RC as a package with automatically installable xontribs:
pip install -U git+
echo 'xontrib load rc_awesome' >> ~/.xonshrc
- Anthony Scopatz RC (click Details to see the xonshrc)
- Sean Farley RC
- Gyuri Horak RC
- Alexander Sosedkin RC
- Noorhteen Raja NJ RC
- Ryan Delaney RC
- xonsh-cheatsheet - cheat sheet for xonsh shell with copy-pastable examples.