What's Changed
- Adjustment to Monograph instead of Dissertation for BSI and TADS.
- Adjustment to the new ABNT NBR 10520:2023 standard regarding the citation method for authors, which changes from "(AUTHOR, 0000)" to "(Author, 0000). See lines 125 and 126 on tese-FT.cls.
- Addition of the cleveref package for better formatting of references, in the three languages (Portuguese, English, and Spanish).
- Addition of the following variables to facilitate adaptation to other courses or teaching units:
-- \@UNICAMP to define the abbreviation of the university (in this case, UNICAMP)
-- \@UNIDADEENSINO to define the teaching unit (in this case, Faculdade de Tecnologia)
-- \@UNIDADEENSINOABREV to define the abbreviation of the teaching unit (in this case, FT)
-- \@CIDADE to define the city where the work was carried out.
- Addition of areas of concentration in other languages (English and Spanish).
Full Changelog: v4.1.0...v4.2.0