Teacher LLM is a project to try and use LLMs to generate courses.
This project follows the Understanding by design patterns from This text book.
There are several scopes for teacher LLM:
- Generate the course by being grounded with wikipedia. Mostly for the summary of the matrial to generate the learning objectives.
- Generate possible assesments
- Generate the material.
- Be undergraduate level material.
Out of scope for the project:
- Fine tuning. If I do this it will be for a more profesional enviroment.
- Anything other than terminal. I will use the insights from this project to make a professional product.(hopefully still opensource)
First create a virtual environment
virtualenv -p python3 venv
And activate it
source venv/bin/activate
We need to install a few packages
pip install wikipedia-api wikitextparser guidance
Also llama-cpp-python needs to be installed
Also the model needs to be saved in this directory. It uses the Q3_K_M variant.