v15.0.0-rc.1 (2020-01-06)
Breaking Change 💥
- #2328 Removes default values for required fields in GraphQL*Config types (@IvanGoncharov)
- #2334 enum: 'parseLiteral/parseValue/serialize' now throw on invalid values (@IvanGoncharov)
Bug Fix 🐞
- #2337 Flow: add missing typings on exports (@IvanGoncharov)
Polish 💅
11 PRs were merged
- #2321 tests: in expect chains use '.to.not.' instead of '.not.to.' (@IvanGoncharov)
- #2322 separateOperations: simplify algorithm (@IvanGoncharov)
- #2324 validateSchema: remove validation arguments uniqueness (@IvanGoncharov)
- #2325 Extract 'formatError' tests into separate file + improve coverage (@IvanGoncharov)
- #2326 Clearly mark not reachable places in the code (@IvanGoncharov)
- #2327 coverage: ignore uncovered branches caused by #2203 (@IvanGoncharov)
- #2329 coverage: mark ignore statements (@IvanGoncharov)
- #2330 Simplify findDeprecatedUsages since "deprecationReason" is always present (@IvanGoncharov)
- #2331 OverlappingFieldsCanBeMerged: arguments always have value (@IvanGoncharov)
- #2332 Improve coverage of the entire codebase (@IvanGoncharov)
- #2333 Unify arguments naming for parseValue/serialize methods (@IvanGoncharov)
Internal 🏠
- #2323 tests: Transpile tests less aggressively (@IvanGoncharov)
Dependency 📦
2 PRs were merged
- #2335 Update Flow to v0.115 (@IvanGoncharov)
- #2336 Update deps (@IvanGoncharov)
Committers: 1
- Ivan Goncharov(@IvanGoncharov)