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Monadic synthesizers in OCaml

This library called msynth is my own take at organizing the various classical functions for performing audio synthesis. The aim is to provide a clean programming environment in which one can easily try new ideas for synthesizers (performance is not a priority, although it is of course taken into account). Yes, I know that some people tend to spend more time making synthesizers than making actual music, and I am spending my time making libraries to make synthesizers to make sound.

It is mainly based on the idea that audio streams can be represented as functions float -> float: such a function takes as argument the time dt elapsed since the last sample and returns the current value for the sample. Typically, when the sampling rate is 44100, dt will be 1/44100, but fancy effects might vary its value. The type

type 'a stream = float -> 'a

is thus called a stream of 'a. It can be equipped with the structure of a monad which can be used to easily compose operations on streams, especially since the recent introduction of the dedicated syntax for monads in OCaml.


The easiest way to install the library is to clone the github repository and type

opam pin add .

which will use opam to install the library and its dependencies.


The main documentation consists in


In case you need it, most examples in this tutorial are in this file.

Our first sines

Playing a sound

When creating synthesizers, you typically want to open the Stream module:

open Stream

In subsequent code, we always suppose that this was done. Our first example consists in playing a sine at 440Hz, which can be obtained with

let () =
  let s = sine () 440. >>= stereo in s

We use the function sine to create the oscillator (which oscillates 440 times per second between -1 and 1), then use >>= to pipe it to the stereo operator which converts a stream into a stereo one (a stereo stream is a stream of pairs of floats), and finally use to stream the result. Another equivalent way to write this is

let () =
  let s =
    let* x = sine () 440. in
    stereo x
  in s

where the expression let* x = s in e can be interpreted as given x the current value of the stream s return e. A last possible syntax (which is less clear in our opinion) would be

let () =
  let s = bind stereo (sine () 440.) in s

Here, the bind operator has type

('a -> 'b t) -> ('a t -> 'b 't)

i.e. it transforms a function returning a stream so that it can take a stream as argument.

Modulating parameters

One of the main advantage of using the monadic syntax is that all arguments can vary over time. For instance, we can achieve a vibrato as follows:

let () =
  let lfo = sine () in
  let vco = sine () in
  let s =
    let* f = lfo 5. in
    vco (440. +. 10. *. f)
  in (s >>= stereo)

Here, we begin by creating two oscillators respectively called lfo and vco (the names come from the LFO and VCO electric circuits) and state that the source s is the vco oscillator whose frequency is around 440 Hz, varying by ±10 Hz at the rate of 5 Hz (the rate of the lfo). Note that since the frequency is exponential with respect to notes, a vibrato of half a semitone should rather be achieved by replacing the last line in the definition of s by

    vco (440. *. 2. ** (0.5 *. f /. 12.))

but we leave this kind of details to you. Here, it is important that the oscillators are created beforehand. If we try the code

let () =
  let s =
    let* f = sine () 5. in
    sine () (440. +. 10. *. f)
  in (s >>= stereo)

we do not hear any sound: this is because we create a new oscillator at each sample, and thus always hear the first sample of the oscillator which is 0, and this is not what we want. The general rule is: declare all operators before the first let*.

Another way to write the same program as above, with the >>= operator, would be

let () =
  let s = B.cadd 440. (B.cmul 10. (sine () 5.)) >>= sine () >>= stereo in s

Exercise: play a sine with tremolo, which can be achieved by periodically varying its amplitude.

As another example, instead of generating a sine, we are going to generate a square wave, using the square operator: by default, its value is 1 over half a period and -1 over the other half. However, there is no particular reason to do half and half, and we call the width of a square wave, the portion of the period its value is 1 (by default, the width is thus 0.5). We can achieve nice sounds by periodically modulating this value, which is called pulse width modulation. For instance:

let () =
  let lfo = sine () 2. in
  let osc = square () in
  let s =
    let* lfo = lfo in
    let width = 0.5 +. 0.3 *. lfo in
    osc ~width 440.
  in (s >>= stereo)

Here, we generate a square wave (osc) whose width is modulated between 0.2 and 0.8 by a sine oscillator (lfo) at the frequency of 2 Hz.

Returning streams

We can create constant streams with the return function, which creates a stream whose value is always the one given in the argument. For instance, we can define the pairing function with

let pair x y = return (x, y)

Given two values x and y, it creates the stream whose value is always the pair (x, y). We can then use it to play a sine at different frequency over each channel with

let () =
  let left  = sine () 440. in
  let right = sine () 880. in
  let s =
    let* x = left  in
    let* y = right in
    pair x y
  in s

Another possible way to write this is using the bind2 operators whose type is

('a -> 'b -> 'c t) -> ('a t -> 'b t -> 'c t)

i.e. it transforms a function with two arguments which returns a stream, so that it accepts streams as arguments:

let () =
  let left  = sine () 440. in
  let right = sine () 880. in
  let s = bind2 pair left right in s

Parameters from OSC

One way to dynamically acquire parameters is to use the OSC which is supported by many software and hardware controllers (for instance, this free app on Android). In order to be able to use this, we should first call the function OSC.server (which takes the port number on which it should listen as argument). The value of a controller can then be acquired with the function OSC.float, which takes as argument the path of the controller and its initial value and returns a stream of its values.

For instance, in the following, we can play a saw oscillator chained with a low-pass filter where the global volume, the Q factor and cutoff frequency of the filter can be configured though OSC controls as follows.

let () =
  let s =
    let osc = saw () 440. in
    let lp  = Filter.biquad () `Low_pass in
    let a   = OSC.float "/oscControl/slider1" 0.5 in
    let lpq = OSC.float "/oscControl/slider2" ~min:0.1 ~max:5. 1. in
    let lpf = OSC.float ~mode:`Logarithmic "/oscControl/slider3" ~max:10000. 1500. in
    let a   = a   >>= print "a" in
    let lpq = lpq >>= print "q" in
    let lpf = lpf >>= print "f" in
    let* a  = a in
    let* f  = lpf in
    let* q  = lpq in
    >>= lp q f
    >>= amp a
    >>= stereo
  OSC.server 10000; s

Here, we begin by creating the saw oscillator (osc) and the low-pass filter (lp), as well as the streams corresponding to the controllers for amplification, q and cutoff frequency. The line

let a = a >>= print "a" in

makes the value for amplification a being printed on standard output when it changes, which is useful for debugging. Finally, the stream consists in the oscillator which goes through the filter, is amplified, and finally converted to stereo.

Other examples

  • a quick recreation of the THX deep note by adding many saw oscillators, whose frequency is initially between 200 and 400 Hz, and slowly evolve to the same note at various octaves.


Unless you are making concrete music, you certainly want to play some notes. In order to illustrate this let's detail step by step how we can quickly recreate the song better off alone (sort of) by detailing this example.

Playing notes

We first have to learn how to play notes. A melody can be described as a pattern which is a list of triples consisting of

  • the time of the note (in beats),
  • the duration of the note (in beats),
  • the actual note together with its height (in semitones, A4 is 69) and its volume (between 0 and 1).

Our melody consists of two very similar patterns and can be described as

  let lead o =
      0. , 0.5, `Note (71, 1.);
      1. , 0.5, `Note (71, 1.);
      1.5, 0.5, `Note (68, 1.);
      2.5, 0.5, `Note (71, 1.);
      3.5, 0.5, `Note (71, 1.);
      4.5, 0.5, `Note (70, 1.);
      5.5, 0.5, `Note (66, 1.);
      6. , 0.5, `Note (78+o, 1.);
      6.7, 0.5, `Note (78+o, 1.);
      7.3, 0.5, `Note (75, 1.);
      8. , 0. , `Nop
  let lead = Pattern.append (lead 0) (lead (-2)) in

We can transform a pattern into a stream of MIDI events with,

  let lead = ~loop:true tempo lead in

which can in turn be played (i.e. converted into a sound stream) with We can thus get a stream with

  let lead = (Note.simple saw) lead in

which can be played as usual ( (lead >>= stereo)). Above, the first argument is the sound to play the melody: it describes one note, which here is simply a saw, without any envelope or anything fancy.

Adding drums

Drums can be added similarly with

  let drum =
      0., `Kick 1.;
      0.5, `Snare 1.;
      1., `Nop;
  let drum = Instrument.play_drums (Stream.timed ~loop:true ~tempo drum) >>= amp 2. in

where we loop on a simple pattern of one beat and use the dedicated function Instrument.play_drums to convert it to a stream.

The two streams can be played together with

  let s = B.mix [lead; drum] >>= amp 0.2 in (s >>= stereo)

More advanced instruments

The instrument we used for the lead is quite boring, let's try to do better now for the bass. We could play use a sound consisting of a saw with an ADSR envelope as a starting point:

  let bass =
      0. , 4., `Note (40, 1.);
      4. , 4., `Note (39, 1.);
      8. , 4., `Note (44, 1.);
      12., 4., `Note (42, 1.);
  let note = Note.adsr saw in
  let bass = note ( ~loop:true tempo bass) in

However, we are not satisfied with the sound and would rather have a square oscillator with a low-pass filter closing down each time a note is played. This can be achieved by changing the definition of note to

  let note () =
    let osc = square () in
    let lp = Filter.biquad () `Low_pass 3. in
    let ramp = Envelope.ramp ~kind:`Exponential () ~from:5000. ~target:100. 0.5 in
    fun freq -> bind2 lp ramp (osc freq)
  let note = Note.adsr note in

As you can see, Note.adsr takes as argument a function which, when applied to () creates a function which plays the stream corresponding to the note, at the given frequency.

The long note takes too much space in the sound, let's chop it in small pieces:

  let bass = bass >>= Stream.Slicer.eurotrance () (60. /. tempo)  in


A pattern can also consist in chords. This is particularly useful in conjunction with arpeggiators, which play notes from the chords. For instance, we can add a small "harp like" synth with

  let chords =
      0. , 4., `Chord ([40;44;47;52], 1.);
      4. , 4., `Chord ([39;42;46;51], 1.);
      8. , 4., `Chord ([44;47;51;56], 1.);
      12., 4., `Chord ([42;46;49;54], 1.);
  let arp = Pattern.arpeggiate `Up (Pattern.transpose 24 chords) in
  let arp = (Note.simple sine) ( ~loop:true tempo arp) in

If you were too lazy to try by yourself your can hear the result here (please remember that no further effects where applied, nor a decent mix was performed):


Live MIDI input

An example of MIDI input (say, from a physical keyboard) in order to generates notes and values for parameters from physical controllers can be found here.

In order to use MIDI, we should begin with using the function MIDI.create which provides us with a handle from which midi events can be drawn (with as well as the value of controllers (with MIDI.controller). For instance, in the following example, we play the notes pressed on the keyboard with a saw instrument chained with a low pass filter whose Q parameter and cutoff frequency can be controlled by controller 0 and 1 respectively (you might have to change those numbers depending on your controller):

let () =
  let midi = MIDI.create () in
  let note () =
    let osc = saw () in
    let lp = Filter.biquad () `Low_pass in
    let q = MIDI.controller midi 0 ~min:0.1 ~max:5. 1. >>= print "q" in
    let f = MIDI.controller midi 1  ~mode:`Logarithmic ~max:10000. 1500. >>= print "f" in
    fun freq ->
      let* q = q in
      let* f = f in
      osc freq >>= lp q f
  let s = (Note.adsr note) ( midi) >>= clip in (s >>= stereo)

Going further

If you have read everything up to there, you should know most of the principles you need to get started with the library the rest consist in

  • using effects,
  • combining functions,
  • finding the right parameters,
  • adding functions to the library,
  • using your imagination.

As a matter of illustration, we provide

Some other examples

You can also hear some demo songs:

Advanced topics

Using a stream multiple times

Streams should not be used multiple times. For instance, if we want to play the same sine on the left and the right channel, we might be tempted two write

let () =
  let pair x y = return (x, y) in
  let osc = sine () 440. in
  let s = bind2 pair osc osc in s

but the result is that we hear a sine at 880 Hz. The reason is that each time we pull a sample for s, we actually pull two samples from osc: once for the left channel and once for the right channel. One way to avoid this is to explicitly extract the value of the stream, and there is no problem in duplicated this value:

let () =
  let pair x y = return (x, y) in
  let osc = sine () 440. in
  let s =
    let* x = osc in
    pair x x
  in s

Another way consists in using the dup operator, which returns a pair: the first one should be used first to evaluate the stream and the second one is a stream which can be used as many times as we want. We can thus rewrite our example as follows:

let () =
  let pair x y = return (x, y) in
  let osc = sine () 440. in
  let eval, osc = dup () osc in
  let s = eval >> bind2 pair osc osc in s

General principles behind the library

  • Clean code is more important than efficient code (although we want to remain reasonably efficient).
  • The infinitesimal dt is supposed to be very small. In particular, the stream at instant t or t+dt should be roughly the same.
  • The infinitesimal variations are supposed to be varying slowly, i.e. be "locally constant". In particular, this means that small buffers can assume that the dt is the same for the whole buffer.

Ideas for the future

  • Make a compiler (into, say, C) for our synthesizers, possibly by simply changing the monad.


A monadic library for creating synthesizers in OCaml.







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