A simple bot for reporting things like pot holes, absent students and cranky waiters for greenbot.
- This bot starts when someone sends it a message.
- The bot sends a greeting, should be something like "Welcome to the Barnstable DPW pot hole bot."
- The bot sends a question to be answered, like. "Please tell us all about your pothole."
- The bot starts listening for messages. After every message, it asks for more.
- Once the texter sends a single q, note taking mode will end.
- The bot will then ask the texter if they want to be contacted directly. This behavior cannot be disabled.
- If they want to be contacted, the bot asks for who to ask for, and if there is another number to try.
- The conversation ends with two more prompts.
#!/usr/bin/env ruby
require "./lib/greenbot.rb"
tell ENV['PROMPT_1']
issue = note(ENV['PROMPT_2'])
if confirm("Would you like someone to contact you?")
contact_me = true
name = ask("When we call, who should we ask for?")
if confirm("Is there another number we should try?")
better_number = ask("Please enter that number with an area code")
tell("No problem at all.")
tell ENV['PROMPT_3']