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New PSH Route expiration adjustments
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eanders committed Jan 3, 2025
1 parent 1f5486c commit 4dceebe
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Showing 5 changed files with 56 additions and 12 deletions.
3 changes: 2 additions & 1 deletion app/controllers/match_decisions_controller.rb
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -213,7 +213,8 @@ def recreate_hsa_notifications_nine

private def decision_params
@decision.whitelist_params_for_update params
d_p = @decision.whitelist_params_for_update(params)
d_p.merge!(params.require(:decision).permit(:shelter_expiration)) if can_reject_matches?

private def match_contacts_params
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Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -12,6 +12,7 @@ def pre_hsa_decision?

Expand All @@ -24,7 +25,7 @@ def step_cancel_reasons
reasons << 'Incarcerated'
reasons << 'Institutionalized'
reasons << 'In Treatment/Recovery Center'
reasons << 'Match expired' unless pre_hsa_decision? || match_success_decision?
reasons << 'Match expired' if pre_hsa_decision?
reasons << 'Client has declined match' unless pre_hsa_decision?
reasons << 'Client has disengaged' unless pre_hsa_decision?
reasons << 'Client has disappeared' unless pre_hsa_decision?
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26 changes: 26 additions & 0 deletions app/models/match_decisions/thirteen/thirteen_client_review.rb
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Expand Up @@ -10,7 +10,12 @@ class ThirteenClientReview < Base
include MatchDecisions::RouteThirteenCancelReasons
include MatchDecisions::RouteThirteenDeclineReasons

# proxy for client.release_of_information
attr_accessor :release_of_information

validate :ensure_required_contacts_present_on_accept
validate :release_of_information_present_if_match_accepted
validate :spoken_with_services_agency_and_cori_release_submitted_if_accepted

def to_partial_path
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -74,11 +79,32 @@ def initialize_decision! send_notifications: true
saved_status == 'pending' && status == 'accepted'

def permitted_params
super + [:client_spoken_with_services_agency, :cori_release_form_submitted, :release_of_information, :shelter_expiration]

private def release_of_information_present_if_match_accepted
# if the Shelter Agency has just indicated a release has been signed:
# release_of_information = '1'
# if the client previously signed the release
# release_of_information = Time
errors.add :release_of_information, 'Client must provide a release of information to move forward in the match process' if status == 'accepted' && release_of_information == '0'

private def spoken_with_services_agency_and_cori_release_submitted_if_accepted
if status == 'accepted' # rubocop:disable Style/GuardClause
errors.add :client_spoken_with_services_agency, 'Communication with the services agency is required.' unless client_spoken_with_services_agency
errors.add :cori_release_form_submitted, 'A CORI release form is required.' if Config.get(:require_cori_release) && ! cori_release_form_submitted

class StatusCallbacks < StatusCallbacks
def pending

def accepted
# Only update the client's release_of_information attribute if we just set it
match.client.update_attribute(:release_of_information, Time.current) if @decision.release_of_information == '1'
if match.sub_program.cori_hearing_required?
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26 changes: 25 additions & 1 deletion app/views/match_decisions/thirteen/_client_review.haml
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -1,6 +1,7 @@
= simple_form_for @decision, url: access_context.match_decision_path(@match, @decision) do |form|
= render 'match_decisions/shelter_agency_expiration', form: form
.o-choose__choice{class: [('o-choose__choice--disabled' if [email protected]?)]}
Expand All @@ -12,6 +13,29 @@
If the match is accepted, all involved parties will be notified.
- if Config.get(:limit_client_names_on_matches)
- if @match.client.release_of_information.blank? && (@match.client.housing_release_status.blank? || @match.client.housing_release_status.downcase == 'none on file')
= form.input :release_of_information, as: :boolean, required: true, inline_label: 'Client has signed release of information to share their data with network partners'
- elsif @match.client.release_of_information.present?
Client signed release of information to share their data with network partners on
= @match.client.release_of_information.to_date
= form.input :release_of_information, as: :hidden, input_html: { value: @match.client.release_of_information}
- else
= checkmark(true)
Client provided a
= Translation.translate(@match.client.housing_release_status)
= form.input :client_spoken_with_services_agency, as: :boolean, required: true, inline_label: "Client has spoken to a #{Translation.translate('shelter case manager')} and understands the services attached and the program requirements"
- if Config.get(:require_cori_release)
= form.input :cori_release_form_submitted, as: :boolean, required: true, inline_label: 'Client has submitted a CORI release form'
= Translation.translate('The client does not need to be document-ready in order to indicate interest.')
= "#{Translation.translate('When you indicate interest, notification will be sent to the')} #{Translation.translate('Housing Subsidy Administrator')}. If the #{Translation.translate('HSA')} has a release, #{Translation.translate('they can proceed to determine whether a criminal background hearing is needed. You will be notified when they either accept the match or schedule a hearing.')}"

= render 'match_decisions/continue_button', text: 'Accept Match', icon: 'checkmark', button_attributes: { class: 'btn btn-success jAccept', data: {submit_param_name: 'decision[status]', submit_param_value: 'accepted'}, disabled: (!@decision.editable?) }
= render 'match_decisions/continue_button', text: 'Indicate Interest in Match', icon: 'checkmark', button_attributes: {class: 'btn btn-success jNeedsToAgree', data: {submit_param_name: 'decision[status]', submit_param_value: 'accepted', toggle: 'modal', target: '#shelter-agency-modal'}, disabled: !(@decision.editable?)}
= render 'match_decisions/decline_and_cancel_backup_actions', form: form, action_message: "If the match is declined, the #{Translation.translate('CoC Thirteen')} will be informed of the decision."
= render 'match_decisions/shelter_agency_agreement'
10 changes: 1 addition & 9 deletions app/views/match_decisions/thirteen/_match_acknowledgement.haml
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -1,15 +1,7 @@
= simple_form_for @decision, url: access_context.match_decision_path(@match, @decision) do |form|
- if @match.shelter_expiration?
- if @match.shelter_expiration >= Date.current
This match will expire if the client has not expressed interest in the match before
%strong= "#{@match.shelter_expiration}."
- else
This match expired on
%strong= "#{@match.shelter_expiration}."
= render 'match_decisions/shelter_agency_expiration', form: form
- if ! @match.shelter_expiration? || @match.shelter_expiration >= Date.current || can_reject_matches?
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