This PHP-Library can be used to make calculations base pokemon.
Pokemath can be installed via. Composer:
composer require "gries/pokemath"
In data/pokemon.csv all pokemon-data is stored. (701 pokemon) To rebuild the classes execute.
php data/generator.php
use gries\Pokemath\Numbers\Ivysaur;
use gries\Pokemath\Numbers\Jigglypuff;
use gries\Pokemath\Numbers\Snorlax;
use gries\Pokemath\Numbers\Venusaur;
use gries\Pokemath\Numbers\Wigglytuff;
require_once __DIR__ . '/../vendor/autoload.php';
// small calculation
$ivy = new Ivysaur();
$venu = new Venusaur();
echo $ivy->add($venu)->value()."\n"; // -> charmander
// big calculation
$jiggly = new Jigglypuff();
$wiggly = new Wigglytuff();
echo $jiggly->multiply($wiggly)->value()."\n"; // -> ivysaur-chespin
// make it even bigger
$snorlax = new Snorlax();
echo $snorlax
->value()."\n"; // -> nidorino-sandslash-klinklang-drifloon-gothita
// make calculations
$calculator = new \gries\Pokemath\PokeCalculator();
$expression = '(ivysaur + ivysaur) * ivysaur#ivysaur';
$result = $calculator->calculate('(ivysaur + ivysaur) * ivysaur#ivysaur');
echo $expression."\n";
// -> (ivysaur + ivysaur) * ivysaur#ivysaur
echo $calculator->translate($expression);
echo ' = '.$result->value(). '('.$result->asDecimalString().")\n";
// -> (1 + 1) * 701 = venusaur#venusaur(1402)
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