This is the GitHub repository for the Genomic Epidemiology Application Ontology project. For more information on the project itself, including consortium working group details and GenEpiO ontology design information, please go to To view the consortium's new email list, go to!forum/genepio. To join the list, visit!forum/genepio/join (you don't need a Google account for this).
The Issues tab dives deep into particular GenEpiO design and implementation questions being resolved. You can make new term requests here too.
A handy way to view this ontology's content is via a web service like the EBI Ontology Lookup Service or Ontobee service.
Many terms have been collected in the main file, genepio.owl, which imports terms from over 25 ontologies (as shown in the /imports/ folder).
Also included in the /proofsheet/ folder is a UI Proof Sheet application we are developing for previewing the data-collection and reporting elements of an ontology. It currently displays all the OBI Data Representation model entities found within GenEpiO.
Note that GenEpiO is under development (many terms have a curation status of "requires discussion") and its existing content requires a few more editing passes for proper description of terms.