c2 client/server/paylod
Custom C2 for bypassing EDR and ease of use.
- This is still an active work in progress (Not ready for production use.. I made it in a weekend.. has bugs.)
- Terraform deployment
- Command History
- Remote Command Completion (yes this works!)
- JXA execution (cocoa api)
- Clipboard (cocoa api)
- cat / curl (cocoa api)
- add Doom persistence list
- Add Slack integration
- Add ++ persistence
- Add + privesc
- Encrytpion
- variable callback timeout
- Authentication
- Custom JXA paylaods storage
- install mongodb on c2 server ** sudo apt install mongodb * required
- go get github.com/goc2
- sudo apt install mongodb || brew install mongodb
- ./goc2 --web
- ./goc2 --cli --c2 http://c2.server
- grab a goc2-agent macos payload
- edit c2 ip before compiling
- ./agent