This repo is test code in an attempt to bundle speex.js using Webpack 5. Even if it did work it wouldn't be much use as it's just a proof of concept in bundling a module. The expected out is basically just another flavor of speex.js.
The current error this repo spits out when launched in a browser is below. If you know how to fix this please let me know!
speex.js:40215 Uncaught ReferenceError: util is not defined
at eval (speex.js:40215:1)
at eval (speex.js:40339:2)
at Object../src/speex.js (bundle.js:29:1)
at __webpack_require__ (bundle.js:63:42)
at eval (index.js:2:67)
at Module../src/index.js (bundle.js:19:1)
at __webpack_require__ (bundle.js:63:42)
at bundle.js:115:37
at bundle.js:117:12
Prereqs: nodejs and npm
To build:
$ git clone
$ npm init -y
$ npm install webpack webpack-cli --save-dev
$ npm run build
To run:
npm install --global http-server
cd dist
http-server -p 8888
google-chrome-stable index.html