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Robert Gaggl edited this page Dec 2, 2012 · 1 revision

rp install

rp install
rp install [options] <name> [version]
rp install [options] <zipball url>
rp install [options] <zipball file>


-g/--global Install packages globally


rp install lets you install packages from various sources:

  • If called without arguments, rp searches for a package.json file starting in the current working directory and going upwards. If it finds one containing a dependencies hash, rp install will install those dependencies in a packages directory underneath the directory containing the package.json file. This is useful after installing an application, or during development of a package. rp will use the configured registry to fetch the dependency packages, using the version definition in the package.json file.
  • If called with a <name> argument rp will search for the package in the registry catalog and install it. If no version has been specified, rp will install the latest version of the package, otherwise it'll install the version that matches the version number given.
  • If called with the URL of a zipball as argument, rp will retrieve the zipball and install it.
  • If the argument is a path to a zipball, rp will install it.

Note that in all cases described above rp will also check the dependencies of the package about to be installed, and try to resolve them.

In general rp tries to be both explicit and defensive when installing packages (the same applies when updating packages), meaning it will only install packages if the packages directory doesn't contain a symlink, file or directory with the name of the package to be installed. Instead it will display a warning for those packages that can't be installed.

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