Airbrake Ruby is a plain Ruby notifier for Airbrake, the
leading exception reporting service. Airbrake Ruby provides minimalist API that
enables the ability to send any Ruby exception to the Airbrake dashboard. The
library is extremely lightweight, contains no dependencies and perfectly suits
plain Ruby applications. For apps that are built with Rails, Sinatra or any
other Rack-compliant web framework we offer the airbrake
It has additional features such as reporting of any unhandled exceptions
automatically, integrations with Resque, Sidekiq, Delayed Job and many more.
- Uses the new Airbrake JSON API (v3)[link]
- Simple, consistent and easy-to-use library API[link]
- Awesome performance (check out our benchmarks)[link]
- Asynchronous exception reporting[link]
- Promise support[link]
- Flexible logging support (configure your own logger)[link]
- Flexible configuration options (configure as many Airbrake notifers in one application as you want)[link]
- Support for proxying[link]
- Support for environments[link]
- Filters support (filter out sensitive or unwanted data that shouldn't be sent)[link]
- Ability to ignore exceptions based on their class, backtrace or any other condition[link]
- Support for Java exceptions occurring in JRuby
- SSL support (all communication with Airbrake is encrypted by default)
- Support for fatal exceptions (the ones that terminate your program)
- Support for custom exception attributes[link]
- Last but not least, we follow semantic versioning 2.0.0[link]
Add the Airbrake Ruby gem to your Gemfile:
gem 'airbrake-ruby', '~> 1.7'
Invoke the following command from your terminal:
gem install airbrake-ruby
This is the minimal example that you can use to test Airbrake Ruby with your project.
require 'airbrake-ruby'
# Every Airbrake notifier must configure
# two options: `project_id` and `project_key`.
Airbrake.configure do |c|
c.project_id = 105138
c.project_key = 'fd04e13d806a90f96614ad8e529b2822'
# Asynchronous error delivery.
rescue ZeroDivisionError => ex
# Return value is always `nil`.
puts 'A ZeroDivisionError was sent to Airbrake asynchronously!',
"Find it at your project's dashboard on"
# Synchronous error delivery.
rescue ZeroDivisionError => ex
# Return value is a Hash.
response = Airbrake.notify_sync(ex)
puts "\nAnother ZeroDivisionError was sent to Airbrake, but this time synchronously.",
"See it at #{response['url']}"
A named notifier can co-exist with the default notifier. You can have as many notifiers configured differently as you want.
require 'airbrake-ruby'
# Configure first notifier for Project A.
Airbrake.configure(:project_a) do |c|
c.project_id = 105138
c.project_key = 'fd04e13d806a90f96614ad8e529b2822'
# Configure second notifier for Project B.
Airbrake.configure(:project_b) do |c|
c.project_id = 123
c.project_key = '321'
params = { time: }
# Send an exception to Project A.
Airbrake.notify('Oops!', params, :project_a)
# Send an exception to Project B.
Airbrake.notify('Oops!', params, :project_b)
# Wait for the notifiers to finish their work and make them inactive.
%i(project_a project_b).each { |notifier| Airbrake.close(notifier) }
Before using the library and its notifiers, you must to configure them. In most cases, it is sufficient to configure only one, default, notifier.
Airbrake.configure do |c|
c.project_id = 105138
c.project_key = 'fd04e13d806a90f96614ad8e529b2822'
Many notifiers can co-exist at the same time. To configure a new notifier,
simply provide an argument for the configure
Airbrake.configure(:my_notifier) do |c|
c.project_id = 105138
c.project_key = 'fd04e13d806a90f96614ad8e529b2822'
You cannot reconfigure already configured notifiers.
You must set both project_id
& project_key
To find your project_id
and project_key
navigate to your project's General
Settings and copy the values from the right sidebar.
Airbrake.configure do |c|
c.project_id = 105138
c.project_key = 'fd04e13d806a90f96614ad8e529b2822'
If your server is not able to directly reach Airbrake, you can use built-in proxy. By default, Airbrake Ruby uses direct connection.
Airbrake.configure do |c|
c.proxy = {
host: '',
port: 4038,
user: 'john-doe',
password: 'p4ssw0rd'
By default, Airbrake Ruby outputs to STDOUT
. The default logger level is
. It's possible to add your custom logger.
Airbrake.configure do |c|
c.logger ='log.txt')
The version of your application that you can pass to differentiate exceptions between multiple versions. It's not set by default.
Airbrake.configure do |c|
c.app_version = '1.0.0'
By default, it is set to
. A host
is a web address containing a
scheme ("http" or "https"), a host and a port. You can omit the port (80 will be
assumed) and the scheme ("https" will be assumed).
Airbrake.configure do |c| = 'http://localhost:8080'
Configures the root directory of your project. Expects a String or a Pathname, which represents the path to your project. Providing this option helps us to filter out repetitive data from backtrace frames and link to GitHub files from our dashboard.
Airbrake.configure do |c|
c.root_directory = '/var/www/project'
Configures the environment the application is running in. Helps the Airbrake dashboard to distinguish between exceptions occurring in different environments. By default, it's not set.
Airbrake.configure do |c|
c.environment = :production
Setting this option allows Airbrake to filter exceptions occurring in unwanted
environments such as :test
. By default, it is equal to an empty Array, which
means Airbrake Ruby sends exceptions occurring in all environments.
Airbrake.configure do |c|
c.ignore_environments = [:test]
The number of seconds to wait for the connection to Airbrake to open.
Airbrake.configure do |c|
c.timeout = 10
Specifies which keys in the payload (parameters, session data, environment data,
etc) should be filtered. Before sending an error, filtered keys will be
substituted with the [Filtered]
It accepts Strings, Symbols & Regexps, which represent keys of values to be filtered.
Airbrake.configure do |c|
c.blacklist_keys = [:email, /credit/i, 'password']
Airbrake.notify('App crashed!', {
user: 'John',
password: 's3kr3t',
email: '[email protected]',
credit_card: '5555555555554444'
# The dashboard will display this parameter as filtered, but other values won't
# be affected:
# { user: 'John',
# password: '[Filtered]',
# email: '[Filtered]',
# credit_card: '[Filtered]' }
If you cannot inline your keys (for example, they should be loaded from external
process), there's a way to load them later. Let's imagine Keyloader.load_keys
builds an Array of keys by talking to another process:
module Keyloader
# Builds an Array of keys (talking to another process is omitted).
def self.load_keys
[:credit_card, :telephone]
We need to wrap this call in a Proc, so the library can execute it later (it gets executed on first notify, only once):
Airbrake.configure do |c|
# You can mix inline keys and Procs.
c.blacklist_keys = [:email, proc { Keyloader.load_keys }, 'password']
The Proc must return an Array consisting only of the elements, which are considered to be valid for this option.
Specifies which keys in the payload (parameters, session data, environment data,
etc) should not be filtered. All other keys will be substituted with the
It accepts Strings, Symbols & Regexps, which represent keys the values of which shouldn't be filtered.
Airbrake.configure do |c|
c.whitelist_keys = [:email, /user/i, 'account_id']
Airbrake.notify('App crashed!'), {
user: 'John',
password: 's3kr3t',
email: '[email protected]',
account_id: 42
# The dashboard will display this parameter as is, but all other values will be
# filtered:
# { user: 'John',
# password: '[Filtered]',
# email: '[email protected]',
# account_id: 42 }
See documentation about blacklisting using Proc objects. It's identical.
The options listed below apply to Airbrake.notify
, they do
not apply to Airbrake.notify_sync
The size of the notice queue. The default value is 100. You can increase the value according to your needs.
Airbrake.configure do |c|
c.queue_size = 200
The number of threads that handle notice sending. The default value is 1.
Airbrake.configure do |c|
c.workers = 5
Sends an exception to Airbrake asynchronously.
Airbrake.notify('App crashed!')
As the first parameter, accepts:
- an
(will be sent directly) - any object that can be converted to String with
(the information from the object will be used as the message of aRuntimeException
that we build internally) - an
As the second parameter, accepts a hash with additional data. That data will be displayed in the Params tab in your project's dashboard.
Airbrake.notify('App crashed!', {
anything: 'you',
wish: 'to add'
Returns an Airbrake::Promise
, which can be used to read Airbrake
error ids.
Sends an exception to Airbrake synchronously. Returns a Hash with an error ID and a URL to the error.
Airbrake.notify_sync('App crashed!')
#=> {"id"=>"1516018011377823762", "url"=>""}
Accepts the same parameters as Airbrake.notify
Runs a callback before .notify
kicks in. Yields an Airbrake::Notice
. This is
useful if you want to ignore specific notices or filter the data the notice
If you want to ignore a notice, simply mark it with Notice#ignore!
. This
interrupts the execution chain of the add_filter
callbacks. Once you ignore
a notice, there's no way to unignore it.
This example demonstrates how to ignore all notices.
Instead, you can ignore notices based on some condition.
Airbrake.add_filter do |notice|
if notice[:errors].any? { |error| error[:type] == 'StandardError' }
In order to filter a notice, simply change the data you are interested in.
Airbrake.add_filter do |notice|
if notice[:params][:password]
# Filter out password.
notice[:params][:password] = '[Filtered]'
Notices can carry custom objects attached to
the notice stash. Such notices can be produced
by build_notice
manually or provided to you by an
Airbrake integration:
# Build a notice and store a Request object in the stash.
notice = Airbrake.build_notice('oops')
notice.stash[:request] =
Airbrake.add_filter do |notice|
# Access the stored request object inside a filter and interact with it.
notice[:params][:remoteIp] = notice.stash[:request].env['REMOTE_IP']
For more complex filters you can use the special API. Simply pass an object that
responds to the #call
class MyFilter
def call(notice)
# ...
The library provides two default filters that you can use to filter notices: KeysBlacklist & KeysWhitelist.
Builds an Airbrake notice. This is useful, if you want to add or
modify a value only for a specific notice. When you're done modifying the
notice, send it with Airbrake.notify
or Airbrake.notify_sync
notice = Airbrake.build_notice('App crashed!')
notice[:params][:username] =
Makes the notifier a no-op, which means you cannot use the .notify
methods anymore. It also stops the notifier's worker threads.
Airbrake.notify('App crashed!') #=> raises Airbrake::Error
If you want to guarantee delivery of all unsent exceptions on program exit, make
sure to close
your Airbrake notifier. Usually, this can be done with help of
Ruby's at_exit
at_exit do
# Closes the default notifier.
# Closes a named notifier.
Ignores a notice. Ignored notices never reach the Airbrake dashboard. This is
useful in conjunction with Airbrake.add_filter
Checks whether the notice was ignored.
notice.ignored? #=> false
Accesses a notice's payload, which can be read or filtered. Payload includes:
notice[:params][:my_param] = 'foobar'
Each notice can carry arbitrary objects stored in the notice stash, accessible
through the stash
method. Callbacks defined
via add_filter
can access the stash and attach stored
object's values to the notice payload:
notice.stash[:my_object] =
Airbrake.add_filter do |notice|
# Access :my_object from the stash and directly call its method. The return
# value will be sent to Airbrake.
notice[:params][:object_id] = notice.stash[:my_object].object_id
represents a simplified promise object (similar to promises
found in JavaScript), which allows chaining callbacks that are executed when
the promise is either resolved or rejected.
Attaches a callback to be executed when a promise is resolved (fulfilled). The promise is resolved whenever the Airbrake API successfully accepts your exception.
Yields successful response containing the id of an error at Airbrake and URL to
the error at Airbrake. Returns self
Airbrake.notify('Oops').then { |response| puts response }
#=> {"id"=>"00054415-8201-e9c6-65d6-fc4d231d2871",
# "url"=>"http://localhost/locate/00054415-8201-e9c6-65d6-fc4d231d2871"}
Attaches a callback to be executed when a promise is rejected. The promise is rejected whenever the API returns an error response.
Yields an error message in the form of String explaining the failure and returns
Airbrake.notify('Oops').rescue { |error| puts error }
#=> Failed to open TCP connection to localhostt:80
The library supports custom exception attributes. This is useful if you work
with custom exceptions, which define non-standard attributes and you can't
attach any additional data with help of the add_filter
API due to the fact that the data isn't available at configuration time yet.
In this case, you could define a special hook method on your exception called
. The method must return a Hash the keys of which must be a subset
of the ones mentioned in the Notice#[]
class MyException
def initialize
@http_code = 404
# The library expects you to define this method. You must return a Hash,
# containing the keys you want to modify.
def to_airbrake
{ params: { http_code: @http_code } }
# The `{ http_code: 404 }` Hash will transported to the Airbrake dashboard via
# the `#to_airbrake` method.
Note: you don't have to call Airbrake.notify
manually to be able to benefit
from this API. It should "just work".
The maximum size of an exception is 64KB. Exceptions that exceed this limit will be truncated to fit the size.
To run benchmarks related to asynchronous delivery, make sure to start a web server on port 8080. We provide a simple server, which can be started with this command (you need to have the Go programming language installed):
go run benchmarks/server.go
In order to run benchmarks against master
, add the lib
directory to your
and choose the benchmark you are interested in:
ruby -Ilib benchmarks/notify_async_vs_sync.rb
Critical exceptions are unhandled exceptions that terminate your program. By default, the library doesn't report them. However, you can either depend on the airbrake gem instead, which supports them, or you can add the following code somewhere in your app:
at_exit do
Airbrake.notify_sync($!) if $!
- CRuby >= 2.0.0
- JRuby >= 9k
- Rubinius >= 2.2.10
In case you have a problem, question or a bug report, feel free to:
- file an issue
- send us an email
- tweet at us
- chat with us (visit and click on the round orange button in the bottom right corner)
The project uses the MIT License. See for details.