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This repo is for the IBM MIT AI Lab to use DLaaS in IBM Watson Studio. The demo will use Pytorch to train VGG for CIFAR10. The code is forked from kuangliu ( and adapted for submitting the model to IBM Watson Machine Learning on Watson Studio for training. It is meant to get you quick-started. We hope yo…


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How can I run code on IBM Cloud Watson Studio?

Here are the setup steps to to use the Machine Learing (ML) service. NB: These steps use a Command Line Interface (CLI). There is an alternative browser used interface

What we will do as a one time Setup:

  1. Confirm that you have an IBM Cloud userid
  2. Download CLI tools to access and manage resources in the IBM Cloud
  3. Login thru the CLI to your IBM Cloud account
  4. Configure your IBM Cloud account.
  5. Create a Watson ML Instance
  6. Define a Cloud Object Storage Instance to store your data.

Step 0: Confirm that you have a valid account on IBM Cloud.

Goto and login (If you are part of the IBM-MIT AI lab, but do NOT have a valid account, please contact [email protected])

Step 1: Install CLI tools in your local machine (laptop) to remotely access your Cloud resources

1.1. Download and Install the IBM Cloud CLI: bx

'bx' allows you to start and manage resources (e.g., applications, containers, services, ...) in the IBM cloud.

Download bx CLI and install it, following the instructions for your local machine operating system (OSX, Linux or Windows)

1.2. Install awscli using pip

The aws CLI lets you setup and upload data to your buckets. (Will get to this later)

pip install awscli

1.3. Install bx machine-learning plugin

The machine-learning plugin for bx lets you start, view, and stop your Machine Learning jobs on Watson.

bx plugin install machine-learning

Step 2. Login to IBM Cloud account:

Now we will create data and service resources in the IBM Cloud. First we login.

bx login

3. Configure your account to access IBM Cloud

In order to run jobs on Watson, you need an organization (also called org) and a space to hold your jobs. Org names are also globally unique.

3.1 Use an existing org

The account owner should have already created an org for you (and others) to share assets. You can find out the organizations available for you with the command:

bx account orgs

The command will return something like:

Name                Region     Account owner      Account ID                         Status   
MITIBMWatsonAiLab   us-south   [email protected]   5eb998dd20e3d7fc0153329e32362d64   active   

Select the correct Name and save it in a variable, i.e.,

bx target -o $org_name

3.2 Use your own space

Now lets find out the name of the space for you under the org.

bx account spaces

This will return something like:

Getting spaces under organization MITIBMWatsonAiLab in region us-south as [email protected]...


Select the correct space Name and save it in a variable, e.g.,


3.3 Lets set the targeted org and space

bx target -o $org_name -s $space_name

Step 4: Create a Watson ML Service Instance

4.1. Setup a Watson ML Instance

bx service create pm-20 lite CLI_WML_Instance
bx service key-create CLI_WML_Instance cli_key_CLI_WML_Instance

4.2 Retrieve and save the ids for later use

instance_id=`bx service key-show CLI_WML_Instance cli_key_CLI_WML_Instance | grep "instance_id"| awk -F": " '{print $2}'| cut -d'"' -f2`
username=`bx service key-show CLI_WML_Instance cli_key_CLI_WML_Instance | grep "username"| awk -F": " '{print $2}'| cut -d'"' -f2`
password=`bx service key-show CLI_WML_Instance cli_key_CLI_WML_Instance | grep "password"| awk -F": " '{print $2}'| cut -d'"' -f2`
url=`bx service key-show CLI_WML_Instance cli_key_CLI_WML_Instance | grep "url"| awk -F": " '{print $2}'| cut -d'"' -f2`
export ML_INSTANCE=$instance_id
export ML_USERNAME=$username
export ML_PASSWORD=$password
export ML_ENV=$url

Step 5: Create a bucket in the Cloud to store your data

A bucket is a huge "folder" in the cloud. You use the bucket to put and get any file or folder (e.g., your datasets) using an api-style interface.

5.1. Create a cloud storage instance:

First, lets create your own personal cloud storage instance to hold your bucket(s) and name the instance my_instance.

bx resource service-instance-create "my_instance" cloud-object-storage standard global
bx resource service-instance "my_instance"

5.2. Get security credentials:

We then create and get the credentials to my_instance and naming it my_cli_key so that you can create and access your bucket.

Create key, store it and print it:

bx resource service-key-create "my_cli_key" Writer --instance-name "my_instance" --parameters '{"HMAC":true}' > /dev/null 2>&1
access_key_id=`bx resource service-key my_cli_key | grep "access_key_id"| cut -d\:  -f2`
secret_access_key=`bx resource service-key my_cli_key | grep "secret_access_key"| cut -d\:  -f2`
echo ""; echo "Credentials:"; echo "access_key_id - $access_key_id"; echo "secret_access_key - $secret_access_key"; echo ""

5.3 Save your keys in a profile so you can reuse them later

Use aws tool to add access_key_id and secret_access_key to a profile and name it my_profile (leave the other fields as None).

aws configure --profile my_profile

5.4 Note these 2 keys! You'll need them again later to access your resources...

export MY_BUCKET_KEY = access_key_id
export MY_BUCKET_SECRET_KEY = secret_access_key

5.5. Create a bucket:

Now, lets make a bucket and name it something unique! Buckets are named globally, which means that only one IBM Cloud account can have a bucket with a particular name. **NB: the bucket names may not contain upper-case, underscores, dashes, periods, etc. Just use simple text, e.g., below we call the bucket "mybucket".


aws --endpoint-url= s3api create-bucket --bucket $bucket_name --profile my_profile 2>&1

Congratulations you are done with the one-time SETUP!

Now, to test that your setup is working, lets try a simple model.

Step 0. Get a dataset

For example, lets get the cifar10 dataset and do a little trainning.. You can get this dataset from the Internet, e.g., by doing:

mkdir cifar10
cd cifar10
tar xvf cifar-10-python.tar.gz
rm cifar-10-python.tar.gz

Step 1: Upload the dataset to your bucket:

aws --endpoint-url= --profile my_profile s3 cp cifar10/  s3://$bucket_name/cifar10 --recursive

Step 2: Edit your manifest file, e.g., pytorch-cifar.yml

This yaml file should hold all the information needed for executing the job, including what bucket, ml framework, and computing instance to use.

2.1. Copy the template manifest:

cp pytorch-cifar-template.yml my-pytorch-cifar.yml

2.2. Edit my-pytorch-cifar.yml:

Add your author info and replace the values of aws_access_key_id, aws_secret_access_key, and bucket in my-pytorch-cifar.yml with your storage instance credentials and your chosen bucket name. This should be done for both the data input reference (e.g., training_data_reference) and the output reference (e.g., training_results_reference). Notice that you may use the same bucket for both input and output, but this is not required.

#framework name and version (supported list of frameworks available at 'bx ml list frameworks')
    name: pytorch
    version: 0.3
#name of the training-run
  name: MYRUN
#Author name and email
    name: JOHN DOE
    email: [email protected]
  description: This is running cifar training on multiple models
#Command to execute -- see script parameters in later section !!
    command: python3 --cifar_path ${DATA_DIR}/cifar10
      --checkpoint_path ${RESULT_DIR} --epochs 10
#Valid values for name - k80/k80x2/k80x4/p100/p100x2/v100/v100x2
      name: k80
  name: training_data_reference_name
    endpoint_url: ""
    aws_access_key_id: < YOUR SAVED ACCESS KEY >
    aws_secret_access_key: < YOUR SAVED SECRET ACCESS KEY >
    bucket: < mybucketname >
  type: s3
  name: training_results_reference_name
    endpoint_url: ""
    aws_access_key_id: < YOUR SAVED ACCESS KEY >
    aws_secret_access_key: < YOUR SAVED SECRET ACCESS KEY >
    bucket: < mybucketname >
  type: s3

Notice that under execution in the yaml file, we specified a command that will be executed when the job starts execution at the server.

python3 --cifar_path ${DATA_DIR}/cifar10
      --checkpoint_path ${RESULT_DIR} --epochs 10

This command will execute, which starts a training run of a specified model. Since no model is specified, it will train the default model, vgg16, for 10 epochs using the dataset that we uploaded to the bucket.

Step 3: Send code to run on Watson Studio!

3.1. Zip all the code and models into a .zip file:

zip models/*

3.2. Send your code and manifest to IBM Watson Studio:

bx ml train pytorch-cifar.yml

That's it! The command should generate a training ID for you, meaning our model has started training on Watson!

Step 4: Monitor the training

We can check the status of training using the bx ml list command:

bx ml list training-runs

Continuously monitor a training run by using the bx ml monitor command:

bx ml monitor training-runs < trainingID >

As training proceeds, you should see results from the training process being copied to the results bucket specified in your training job yaml file - bucket.

You can also inspect the status of training by downloading and viewing the training log file which has been copied to the result bucket. This is useful in debugging errors and failed jobs.

To do this, we run:

aws --endpoint-url= --profile my_profile s3 cp s3://my_bucket/ < trainingID Rig >/learner-1/training-log.txt -

Additional Information on Deep Learning in IBM Cloud


Content derived from material provided by Hendrik Strobelt (IBM Research), Evan Phibbs (IBM Research), Victor C. Dibia (IBM Research)


This repo is for the IBM MIT AI Lab to use DLaaS in IBM Watson Studio. The demo will use Pytorch to train VGG for CIFAR10. The code is forked from kuangliu ( and adapted for submitting the model to IBM Watson Machine Learning on Watson Studio for training. It is meant to get you quick-started. We hope yo…



Apache-2.0, MIT licenses found

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