This coding challenge consists of a single page web application that:
- Uses Flow.js to set types within the actions/data.js file
- Creates a list of songs showing "Song Title", "Thumbnail Image", "Play/Pause Button", and "Like Button"
- Shares state across components using Redux
- Uses Tailwindcss as a CSS framework
- Is designed having in mind modularity & scalability; Follows the latest coding standards guidelines
- Performs basic unity testing: the correct rendering of the 'Song' component using testing-library-react
- Is hosted on Netlify
- Has used Gitflow as a Git workflow
- React v17.0.1
- Redux v4.0.5
- Flow-bin v0.149.0
- Babel v7.13.16
- React-redux v7.2.2
- Redux-thunk v2.3.0
- Redux-devtools-extension v2.13.8
- Axios v0.21.1
- Tailwindcss v1.9.6
- React-icons v4.2.0
- React-alert v7.0.2
To run the app locally, clone the repo and install the app using:
$ git clone
$ cd jam
$ npm install
$ npm start
Your app should now be running on localhost:3000.
To run the tests, after the installation run:
$ npm run test
This project is designed and developed by Armando Guarino
Thanks for your interest in contributing! There are many ways to contribute to this project. Find out how here.
- Improve GUI
- Implement like functionality
- Implement Flow to more components
- Add further Unity Testing
This project is open source and available under the MIT License.