More info about Reactive Ruby can be found here:
Reactive Ruby is an experimental reactive language, which extends Truffle Ruby.
Reactive Ruby should be executed on the Graal VM instead of the normal Java VM.
Install the Graal VM
A guide on how to install the Graal VM:
Reactive Ruby
git clone [email protected]:guidosalva/ReactiveRubyTruffle.git
cd ReactiveRubyTruffle
The jt tool can be used to execute Reactive Ruby programs. (See:
jt run --graal examples/time.rb
executes the following example which prints the current time every second.
time = timeB(1)
time.onChange { |x| puts x}
jt run --graal examples/sum.rb
executes the next example, which demonstrates some operators.
range = rangeB(1,100)
even = range.filter(0) { | x |
x.to_i % 2 == 0
sum = even.fold( 0 ) { |acc, val|
acc + val
combine = { | x, y | [x,y] }
combine.onChange {|x| puts "sum: #{x}"}
The output is:
sum: [2, 2]
sum: [3, 2]
sum: [4, 6]
sum: [5, 6]
sum: [6, 12]
sum: [7, 12]
sum: [8, 20]
sum: [9, 20]
sum: [10, 30]