This is a plugin for Domoticz, for Domoticz to communicate directly with ebusd daemon. Ebus is a protocol to communicate mainly with Vaillant and Saunier-Duval boilers.
This is a hobby project, use it if you know what you are doing and at your own risks, I cannot be held responsible for toying and erasing your boiler configuration or breaking your underfloor heating system. I strongly advise to install an hardware protection device for your underfloor heating system, for instance an aquastat on the "burner off" input, that opens at 50°C (protection in case of programming error, or piracy...).
Domoticz version must be at least 2024.1.
You need to have ebusd daemon installed, maybe you can install a package directly from releases, and you need to install it with its configuration files, accessible from network to Domoticz and obviously, a hardware supported by ebusd. The plugin has been tested with ebusd versions 3.0.595c7c0, 3.4 and 23.3 and a Vaillant ecoTEC plus VUI FR 306/5-5 R5 boiler with a calorMATIC VRC470f wireless remote control and VR61/4 underfloor heating system kit. Check first that ebusd is working properly with the following command directly on the device hosting ebusd:
ebusctl find
Then check that ebusd telnet connection is available from the device hosting Domoticz (change IP address to ebusd hosting device IP address or name, 8888 is default ebusd port, change it to your telnet port number if different):
telnet 8888
You should get the same list as the previous command.
I advise to limit telnet access on you ebusd hosting device to the device hosting Domoticz, for instance, I added the following to my "/etc/rc.local":
iptables -A INPUT -p tcp ! -s --dport 8888 -j DROP
Change IP address to Domoticz hosting device IP address, change port to your telnet port number if different.
For the plugin to work, ebusd must be started with HTTP JSON --httpport option, for instance on port 8889. I advise to disable update check too. I had to change my "/etc/default/ebusd" after installing the .deb package for raspberry pi:
# /etc/default/ebusd:
# config file for ebusd service.
# Options to pass to ebusd (run "ebusd -?" for more info):
EBUSD_OPTS="--scanconfig --httpport 8889 --updatecheck=off"
Then restart the daemon:
sudo service ebusd restart
Then you can open and see available registers from your favorite internet browser, for instance at this address: (change IP address to ebusd hosting device IP address or name, change 8889 port to whatever port you configured for HTTP JSON):
"bai": {
"messages": {
"AccessoriesOne": {
"name": "AccessoriesOne",
"passive": false,
"write": false,
"lastup": 0,
"zz": 8,
"id": [181, 9, 13, 75, 4],
"fielddefs": [
{ "name": "", "slave": true, "type": "UCH", "isbits": false, "length": 1, "values": { "1": "circulationpump", "2": "extheatingpump", "3": "storagechargingpump", "4": "fluegasflapextractorhood", "5": "externalgasvalve", "6": "externalerrormessage", "7": "solarpump", "8": "remotecontrol" }, "unit": "", "comment": "Accesory relay 1 function"}
"AccessoriesTwo": {
"name": "AccessoriesTwo",
"passive": false,
"write": false,
"lastup": 0,
"zz": 8,
"id": [181, 9, 13, 76, 4],
"fielddefs": [
{ "name": "", "slave": true, "type": "UCH", "isbits": false, "length": 1, "values": { "1": "circulationpump", "2": "extheatingpump", "3": "storagechargingpump", "4": "fluegasflapextractorhood", "5": "externalgasvalve", "6": "externalerrormessage", "7": "solarpump", "8": "remotecontrol" }, "unit": "", "comment": "Accesory relay 2 function"}
"ACRoomthermostat": {
"name": "ACRoomthermostat",
"passive": false,
"write": false,
"lastup": 0,
"zz": 8,
"id": [181, 9, 13, 42, 0],
"fielddefs": [
{ "name": "onoff", "slave": true, "type": "UCH", "isbits": false, "length": 1, "values": { "0": "off", "1": "on" }, "unit": "", "comment": "External controls heat demand (Clamp 3-4)"}
"SetMode": {
"name": "SetMode",
"passive": true,
"write": true,
"lastup": 1518368270,
"zz": 8,
"id": [181, 16, 0],
"fields": {
"hcmode": {"value": "auto"},
"flowtempdesired": {"value": 46.5},
"hwctempdesired": {"value": 55.0},
"hwcflowtempdesired": {"value": null},
"disablehc": {"value": 0},
"disablehwctapping": {"value": 0},
"disablehwcload": {"value": 0},
"remoteControlHcPump": {"value": 0},
"releaseBackup": {"value": 0},
"releaseCooling": {"value": 0}
"fielddefs": [
{ "name": "hcmode", "slave": false, "type": "UCH", "isbits": false, "length": 1, "values": { "0": "auto", "1": "off", "2": "water" }, "unit": "", "comment": "Boiler Modus"},
{ "name": "flowtempdesired", "slave": false, "type": "D1C", "isbits": false, "length": 1, "unit": "°C", "comment": "Temperatur"},
{ "name": "hwctempdesired", "slave": false, "type": "D1C", "isbits": false, "length": 1, "unit": "°C", "comment": "Temperatur"},
{ "name": "hwcflowtempdesired", "slave": false, "type": "UCH", "isbits": false, "length": 1, "unit": "°C", "comment": "Temperatur"},
{ "name": "", "slave": false, "type": "IGN", "isbits": false, "length": 1, "unit": "", "comment": ""},
{ "name": "disablehc", "slave": false, "type": "BI0", "isbits": true, "length": 1, "unit": "", "comment": ""},
{ "name": "disablehwctapping", "slave": false, "type": "BI1", "isbits": true, "length": 1, "unit": "", "comment": ""},
{ "name": "disablehwcload", "slave": false, "type": "BI2", "isbits": true, "length": 1, "unit": "", "comment": ""},
{ "name": "", "slave": false, "type": "IGN", "isbits": false, "length": 1, "unit": "", "comment": ""},
{ "name": "remoteControlHcPump", "slave": false, "type": "BI0", "isbits": true, "length": 1, "unit": "", "comment": ""},
{ "name": "releaseBackup", "slave": false, "type": "BI1", "isbits": true, "length": 1, "unit": "", "comment": ""},
{ "name": "releaseCooling", "slave": false, "type": "BI2", "isbits": true, "length": 1, "unit": "", "comment": ""}
Copy the to domoticz directory/plugins/DomoticzEbusd or change directory to domoticz directory/plugins and issue the following command:
git clone
To update, overwrite or change directory to domoticz directory/plugins/DomoticzEbusd and issue the following command:
git pull
Restart Domoticz.
If you don't see the plugin in the hardware configuration tab, give for everyone read permission to plugin and read and execute permission for directory, for Linux:
cd whatever/plugins
chmod ugo+rx DomoticzEbusd
chmod ugo+r DomoticzEbusd/
Restart Domoticz.
Add the ebusd-bridge hardware in Domoticz hardware configuration tab, giving the ebusd hosting device IP address or name, the telnet port, the HTTP JSON port, the registers, and set the refresh rate, read-only mode and debug mode. The refresh rate reads the registers values at the given rate in seconds.
The registers parameter can be left empty. In that case, the plugin will create devices for every register if read-only parameter is set to one of the "add discovered devices" choices and they will be added to Setup / Devices as unused, you will have to set the devices you're interested into as used. You can have a look to Setup / Log / Status tab the see created registers. However it is recommended to limit to useful registers. It is advised to create a first hardware with empty registers parameter, then to restart Domoticz, to look at devices created and to keep only useful registers by creating a new ebusd-bridge hardware with registers filled-in then to delete the first ebusd-bridge hardware. You can also change the read-only parameter to one of the "don't add discovered devices" then delete useless devices.
You can add many registers separated by space. Registers preceded with character !
will be excluded. The register names have following convention:
broadcast:outsidetemp: bai:SetMode:hcmode bai:SetMode:2 bai:SetMode:hwcflowtempdesired f47:RoomTemp:0 f47:Hc1OPMode: mc:InternalOperatingMode470: mc:Flow1Sensor: mc:FlowTempDesired: bai:FlowTemp: bai:ReturnTemp: bai:FlowTempDesired: bai:StorageTemp: f47:Hc1SFMode: f47:Hc2SFMode: bai:WaterPressure: f47:Hc1HolidayStartPeriod: f47:Hc1HolidayEndPeriod: f47:Hc2HolidayStartPeriod: f47:Hc2HolidayEndPeriod: !:sensor$
This is case insensitive. If you specify filters, corresponding devices will be set as used directly. The first part of a register is the circuit name, the second part must be a message name (third level of JSON data), and the third part is the index, or the name (possible only if different than "") of field in fielddefs of a message in JSON data.
For instance bai:SetMode:2
in my case gives hwctempdesired
fielddefs value, i.e. the desired hot water temperature, because it is the second field of bai->messages->SetMode register. It could have been configured with bai:SetMode:hwctempdesired
directly. Fielddefs type "IGN" are ignored for index counting and name searching. For instance bai:SetMode:4
give the same result as bai:SetMode:disablehc
The search is based on Python regular expression, meaning for instance that:
will match all registers containingflow
in any position of the complete register name (all fields ofmc:Flow1Sensor:
will match all fields of messageoutsidetemp
of circuitbroadcast
will match all fields of all message names beginning withhc
of circuitf47
(all fields off47:Hc1OPMode:
will match all fields of all message names containing temp for circuitf47
will match every messages ending withperiod
(all fields off47:Hc1HolidayStartPeriod:
will match all registers with a field namedhwcflowtempdesired
will exclude all registers with a field namedsensor
You can add more than one ebusd-bridge hardware to Domoticz, for instance to get some registers as read-only and others as writable.
In case of troubles, check that "Accept new Hardware Devices" is enabled, at least temporaly (in Setup / Settings / System / Hardware/Devices).
Holiday mode can be activated only by setting a start and end date. If you set "holiday" to Hc1SFMode or Hc2SFMode, it won't be effective. Domoticz doesn't handle date devices, so f47:Hc1HolidayStartPeriod f47:Hc1HolidayEndPeriod f47:Hc2HolidayStartPeriod f47:Hc2HolidayEndPeriod will appear as read-only text devices. To set holiday mode from Domoticz, you can create a virtual switch and create a Lua or dzVents script, here is an example where "Holiday mode" is a virtual switch:
return {
on = {
devices = {
'Holiday mode'
execute = function(domoticz, device)
domoticz.log('Device ' .. .. ' was changed', domoticz.LOG_ERROR)
if ( then
domoticz.devices("ebusd bridge - f47:hc1holidaystartperiod - date").update(0, "01.01.2010").afterSec(1)
domoticz.devices("ebusd bridge - f47:hc2holidaystartperiod - date").update(0, "01.01.2010").afterSec(2)
domoticz.devices("ebusd bridge - f47:hc1holidayendperiod - date").update(0, "01.01.2090").afterSec(3)
domoticz.devices("ebusd bridge - f47:hc2holidayendperiod - date").update(0, "01.01.2090").afterSec(4)
local yesterdayDate = domoticz.time.timestampToDate(domoticz.time.dDate - (24*60*60), "")
domoticz.devices("ebusd bridge - f47:hc1holidaystartperiod - date").update(0, yesterdayDate).afterSec(1)
domoticz.devices("ebusd bridge - f47:hc2holidaystartperiod - date").update(0, yesterdayDate).afterSec(2)
domoticz.devices("ebusd bridge - f47:hc1holidayendperiod - date").update(0, yesterdayDate).afterSec(3)
domoticz.devices("ebusd bridge - f47:hc2holidayendperiod - date").update(0, yesterdayDate).afterSec(4)
Now you can set "On" and "Off", even using Timers, on "Holiday mode" virtual switch, to disable heating circuits. Hot water production will be disabled automatically when all heating circuits are in holiday mode with my calorMATIC VRC470f control. This will work with Domoticz from version 3.9415 onwards, because on earlier version, update() methods from Lua and dzVents event scripts are not passed to python plugins.
dzVents script to automatically switch from summer mode to auto mode
-- temperature to decide summer mode
highTempLevel = 20
-- temperature to decide winter mode
lowTempLevel = highTempLevel - 4
-- consecutive days to watch
nDaysToWatch = 3
-- temperature device
temperatureDevice = "Température extérieure"
-- heating device 1
heating1Device = "Mode chauffage RDC"
-- heating device 2
heating2Device = "Mode chauffage étage"
-- selector switch level for summer mode
summerModeLevel = 40
-- selector switch level for winter mode
winterModeLevel = 10
return {
on = {
timer = {
"at 20:00"
data = {
history = { initial = 0 },
mode = { initial = -1 }
execute = function(domoticz, item)
temperature = domoticz.devices(temperatureDevice).temperature
if ( == winterModeLevel) then
if (temperature >= highTempLevel) then
if < nDaysToWatch then = + 1
if == nDaysToWatch then
domoticz.log("Switching heating to summer mode") = summerModeLevel = 0
else = 0
if (temperature <= lowTempLevel) then
if < nDaysToWatch then = + 1
if == nDaysToWatch then
domoticz.log("Switching heating to winter mode") = winterModeLevel = 0
else = 0
Docker compose is a convenient way to install and execute Domoticz and Ebusd together.
The following docker-compose.yml
file gives an example to install Ebusd with the "docker compose build" command:
version: "3"
container_name: ebusd
- ./config:/opt/config
- /dev:/host_dev
- ""
- "8889:8889"
- EBUSD_LOG=all error
image: john30/ebusd
- ebusd
name: ebusd
driver: bridge
attachable: true
Please note that with this configuration, to access to telnet prompt, this will only possible from the machine executing docker. The address in plugin parameters will have to be the external IP address of the machine executing docker, for instance, the address will not work.
The following docker-compose.yml
file example indicates how to put ebusd and domoticz in a private network:
version: '3'
container_name: ebusd
- ../ebusd-docker-compose/config:/opt/config
- ""
- "8889"
- EBUSD_LOG=all error
image: john30/ebusd
- domoticz
image: domoticz/domoticz:2024.1
container_name: domoticz
- ebusd
- "8080:8080"
- "443:443"
- ./config:/opt/domoticz/userdata
- TZ=Europe/Paris
#- LOG_PATH=/opt/domoticz/userdata/domoticz.log
- domoticz
name: domoticz
driver: bridge
must be created, to contain ebusd config. ./config
must be created to contain Domoticz config. ./config/plugins
is the directory to put Domoticz plugins. Please note that with this configuration, to access to telnet prompt, this will only possible from the machine executing docker and only Domoticz will be able to access 8889 port. The address in plugin parameters will have to be "ebusd".
- Guillaume Zin - Initial work - DomoticzEbusd
See also the list of contributors who participated in this project.
This project is licensed under the MIT license - see the LICENSE file for details
- John30 for ebusd
- Domoticz team