Releases: gunyu1019/chzzkpy
What's Changed
Support offical API provided by Chzzk Developer Center
- Support Session feature to handle donation, message.
- Support Chat Section feature to send message, send announcement, or setup chatting.
- Support User Section feature to get self-channel info
- Support Authorization Section feature to authentic channel.
- Support Channel Section feature to search channel with an unique id, or setup self-channel
- Support Live Section feature to search live
- Support Category Section featrue to gather categories.
Apply indepentent gateway configured and protocol in python environment.
Support Multiple-Connection Session feature. (Max Client Session: 10, Max User Session: unlimited)
await user_client1.connect(UserPermission.all(), addition_connect=True) await user_client2.connect(UserPermission.all())
Related Issues/Pull Requests
- [Feat] Support chzzk offical API by @gunyu1019 in #42
- [Feat] Apply major update(v2) element to develop branch by @gunyu1019 in #62
- [Deploy] Bump to v2.0.0 (Major Update) by @gunyu1019 in #63
What's Changed
- Add
event to handle subscription gift. - Add
data class. - Add
method inDonationMessage
to response Mission Donation.async def on_donation(donation: chzzkpy.DonationMessage): if donation.extras.donation_type != "MISSION": return await donation.approve() return
Related Issue/Pull Requests
- [Feat] Implement Mission Pending Result. by @gunyu1019 in #41
- [FR] 구독권 선물 이벤트 추가 by @ywj515 in #60
- [Deploy] Bump to v1.2.0 (Last Minior Update in v1) by @gunyu1019 in #61
Addition Context
This is last minor update in v1 to prepare publish v2. No longer minor update in v1.
Or, patch updates are available, when bugs are found in v1.
I would say to prepare ahead of major updates by applying a development branch.
In v2, a chzzkpy supports offical API (Chzzk Developer Center)
$ git clone -b develop
$ cd chzzkpy
$ python3 -m pip install -U . --upgrade
I recommend applying the official API. Here is an example chat bot with offical API.
I have tried to keep the overall differences between v1 and v2 to consider the Developer Experience(DX)
from chzzkpy.offical import Client, Donation, Message, UserPermission
client_id = "Prepared Client ID"
client_secret = "Prepared Client Secret"
client = Client(client_id, client_secret)
async def on_chat(message: Message):
if message.content == "!안녕":
await message.send("%s님, 안녕하세요!" % message.profile.nickname)
async def on_donation(donation: Donation):
await donation.send("%s님, %d원 후원 감사합니다." % (donation.profile.nickname, donation.pay_amount))
async def main():
authorization_url = client.generate_authorization_token_url(redirect_url="https://localhost", state="abcd12345")
print(f"Please login with this url: {authorization_url}")
code = input("Please input response code: ")
user_client = await client.generate_user_client(code, "abcd12345")
await user_client.connect(UserPermission.all())
What's Changed
- Apply new restrict feature to chzzkpy package. (add days, reason parameter)
- Add edit restrict method
- RestrictUser data class extends ParticleUser.
- [Fix] (Temporary Action) An Exception was raised when ManageClient.subcribers method called without filter parameter.
Related Issue/Pull Requests
What's Changed
- [Fix] Invaild parameter name to filter subscribers with nickname.
- [Fix] Add
condition at Message.model_validate_with_client classmethod to cause LoginRequired Exception when client didn't logined.
Related Issue/Pull Request
- [BUG] manageclient.subscriber() 에서 nickname 값을 넣어주더라도 검색이 되지 않는 현상 by @ywj515 in #52
- [Deploy] Bump to v1.1.6 by @gunyu1019 in #53
What's Changed
- [Fix] Invaild usage parameter at ManageClient.subcribers method.
- [Fix] Missing attribute exception(in anonymous donation) at MissingDonation
Related Issue/Pull Requests
What's Changed
- Add
event - Add MissionParticipationDonation data-class to handle
- Add missiong attribute at
in #37 - [Emergency Patch] Missing Commit #40
Related Issues/Pull Requests
- [FR] 미션금 추가 by @ywj515 in #36
- [Deploy] Bump-up to v1.1.1 by @gunyu1019 in #38
This version had deprecated.
Reason: Missing Commit.
What's Changed
eventAdd MissionParticipationDonation data-class to handleon_mission_cost_update
Add missiong attribute atBaseDonation
in #37
Related Issues/Pull Requests
- [FR] 미션금 추가 by @ywj515 in #36
- [Deploy] Bump-up to v1.1.1 by @gunyu1019 in #38~~
What's Changed
- Implement channel management feature.
- Get chat activity count
- Add temporary restrict
- Add/Delete restrict
- Manage channel permission
- Manage Stream
- Prohibit Word
- Manage video and replay video
- Manage restrict-activity user and unrestrict-activity-request.
- Collect following user and, subscription user.
- Add interactive feature at PartialUser classes. (restrict, role, chat activity count)
- Add interactive feature at Message(extends NoticeMessage, SubscriptionMessage, DonationMessage ... etc)
- Add
method at Chat Client - Add PartialVideo class (for management feautre.)
- Move UserRole enumeration class to basic. (for management feature.)
- (Fix) SystemExtraParameter.register_chat_profile and SystemExtraParameter.target_profile can be None.
- (Fix) Duplicated attribute (Profile.activity_badges)
Related Issues/Pull Requests
- [Feat] Add broadcast management feature. by @gunyu1019 in #33