These configuration files aka dotfiles, and utilities are from my primary setup I use day-to-day, the core of which includes: macOS, iTerm2, and the zsh shell. Symlinks for dotfiles are managed with the Stow.
To set up, assuming git
is installed, run:
git clone ~/.dotfiles
cd $HOME/.dotfiles
is an idempotent script.
Please backup configrations before running script.
To install plugins, including the Catppuccin theme, run the command prefix + I.
To create symlinks, use stow. The following command will create symlinks for gnupg configs.
stow gnupg
Please note, if files are already present in the directory we are trying to create a stow in, then use the --adopt
stow gnupg --adopt
System specific shell configurations can be added to ~/.zshrc.local
. It will be sourced when the shell initializes.
System specific git configurations like user's name, email, signing key, etc. can be added to ~/.gitconfig.local
Inspired by various resources shared by the vibrant open-source community, including online resources and dotfiles repositories: