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Bada$$ Django Template


  • Python 2.6 or 2.7

Setup & Install

Install virtualenv:

$ wget
$ tar zxf virtualenv-1.8.2.tar.gz
$ cd virtualenv-1.8.2
$ python install

You may need to do that last step as root. Just make sure you use the correct Python binary for OSes with multiple Python versions.

Create a virtual environment for the project:

$ virtualenv myproject-env
$ cd myproject-env
$ source bin/activate
$ pip install django

Now run the startproject command:

$ startproject --template -e py,ini,gitignore,in,conf,md,sample -n Makefile myproject
$ cd myproject

Install the base requirements:

$ pip install -r requirements.txt

Then either start the built-in Django server:

$ ./bin/ runserver

or run a uwsgi process:

$ uwsgi --ini server/uwsgi/local.ini --protocol http --socket --check-static _site


  • clean project structure
    • _site directory for web server document root
      • copied static files and user uploaded media files
      • works well with nginx's try_files directive
      • maintenance directory for toggling maintenance mode's
  • server configurations for nginx, uWSGI, and Supervisor
    • note: the paths will need to be updated to match your environment
  • tiered settings for easier cross-environment support
    • for environment-independent settings
    • for environment-specific settings (not versioned)
    • for bringing them together and post-setup
  • template
  • a clean static directory for large Web app development
  • wicked hot Makefile for watching static files pre-processors:
    • make watch
    • CoffeeScript (requires Node and CoffeeScript)
    • SCSS (requires Ruby and Sass)
    • compiles scss => css
    • compiles coffee => javascript/src
  • integration with r.js
    • make optimize
    • includes file for single-file JavaScript optimization
    • compiles javascript/src => javascript/min
  • context processor for including more direct static urls
    • {{ CSS_URL }}
    • {{ JAVASCRIPT_URL }}
    • {{ IMAGES_URL }}
  • full-featured for one-command deployment


  • Ruby
  • Node
  • Ruby Sass gem
  • Node CoffeeScript module

Makefile Commands

  • build - builds and initializes all submodules, compiles SCSS and CoffeeScript and optimizes JavaScript
  • watch - watches the CoffeeScript and SCSS files in the background for changes and automatically recompiles the files
  • unwatch - stops watching the CoffeeScript and SCSS files
  • sass - one-time explicit recompilation of SCSS files
  • coffee - one-time explicit recompilation of CoffeeScript files

Fabfile Commands

  • mm_on - turns on maintenance mode
  • mm_off - turns off maintenance mode
  • deploy - deploy a specific Git tag on the host

Local Settings is intentionally not versioned (via .gitignore). It should contain any environment-specific settings and/or sensitive settings such as passwords, the SECRET_KEY and other information that should not be in version control. Defining is not mandatory but will warn if it does not exist.

CoffeeScript/JavaScript Development

Ensure Node, NPM and CoffeeScript are installed:

$ npm install coffee-script -g

CoffeeScript is lovely. The flow is simple:

  • write some CoffeeScript which automatically gets compiled in JavaScript (by doing make watch)
  • when ready to test non-DEBUG mode, run make optimize

The file will need to be updated to define which modules should be compiled to single files. It is recommended to take a tiered approach to reduce overall file size across pages and increase cache potential for libraries that won't change for a while, for example jQuery.

SCSS Development

Ensure Ruby and the Sass gem are installed:

$ gem install sass

Sass is awesome. SCSS is a superset of CSS so you can use as much or as little SCSS syntax as you want. It is recommended to write all of your CSS rules as SCSS, since at the very least the Sass minifier can be taken advantage of.

Execute the following commands to begin watching the static files and collect the files (using Django's collectstatic command):

$ make sass coffee watch collect

Note, the sass and coffee targets are called first to ensure the compiled files exist before attempting to collect them. Just running watch spawns background processes and may result in a race condition with the collect command.


A badass Django project template






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