- starts with a prioritization list of backlog tasks
- each input for a task includes time estimation, complexity estimation, impact estimation, and deadline
- the list automatically sorts based on the calculations of time, complexity, impact, and deadline
- tasks can be organized into projects or a project can be created that breaks down into a collection of tasks
- the view breaks into two main parts: prioritization list and a timeblock section
- usage should be inputs of tasks go into the timeblock section each day (user drags and drops or selects); if a task is not completed in the timeblock by the end of the day or work period, it goes back into the priority list with an option to annotate what has been done and how much time has been spent on the task (tasks can also be broken into checklists or subtasks)
- mobile version only bouncing between single screen of priority list and timeblock view
- shows time, date, weather, and holidays/events
- to start with at the end of each day the app will clear the timeblock (no future timeblocks can be set, only set on a day-to-day basis)
- current time highlighted for timeblock
- right click menu
- initial iteration completeded (target deadline was 1 month)
- refactor
- incoporate some of the other features mentioned in the idea section