#WorkerPool Example
This is an example of a workerpool in Go.
##Summary A worker pool has three main components:
- Collector Receives work requests and sends them to the queue (http server)
- Dispatcher Divies out work request to workers as they become available. In this example, the dispatcher is a goroutine. The Dispatcher Goroutine then spawns new go routines to send work requests to the queue. This way, if even if the queue is full, it will not block the collector.
- Worker Unit for work. This is where stuff actually gets done.
##Usage Run the program via executable. This way it can be done using flags.
./workpool [-workers=number of workers] [-http=http address]
The default flags will start the program with 4 workers and at localhost:8000.
To check it out in action, you can try this simple bash script:
for i in {1..1000}; do curl localhost:8000/work -d name=<NAME HERE> -d delay=$(expr $i % 10 + 1)s; done
- Gian Biondi [email protected]