You can use vagrant manager on top of this Vagrant File
Install VirtualBox and Vagrant
This vagrantfile rely on plugins, you need to install them
- vagrant-hostmanager
- vagrant-triggers
- vagrant-auto_network
vagrant plugin install vagrant-hostmanager vagrant-triggers vagrant-auto_network
Create yml files describing any machines you want to create and place them in the /machines folder See /examples/machine.example.yml for a template.
Create a private/public keys and add them to the machine configuration
ssh_private: keys/id_rsa
ssh_public: keys/
By Default Machine ip-address and hostname are automatically managed and linked by Vagrant
Each guest will have line setup in their /etc/hosts
HOST_IP vagrant-host
So that if you want to connect to the host from the box you can just use vagrant-host
Each guest machines has access to the other machines via /etc/hosts
if ansible = true and a correct playbook file is found vagrant will use Ansible local provisioner to provision the machine
By Default Vagrant will look in your source_www folder for file named
You can specify what playbook file to use with the "ansible_guest_playbook" variable
It also register default roles from the folder /vagrant/provisioners/ansible/roles Default Roles are
- Server
- Apache
- Php
- Mysql
- Composer
Name | Description |
name | Box name |
enabled | True/ False - Set to false to ignore this machine |
box | What Vagrant Machine to use |
box_memory | Memory assigned to the box |
box_cpus | Number of Cpus Assigned to the box |
ssh_private | Path to your private key to use to connect to the box |
ssh_public | Path to your public key to use to connect to the box |
hostname | HOSTNAME of the box |
aliases | [Optional] Array of aliases that will point to this box |
source_www | Project Source path |
sync | Other folders to synchronize between host and guest Each folder has 3 parameters, - host: path to host folder - guest: path to guest folder - id: unique-id |
ansible | true/false if you want to use ansible to provision the box |
ansible_guest_playbook | Path to the ansible playbook file - (In the Box - not host) |
Reload Host for all machines and host
vagrant hostmanager