Note: Please do not use yarn for this project. When everybody uses npm it's easier. (To my knowledge yarn also did not surpass npm in popularity and people are turning back to npm?)
Debug with logs: either see terminal or Winston logger if trouble. You should see if you have the server running and if the connection to the database is established.
- (If you have an old installation, remove it, or remove at least node_modules and package-lock.json/yarn.lock etc.)
- git clone / git pull the repo
- npm install
- create an '.env' file to the root of the project folder and set the correct environmental variables needed. Model for the file located at Teams > DevOps, Linux > Files > .xlsx
- npm start
- See your project running HTTP:://LOCALHOST:PORT_HERE/ with a "Hello World!"
- Install your local MariaDB if you don't have it already. Step-by-step instructions located at folder MariaDB_InstallationDocs_ForLocalDB
- Set up SSH tunnel with SSH tunneling guide either using
- Putty
- Command line
- DBMS software such as HeidiSQL, MySQL Workbench or DBeaver.
A few examples to test the connection to the database:
npm start &
The & at the end detaches the starting thread from the console thread. Thus even if you close the console, the server continues to run. You can also start to do other things with the console, don't need to wait for the server to close.
lsof -i | grep '8777'
This will list all processes with e.g. listened port. And grep only takes lines with the value 8777 on it. => we get the PID of the running backend
sudo kill -9 12345
This would kill the process with PID 12345. Try without sudo if not in with sudo user.
mariadb -h localhost -u db_admin_username_here -p
(and give the password later, after hitting Enter, with right-click + Enter again)
USE testdb;
at least these are needed while testing: (Possibly also drop tables, create tables,) ...
SOURCE ./Database/SQL_Scripts/03_insert_tech_test_data.sql;
SOURCE ./Database/SQL_Scripts/06_delete_all_tasks.dsql;
SOURCE ./Database/SQL_Scripts/03_insert_tech_test_data.sql;