This is a language for describing a single FFNN (feed forward neural network) or an entity of FFNN (an FFNNE) connected together, train them and test them. It does a lot to the background and made it easier for me to automate the creation of FFNN/FFNNE and assess them.
It is written in perl in around 1995 for the purposes of my PhD research. It probably needs a major rewrite.
Over the years I have added functionality for manipulating data files for training and testing the networks. Most importantly, I have added support for using Support Vector Machines (SVM) and comparing to the neural networks. SVM programs are from Libsvm,, by Chih-Chung Chang and Chih-Jen Lin).
This is my work. You can use and distribute it as you wish but NOT for commercial purposes. Use it at your own risk!
The preferred way to install is to dowmload the tarball distribtution from this repository (
tar xvzf neuralparser-5.0.tar.gz
cd neuralparser-5.0
./configure && make clean && make all
Here is a first script to start with:
SIN = CreateSingle {
# this is a plain, monolithic feed forward neural network
SingleType = FFNN;
# oh this is deeeeep neeeet!
# Arch = 14 53 139 73 31 3;
Arch = 14 31 3;
# weights file
Weights = W_SINGLE;
# output sigmoid?
Sigmoid = Yes;
# this is a classification task
NumOutputClasses = 2;
$ # <<< end of file
Let us save this script to a file called
Now let's train it:
# the training file
A_FILE = OpenFileObject {
Filename = training.txt;
IncludeFile {
# read and execute the creation of the neural network
# saved as SIN
Filename =;
# train the neural network
TrainSingle {
Obj = SIN;
InpFileObj = A_FILE;
Iters = 1000;
Beta = 0.1;
Lamda = 0.0;
Seed = 1234;
# in order to observe evolution of weights we can save them occasionally
SaveWeightsEveryNIterations = 100;
# print progress report every so often
ShowProgressEveryNIterations = 100;
# to this log file
ProgressFilename = progress.txt;
UniqueWeightsFile = no;
Silent = Yes;
# tell us that training has finished, it can also send an email...
SendInformation {
OutFileName = finished.txt;
Message = @ Single FFNN;
Obj = SIN;
Fine, so let's save this file to
and let's proceed
to testing (assess the learning performance) of the trained
neural network with the following script:
INPUT = OpenFileObject{ Filename = testing.txt; }
IncludeFile {
Filename =;
TestSingle {
Obj = SIN;
InpFileObj = INPUT;
OutFileName = result.txt;
Now that we have the scripts we can call the interpreter (np
to do the hard work. Note that you should already had installed
NNengine (from which
provides the Neural Network executables.
And here we are doing the training
np -clog training.clog -log training.log
And here is the testing
np -clog training.clog -log training.log
Now, there is a lot more to this. For example
input data manipulation and connecting
networks together or letting np
a network according to spec.
There is a manual accompanying this software which will give you more details.
Any questions or help please drop me a line.
author: Andreas Hadjiprocopis
[email protected] (ex [email protected]) (ex