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Releases: haf/Http.fs


27 Jun 13:40
@haf haf
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Default non-specified charsets to UTF8 rather than Latin 1.


07 Jun 13:36
@haf haf
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Allow adding Authorization header without HttpClient validating it.


23 May 14:57
@haf haf
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Bump compilation target to net471 due to and so many other errors stemming from this
Suave.Testing is now a file in each unit test project


20 May 12:52
@haf haf
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SSE improvements and tests


17 May 11:00
@haf haf
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Support SSE

v4.0.0 – Logary Facade

24 Aug 08:22
@haf haf
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v4.0 is a semver-compliant major version bump

It's a minor breaking change, which won't affect normal usage, but does change the API surface area.

  • HttpFs.Logging has been replaced for the Logary Facade
  • Bumped to latest Hopac

v3.1.x – Alt<Response> functionality

22 Aug 19:12
@haf haf
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This release brings with it Alt<Response> and <Alt<Choice<Response, exn>> functionality. This means that you cancel a web request, just by not committing to the Ack. However, you'll always send the request whilst constructing the Alt. Thanks for @polytypic and @neoeinstein for assistance with this release!

This release marks v3 stable and moves further bugfix development onto the releases/v3.x branch. Please PR towards that branch if you have bugfixes. Otherwise PR towards master.

v4 will include similar Alt<...> support but with more granular error cases as well as granular cancelling of both request, downloading of response headers and downloading of response body.

Maybe we'll make HTTP2 come true for v4, maybe we'll get HTTP pipelining. We'll be getting back structural currying (wrapping a module in an object instance to avoid having to pass config around) in order to make it easier to consume the library for newbies.

Hopefully we'll also get some proper HTTP response parsers for v4. =) Keep the PRs coming!

With this release you may abandon the Http.fs-prerelease nuget, as we're now back to the offical nuget name.


v3.0.3 - Major upgrade (2.x is stable too)

19 May 13:35
@haf haf
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This release does two major things:

  1. It moves all withXXX function into the Request module
  2. It changes everything from Async to Hopac's Job
  3. HttpFs.Composition that contains the beginning of filters/middleware. v3 doesn't take that all the way, so Composition should not be considered a stable API at this point.

This may or may not be what you're after, so that's why you can also use the 2.x releases if you wish.

That said, you can fairly easily change a Job to an Async with

The aim of v3 and v4 as they come is:

  1. Introduce a custom TCP and HTTP parsing stack, replacing the built in ones
  2. Introduce support for lots of different useful filters (e.g. a filter for Hawk-signing, Oz-authentication/redirects, Server Sent Events, optimistic concurrency control, request id generation for idempotence. And so on...)


16 Jan 10:21
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Added Patch Http verb, fixed issue with empty response.CharacterEncoding


30 Oct 13:53
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Added getResponseStream