go get
$ go get github.com/hahwul/ras-fuzzer
clone and build
$ git clone https://github.com/hahwul/ras-fuzzer
$ cd ras-fuzzer
$ go build
Usage of ./ras-fuzzer:
-callback string
runnning command if me find
- Pattern: **PARAM**
- e.g: **PARAM**
-length int
Max Length of domain (default 8)
-target string
Target domain (e.g hahwul.com)
-verbose int
(Not Supported) Show/Unshow Log(1=show log, 0=only result) (default 1)
./ras-fuzzer -target google.com
____ ___ ___ ____ _ ___ ___ ____ ____
| . \| \ | _\ ___ | _\|| \ |_ \ |_ \ | __\| . \
| <_| . \[__ \|___\| _\ ||_|\| __]| __]| ]_| <_
|/\_/|/\_/|___/ |/ |___/|___/|___/|___/|/\_/ by hahwul
* Fuzzing Information
* Your Target: *.google.com
* Max Length : 8
* Dictionary : [a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u v w x y z 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9]
* Combinatorial: (36+8-1)!/((36-1)!*8!) = ༼ つ ◕_◕ ༽つ <= !@#.. many case..
[+] w.google.com
[+] d.google.com
[+] vr.google.com
[+] gg.google.com
[+] yp.google.com
[+] id.google.com
[+] 1.google.com
send message to slack (with callback options)
./ras-fuzzer -target google.com -callback "curl -X POST --data-urlencode 'payload={\"channel\": \"#your-slack-channel\", \"username\": \"ras-fuzzer\", \"text\": \"Find subdomain : **PARAM**\", \"icon_emoji\": \":ghost:\"}' https://hooks.slack.com/services/your-slack-webhook-address"
make file (with callback options)
./ras-fuzzer -target google.com -callback "touch **PARAM**"
[+] gg.google.com
[+] 1.google.com
$ ls | grep google.com