- Auto Scavenge
- It only uses spear and sword units.
- It calculates the optimal number of units to deploy based on maximizing resource collection per hour.
You just need to change your baseUrl.
baseUrl: "https://tr89.klanlar.org"
accept: "application/json, text/javascript, */*; q=0.01"
cache-control: "no-cache"
content-type: "application/x-www-form-urlencoded; charset=UTF-8"
pragma: "no-cache"
tribalwars-ajax: "1"
x-agentname: "test"
x-correlationid: "test"
x-requested-with: "XMLHttpRequest"
- villageId: Your village id
maxHours: integer (null=infinity)
worldSpeed: 1
ff: bool (isEnabled for Option 1)
bb: bool (isEnabled for Option 2)
ss: bool (isEnabled for Option 3)
rr: bool (isEnabled for Option 4)
VAR | Values | Description |
ACTION | scavenge | select the mode of the application |
You need to place your cookie into the file 'resources/cookie.txt'
ACTION=scavenge python3 main.py
docker build --build-arg ACTION={your_action} -t {your_image_name} .
docker run --name {your_container_name} {your_image_name}