The library implements Fast Fully Homomorphic Encryption Library over the Torus in Rust.
version v1.1.0 implements fft and using spqlios
version v1.0.0 very slow homnand
cargo run --example homnand --features=spqlios --release
cargo test -- --nocapture nand
cargo test --features=fft -- --nocapture nand
cargo test --features=spqlios -- --nocapture nand
cargo bench
cargo bench --features=fft # (x3)
cargo bench --features=spqlios # (x10)
- implements fft
- implements spqlios
- compare spqlios fma, avx, unaligned
- reduce todo, fixme
- mesure key size
- bench-rs?
I. Chillotti, N. Gama, M. Georgieva, and M. Izabachène. TFHE: Fast Fully Homomorphic Encryptionover the Torus. In Journal of Cryptology, volume 33, pages 34–91 (2020). PDF