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Granger Causality is a common method to express effects of a time series to another one, in this context, cause may be prefered to replaced by predection. Granger Causality is defined as below:
Assume we have two time series x(t) and y(t), and we want to estimate how much does x(t) affect by y(t). We may consider time series x(t) as a Auto-Regressive Process, means that
x(t) = a_1 * x(t - 1) + a_2 * x(t - 2) + ... a_n * x(t - n),
and if y(t) have some effects on signal x(t), we may consider it as,
x(t) = a_1 * x(t - 1) + a_2 * x(t - 2) + ... a_n * x(t - n) + b_1 * y(t - 1) + b_2 * y(t - 2) + ... + b_m * y(t - m)
so, if we have two signals x and y and once try to estimate x(t) as an AR process by itself with error e_i and then try to estimate it as a combination of itself and signal y(t) with error value e_b, we define Granger Causality as
GC = log(e_i / e_b)
[1] Granger Causaltiy in Wikipedia
** Please note that this project is not completed yet, for more details contact me! **