Github is a way for people to collaborate on software projects. It revolves primarily around Git, a version control system that keeps track of the changes you make in a project.
It's important to note that Git and Github are two complete separate things. Git is the version control part; Github is the collaborative part.
Download Git here
Make a Github account here
- Create a git repository from inside a directory (folder):
- repository = project
git init
- Clone a git repository into a directory:
- clone = to download a preexisting repository from github (or other git server)
git clone https://github.com/TJDevClub/DevClubVR MyFolderName
- Commit a change:
- After you've implemented a feature or fixed a bug, you'll want to commit, or "save" that version in Git.
- You accomplish this in 2 steps:
- Add the files you want to commit.
git add [file(s)...]
- Commit the changes with a commit message.
git commit -m "commit message"
- If you just do
git commit
, you will be prompted to enter a commit message.
- Add the files you want to commit.
- Pushing your working directory:
- After you have committed, you'll want to push your changes to the master version on Github.
git push origin master
is the remote repository (on Github's servers)master
is the branch that you are pushing; you can create more branches, we'll talk about why later.
- Pulling from Github:
- If you want to make sure your local repository is up to date with the remote repository, you'll want to pull.
git pull origin master
- Help it's not working! Refer to this comic. Then Google it. Git provides fantastic documentation
- Create a git repository from inside a directory (folder):
- Fork this repo on Github:
- Clone your repo:
git clone https://github.com/TJDevClub/Git-Started.git
- Make a new file, call it 'hi.txt'
- Write whatever you want inside.
- Type
git status
to see the status of your files. - Type
git add hi.txt
to add the file to your staging area. - Commit this file, with the commit message "Say Hello"
- Note on commit messages: Short commit messages should be concise,informative, in the imperative form, and in title case
- Make a new branch called "Hello" with
git branch Hello
- You can checkout this branch with
git checkout Hello
- Then you can push to your repo.
- Do some more stuff; whatever you want.
- Make a pull request to the official TJ Dev Club repository.