Tech Stack: react, express, typescript, nx, prisma, zitadel, tailwind, daisyui, resend and postgresql.
This is a multi tenancy project, each organization with its independant space. Uses zitadel as the IDP: identity provider.
Each organization is created in zitadel and in the app's database.
Working apps:
- Create articles, no login required.
- Log in with zitadel and get to a dashboard.
- Log out
...actually fixing sending email with resend when you publish an article.
1.- Node 18 or superior is required, we recommend install with nvm:
2.- Install nx globally
npm i -g nx
3.- Create network to connect zitadel database and server.
docker network create zitadel
4.- hosts file
In a multi tenancy environment host names are important, moreover when you are not logged in.
In order for the two organizations in this sample, dinobank and dogsinc to work, you must add two hosts to this machine. Add next line to your /etc/hosts
file: dinobank.localhost dogsinc.localhost
5.- Environment variables file
Rename .env.sample to .env
1.- Clone and install this project
git clone
cd zstarter
npm install
2.- Start app database with organizations preloaded.
cd zstarter-database
docker compose up -d
3.- Start zitadel database with orgnizations preloaded
cd zitadel-database
docker compose up -d
4.- Start zitadel server
cd zitadel-server
docker compose up -d
5.- Sync your db schema
nx prisma-generate dao-prisma
nx prisma-push dao-prisma
6.- Start back end express
nx serve web-server
7.- Start the front end
nx serve front
That's it
You can go to: http://dinobank.localhost:4200/ or http://dogsinc.localhost:4200/
or to the admin organization http://localhost:4200/
Besides the name each one has a different daisyui theme.
For simplicity we are using the zitadel admin user, that can log in any organization.
[email protected]
with password
Go to the zitadel admin panel at:
And create users in the other organizations, and you will see that they as expected can only log in where they are registered: