Found here:
- (2019/05/03)
- (2019/05/06)
- (2019/05/29)
$ make update
$ make umbrellas
- alanvardy/rexex - Elixir regular expression editor, inspired by Rubular
( 2019-09-05 / 72 commits / 0 stars ) - aleph-naught2tog/live_tinkering - Little toy demos for Phoenix LiveView
( 2019-03-21 / 25 commits / 29 stars ) - alukasz/pentago - Implementation of board game Pentago
( 2019-08-02 / 54 commits / 3 stars ) - amberbit/board - An example Elixir + Phoenix + OTP + LiveView app
( 2019-05-15 / 6 commits / 15 stars ) - andreaseriksson/poor_man_spa - Proof of concept for a SPA with Phoenix Live View, Turbolinks and Rails UJS
( 2019-06-10 / 16 commits / 4 stars ) - angelikatyborska/falling_blocks - A simple game made with PhoenixLiveView
( 2021-03-10 / 54 commits / 15 stars ) - archethic-foundation/archethic-node - Official ArchEthic Blockchain node, written in Elixir
( 2022-01-27 / 746 commits / 24 stars ) - artsy/inflow - Experiment - Artsy import app in Elixir/Phoenix
( 2020-12-11 / 35 commits / 3 stars ) - axelclark/ex338 - Web application to manage the 338 Challenge fantasy sports league
( 2021-08-15 / 916 commits / 16 stars ) - barboza/chatter - A simple chat application using Phoenix Live View
( 2019-09-18 / 11 commits / 2 stars ) - barsoom/ex-remit - A self-hosted web app for commit-by-commit code review, written using Phoenix LiveView.
( 2022-01-19 / 586 commits / 18 stars ) - benvp/liveview_autocomplete - A simple but powerful autocomplete using Phoenix LiveView and Alpine.js
( 2020-07-11 / 2 commits / 11 stars ) - bigardone/phoenix-liveview-ant-farm - Concurrent ant farm with Elixir and Phoenix LiveView
( 2019-05-11 / 10 commits / 62 stars ) - BigTom/changeban -
( 2021-10-17 / 131 commits / 0 stars ) - cadebward/live_view_surface_editor - An example repo that uses LV hooks to integrate the ACE editor
( 2020-01-16 / 6 commits / 1 stars ) - CassiusPacheco/live_chat - A simple (non-optimised) real-time chat built with Phoenix LiveView
( 2019-03-31 / 3 commits / 2 stars ) - chrismccord/phoenix_live_view_example -
( 2021-09-24 / 112 commits / 488 stars ) - ckampfe/rere -
( 2019-03-28 / 1 commits / 6 stars ) - code-shoily/covid19 - A Phoenix app to display Novel Coronavirus (COVID-19)
( 2022-01-02 / 268 commits / 90 stars ) - coingaming/bennu - Component system and rendering engine for Phoenix and LiveView
( 2021-09-26 / 88 commits / 2 stars ) - coletiv/blog-phoenix-live-view-google-maps - How to use Google Maps with Phoenix Live View
( 2020-07-14 / 4 commits / 4 stars ) - dashbitco/bytepack_archive - Archive of
( 2020-12-03 / 1 commits / 295 stars ) - DataKrewTech/AcqDat - IoT Data Acquisition and Visualization Engine
( 2020-01-16 / 28 commits / 0 stars ) - DEalog/backoffice - The backoffice application for the DEalog platform
( 2021-09-16 / 194 commits / 4 stars ) - DefactoSoftware/BearNecessities - Multiplayer bear game with Phoenix Live View
( 2019-09-17 / 260 commits / 19 stars ) - dersnek/chirp - A real-time Twitter clone with LiveView and Phoenix 1.5 (
( 2021-01-25 / 5 commits / 95 stars ) - djthread/lucidboard - A realtime, collaborative kanban tool, built on Elixir, Phoenix, and LiveView.
( 2019-12-12 / 281 commits / 80 stars ) - dmitriid/phreak - Kubernetes Dashboard with Phoenix LiveView
( 2020-03-16 / 19 commits / 17 stars ) - dnsbty/level10 - Phoenix LiveView multiplayer card game
( 2021-09-09 / 267 commits / 40 stars ) - dorilla/live_view_black_jack - BlackJack
( 2019-04-04 / 20 commits / 58 stars ) - drumusician/elixir_conf_live_view_dashboard - A LiveView Dashboard with ElixirConf Stats
( 2019-04-03 / 4 commits / 16 stars ) - dsdshcym/phoenix_live_view_sudoku - A Sudoku solver written with Elixir, Phoenix, and Phoenix LiveView
( 2019-07-26 / 21 commits / 12 stars ) - Echoes93/flood -
( 2019-07-12 / 22 commits / 0 stars ) - elixirschool/live-view-chat - A chat app built with Phoenix LiveView, PubSub and Presence
( 2020-04-22 / 12 commits / 48 stars ) - eteubert/open_adventure_capitalist - A Phoenix LiveView experiment. Simple implementation of Adventure Capitalist.
( 2019-03-17 / 7 commits / 13 stars ) - fly-apps/live_beats -
( 2022-02-04 / 226 commits / 370 stars ) - FlyingDutchmanGames/battle_box - The Open Source Bot Battle Engine
( 2021-01-06 / 1200 commits / 2 stars ) - fremantle-industries/workbench - From Idea to Execution - Manage your trading operation across a distributed cluster
( 2022-02-02 / 924 commits / 83 stars ) - fully-forged/memento - Collect saved items from different sources around the web
( 2021-10-04 / 267 commits / 96 stars ) - fully-forged/tune - A streamlined Spotify client and browser with a focus on performance and integrations.
( 2021-12-03 / 587 commits / 197 stars ) - future-cyborg/phoenix_example_multi_nested_form - This is an example repo of how to work with nested forms while using Phoenix LiveView.
( 2019-05-28 / 2 commits / 1 stars ) - garthk/live_bg_demo -
( 2020-11-04 / 6 commits / 1 stars ) - gaslight/live_deck - A Real-Time Presentation Application Powered by Phoenix LiveView
( 2020-10-02 / 241 commits / 66 stars ) - Glimesh/ - Glimesh is a next generation live streaming platform built by the community, for the community.
( 2022-02-02 / 829 commits / 292 stars ) - guitsaru/rest_client - A REST client made with Phoenix LiveView
( 2020-09-29 / 19 commits / 23 stars ) - H12/foss_retro - A simple retro tool built with Phoenix LiveView and OTP
( 2021-10-13 / 136 commits / 3 stars ) - happycodrz/bordo - mirror / backup from
( 2020-12-02 / 879 commits / 0 stars ) - hurty/phoenix_live_view_example -
( 2019-03-26 / 55 commits / 19 stars ) - imartinat/phoenix_live_view_tablefilter - Table Filter with Phoenix LiveView
( 2019-06-08 / 91 commits / 15 stars ) - jeffkreeftmeijer/hayago - The Go game, implemented with Phoenix LiveView.
( 2020-12-31 / 7 commits / 56 stars ) - jmschles/cribbex - Cribbage in elixir!
( 2021-05-03 / 66 commits / 0 stars ) - joerichsen/phoenix_live_view_example -
( 2019-06-15 / 64 commits / 34 stars ) - JohnB/phoenix_live_view_example -
( 2020-06-20 / 83 commits / 4 stars ) - kuroda/live_dendron - Live Dendron - a Phoenix LiveView demo
( 2020-06-03 / 95 commits / 5 stars ) - livebook-dev/livebook - Interactive and collaborative code notebooks for Elixir - made with Phoenix LiveView
( 2022-02-04 / 922 commits / 2415 stars ) - Logflare/logflare - Never get surprised by a logging bill again. Centralized structured logging for Cloudflare, Vercel, Elixir and Javascript.
( 2022-01-18 / 4543 commits / 356 stars ) - makerion/makerion -
( 2019-08-10 / 129 commits / 3 stars ) - martinstannard/soup - A multi-player boggle clone written with Phoenix LiveView
( 2022-02-03 / 67 commits / 5 stars ) - mcrumm/live_upload_example - Demonstrating file uploads with Phoenix LiveView
( 2022-01-24 / 44 commits / 35 stars ) - mitchellhenke/mprop -
( 2021-05-08 / 206 commits / 9 stars ) - mmmries/showoff - A small elixir service for playing with the ChunkySVG library
( 2021-11-27 / 34 commits / 6 stars ) - mnussbaumer/cocktail - A LiveView Test of a Visual HTML Editor server side rendered
( 2019-05-15 / 11 commits / 0 stars ) - monjohn/phellow - A Trello Clone in Phoenix using LiveView
( 2021-08-07 / 59 commits / 14 stars ) - moomerman/flappy-phoenix - 🐦 Flappy Bird clone written in Elixir using Phoenix LiveView to render the game UI from the server.
( 2020-10-17 / 256 commits / 71 stars ) - mreishus/demon_spirit_umbrella - Demon Spirit is an abstract board game played on a 5x5 grid.
( 2020-05-18 / 429 commits / 10 stars ) - neslinesli93/breakoutex - A breakout clone written in pure Elixir, using Phoenix LiveView
( 2020-09-09 / 93 commits / 34 stars ) - nickdichev/markdown-live - MarkdownLive is an example application using Phoenix LiveView which renders user-submitted Markdown on the server.
( 2021-03-10 / 81 commits / 41 stars ) - nicolasblanco/booking_calendar -
( 2019-04-15 / 4 commits / 18 stars ) - oestrich/grapevine - The MUD Chat Network
( 2021-02-16 / 1209 commits / 138 stars ) - padde/scrumpokr - Online Scrum poker for remote software development teams
( 2020-04-08 / 25 commits / 3 stars ) - pedromtavares/moba - A turn-based browser RPG built with Phoenix LiveView
( 2022-02-05 / 191 commits / 132 stars ) - pentacent/keila - Open Source Newsletter Tool.
( 2022-01-31 / 423 commits / 450 stars ) - PJUllrich/e2e-testing-with-cypress - Auxiliary code to the talk: End-2-End Testing with Cypress
( 2019-10-22 / 7 commits / 2 stars ) - ramortegui/phoenix_trivia - Phoenix trivia is a Real Time Multiplayer game developed using Elixir without the need to write javascript
( 2020-02-26 / 102 commits / 13 stars ) - Sanchos01/Phoenix-Sea-Battle - Battleship, using Phoenix framework (LiveView)
( 2021-12-20 / 132 commits / 8 stars ) - sasa1977/demo_system -
( 2019-12-14 / 66 commits / 180 stars ) - seb3s/kandesk - Simple Kanban application written in elixir using phoenix liveview
( 2022-01-26 / 346 commits / 134 stars ) - sgobotta/live_dj - 💿 Join or create video playlists to share a real-time experience with others! 🎧
( 2021-12-27 / 1226 commits / 18 stars ) - smeade/phoenix_live_view_example -
( 2019-03-18 / 58 commits / 4 stars ) - SophieDeBenedetto/phat - A Phoenix chat app built with LiveView, PubSub and Presence
( 2019-05-12 / 9 commits / 37 stars ) - stevegrossi/sengoku - An online Risk-like game built with Elixir and Phoenix LiveView
( 2020-08-28 / 447 commits / 56 stars ) - surface-ui/surface - A server-side rendering component library for Phoenix
( 2022-02-03 / 575 commits / 1559 stars ) - syfgkjasdkn/lazy-live-view -
( 2020-06-02 / 17 commits / 3 stars ) - thomasbrus/phoenix-live-view-soccer-table - Soccer Table (Phoenix LiveView Demo)
( 2019-04-23 / 5 commits / 1 stars ) - tonyc/open890 - A web-based remote UI for the Kenwood TS-890.
( 2022-01-22 / 686 commits / 41 stars ) - topherhunt/reassembling-the-line - Record video interviews where people share first-hand experience on an important topic. Code each segment of the video by theme. Explore the results using a novel filterable segment playback UI. Demo:
( 2021-09-23 / 280 commits / 1 stars ) - toranb/elixir-match - The original source code for
( 2019-04-03 / 12 commits / 38 stars ) - tuacker/phoenix_live_view_form_steps - Small test to try and split a form into multiple steps using Phoenix Live View
( 2019-05-31 / 11 commits / 5 stars ) - vorce/lasso - Real-time UI for webhooks
( 2021-03-19 / 226 commits / 26 stars ) - wyeworks/elixir_console - Elixir Web Console
( 2022-01-28 / 467 commits / 67 stars ) - zblanco/libu - A series of experiments built with Elixir, Phoenix, LiveView, and Tailwind CSS.
( 2019-03-26 / 7 commits / 20 stars ) - zkayser/georacer - GeoRacer -- The Hot Cold GeoRacing App With Phoenix LiveView Driving Webcomponents and SVGs!
( 2019-10-02 / 215 commits / 62 stars ) - zkayser/pfds_visualizations - A UI for visualizing purely functional data structures
( 2019-05-18 / 41 commits / 8 stars ) - zorbash/observer_live - A port of observer_cli using LiveView
( 2020-02-20 / 13 commits / 208 stars )
- Logflare/logflare - Never get surprised by a logging bill again. Centralized structured logging for Cloudflare, Vercel, Elixir and Javascript.
(4543 commits / 356 stars / 2022-01-18 ) - sgobotta/live_dj - 💿 Join or create video playlists to share a real-time experience with others! 🎧
(1226 commits / 18 stars / 2021-12-27 ) - oestrich/grapevine - The MUD Chat Network
(1209 commits / 138 stars / 2021-02-16 ) - FlyingDutchmanGames/battle_box - The Open Source Bot Battle Engine
(1200 commits / 2 stars / 2021-01-06 ) - fremantle-industries/workbench - From Idea to Execution - Manage your trading operation across a distributed cluster
(924 commits / 83 stars / 2022-02-02 ) - livebook-dev/livebook - Interactive and collaborative code notebooks for Elixir - made with Phoenix LiveView
(922 commits / 2415 stars / 2022-02-04 ) - axelclark/ex338 - Web application to manage the 338 Challenge fantasy sports league
(916 commits / 16 stars / 2021-08-15 ) - happycodrz/bordo - mirror / backup from
(879 commits / 0 stars / 2020-12-02 ) - Glimesh/ - Glimesh is a next generation live streaming platform built by the community, for the community.
(829 commits / 292 stars / 2022-02-02 ) - archethic-foundation/archethic-node - Official ArchEthic Blockchain node, written in Elixir
(746 commits / 24 stars / 2022-01-27 ) - tonyc/open890 - A web-based remote UI for the Kenwood TS-890.
(686 commits / 41 stars / 2022-01-22 ) - fully-forged/tune - A streamlined Spotify client and browser with a focus on performance and integrations.
(587 commits / 197 stars / 2021-12-03 ) - barsoom/ex-remit - A self-hosted web app for commit-by-commit code review, written using Phoenix LiveView.
(586 commits / 18 stars / 2022-01-19 ) - surface-ui/surface - A server-side rendering component library for Phoenix
(575 commits / 1559 stars / 2022-02-03 ) - wyeworks/elixir_console - Elixir Web Console
(467 commits / 67 stars / 2022-01-28 ) - stevegrossi/sengoku - An online Risk-like game built with Elixir and Phoenix LiveView
(447 commits / 56 stars / 2020-08-28 ) - mreishus/demon_spirit_umbrella - Demon Spirit is an abstract board game played on a 5x5 grid.
(429 commits / 10 stars / 2020-05-18 ) - pentacent/keila - Open Source Newsletter Tool.
(423 commits / 450 stars / 2022-01-31 ) - seb3s/kandesk - Simple Kanban application written in elixir using phoenix liveview
(346 commits / 134 stars / 2022-01-26 ) - djthread/lucidboard - A realtime, collaborative kanban tool, built on Elixir, Phoenix, and LiveView.
(281 commits / 80 stars / 2019-12-12 ) - topherhunt/reassembling-the-line - Record video interviews where people share first-hand experience on an important topic. Code each segment of the video by theme. Explore the results using a novel filterable segment playback UI. Demo:
(280 commits / 1 stars / 2021-09-23 ) - code-shoily/covid19 - A Phoenix app to display Novel Coronavirus (COVID-19)
(268 commits / 90 stars / 2022-01-02 ) - dnsbty/level10 - Phoenix LiveView multiplayer card game
(267 commits / 40 stars / 2021-09-09 ) - fully-forged/memento - Collect saved items from different sources around the web
(267 commits / 96 stars / 2021-10-04 ) - DefactoSoftware/BearNecessities - Multiplayer bear game with Phoenix Live View
(260 commits / 19 stars / 2019-09-17 ) - moomerman/flappy-phoenix - 🐦 Flappy Bird clone written in Elixir using Phoenix LiveView to render the game UI from the server.
(256 commits / 71 stars / 2020-10-17 ) - gaslight/live_deck - A Real-Time Presentation Application Powered by Phoenix LiveView
(241 commits / 66 stars / 2020-10-02 ) - fly-apps/live_beats -
(226 commits / 370 stars / 2022-02-04 ) - vorce/lasso - Real-time UI for webhooks
(226 commits / 26 stars / 2021-03-19 ) - zkayser/georacer - GeoRacer -- The Hot Cold GeoRacing App With Phoenix LiveView Driving Webcomponents and SVGs!
(215 commits / 62 stars / 2019-10-02 ) - mitchellhenke/mprop -
(206 commits / 9 stars / 2021-05-08 ) - DEalog/backoffice - The backoffice application for the DEalog platform
(194 commits / 4 stars / 2021-09-16 ) - pedromtavares/moba - A turn-based browser RPG built with Phoenix LiveView
(191 commits / 132 stars / 2022-02-05 ) - H12/foss_retro - A simple retro tool built with Phoenix LiveView and OTP
(136 commits / 3 stars / 2021-10-13 ) - Sanchos01/Phoenix-Sea-Battle - Battleship, using Phoenix framework (LiveView)
(132 commits / 8 stars / 2021-12-20 ) - BigTom/changeban -
(131 commits / 0 stars / 2021-10-17 ) - makerion/makerion -
(129 commits / 3 stars / 2019-08-10 ) - chrismccord/phoenix_live_view_example -
(112 commits / 488 stars / 2021-09-24 ) - ramortegui/phoenix_trivia - Phoenix trivia is a Real Time Multiplayer game developed using Elixir without the need to write javascript
(102 commits / 13 stars / 2020-02-26 ) - kuroda/live_dendron - Live Dendron - a Phoenix LiveView demo
(95 commits / 5 stars / 2020-06-03 ) - neslinesli93/breakoutex - A breakout clone written in pure Elixir, using Phoenix LiveView
(93 commits / 34 stars / 2020-09-09 ) - imartinat/phoenix_live_view_tablefilter - Table Filter with Phoenix LiveView
(91 commits / 15 stars / 2019-06-08 ) - coingaming/bennu - Component system and rendering engine for Phoenix and LiveView
(88 commits / 2 stars / 2021-09-26 ) - JohnB/phoenix_live_view_example -
(83 commits / 4 stars / 2020-06-20 ) - nickdichev/markdown-live - MarkdownLive is an example application using Phoenix LiveView which renders user-submitted Markdown on the server.
(81 commits / 41 stars / 2021-03-10 ) - alanvardy/rexex - Elixir regular expression editor, inspired by Rubular
(72 commits / 0 stars / 2019-09-05 ) - martinstannard/soup - A multi-player boggle clone written with Phoenix LiveView
(67 commits / 5 stars / 2022-02-03 ) - jmschles/cribbex - Cribbage in elixir!
(66 commits / 0 stars / 2021-05-03 ) - sasa1977/demo_system -
(66 commits / 180 stars / 2019-12-14 ) - joerichsen/phoenix_live_view_example -
(64 commits / 34 stars / 2019-06-15 ) - monjohn/phellow - A Trello Clone in Phoenix using LiveView
(59 commits / 14 stars / 2021-08-07 ) - smeade/phoenix_live_view_example -
(58 commits / 4 stars / 2019-03-18 ) - hurty/phoenix_live_view_example -
(55 commits / 19 stars / 2019-03-26 ) - alukasz/pentago - Implementation of board game Pentago
(54 commits / 3 stars / 2019-08-02 ) - angelikatyborska/falling_blocks - A simple game made with PhoenixLiveView
(54 commits / 15 stars / 2021-03-10 ) - mcrumm/live_upload_example - Demonstrating file uploads with Phoenix LiveView
(44 commits / 35 stars / 2022-01-24 ) - zkayser/pfds_visualizations - A UI for visualizing purely functional data structures
(41 commits / 8 stars / 2019-05-18 ) - artsy/inflow - Experiment - Artsy import app in Elixir/Phoenix
(35 commits / 3 stars / 2020-12-11 ) - mmmries/showoff - A small elixir service for playing with the ChunkySVG library
(34 commits / 6 stars / 2021-11-27 ) - DataKrewTech/AcqDat - IoT Data Acquisition and Visualization Engine
(28 commits / 0 stars / 2020-01-16 ) - aleph-naught2tog/live_tinkering - Little toy demos for Phoenix LiveView
(25 commits / 29 stars / 2019-03-21 ) - padde/scrumpokr - Online Scrum poker for remote software development teams
(25 commits / 3 stars / 2020-04-08 ) - Echoes93/flood -
(22 commits / 0 stars / 2019-07-12 ) - dsdshcym/phoenix_live_view_sudoku - A Sudoku solver written with Elixir, Phoenix, and Phoenix LiveView
(21 commits / 12 stars / 2019-07-26 ) - dorilla/live_view_black_jack - BlackJack
(20 commits / 58 stars / 2019-04-04 ) - dmitriid/phreak - Kubernetes Dashboard with Phoenix LiveView
(19 commits / 17 stars / 2020-03-16 ) - guitsaru/rest_client - A REST client made with Phoenix LiveView
(19 commits / 23 stars / 2020-09-29 ) - syfgkjasdkn/lazy-live-view -
(17 commits / 3 stars / 2020-06-02 ) - andreaseriksson/poor_man_spa - Proof of concept for a SPA with Phoenix Live View, Turbolinks and Rails UJS
(16 commits / 4 stars / 2019-06-10 ) - zorbash/observer_live - A port of observer_cli using LiveView
(13 commits / 208 stars / 2020-02-20 ) - elixirschool/live-view-chat - A chat app built with Phoenix LiveView, PubSub and Presence
(12 commits / 48 stars / 2020-04-22 ) - toranb/elixir-match - The original source code for
(12 commits / 38 stars / 2019-04-03 ) - barboza/chatter - A simple chat application using Phoenix Live View
(11 commits / 2 stars / 2019-09-18 ) - mnussbaumer/cocktail - A LiveView Test of a Visual HTML Editor server side rendered
(11 commits / 0 stars / 2019-05-15 ) - tuacker/phoenix_live_view_form_steps - Small test to try and split a form into multiple steps using Phoenix Live View
(11 commits / 5 stars / 2019-05-31 ) - bigardone/phoenix-liveview-ant-farm - Concurrent ant farm with Elixir and Phoenix LiveView
(10 commits / 62 stars / 2019-05-11 ) - SophieDeBenedetto/phat - A Phoenix chat app built with LiveView, PubSub and Presence
(9 commits / 37 stars / 2019-05-12 ) - eteubert/open_adventure_capitalist - A Phoenix LiveView experiment. Simple implementation of Adventure Capitalist.
(7 commits / 13 stars / 2019-03-17 ) - jeffkreeftmeijer/hayago - The Go game, implemented with Phoenix LiveView.
(7 commits / 56 stars / 2020-12-31 ) - PJUllrich/e2e-testing-with-cypress - Auxiliary code to the talk: End-2-End Testing with Cypress
(7 commits / 2 stars / 2019-10-22 ) - zblanco/libu - A series of experiments built with Elixir, Phoenix, LiveView, and Tailwind CSS.
(7 commits / 20 stars / 2019-03-26 ) - amberbit/board - An example Elixir + Phoenix + OTP + LiveView app
(6 commits / 15 stars / 2019-05-15 ) - cadebward/live_view_surface_editor - An example repo that uses LV hooks to integrate the ACE editor
(6 commits / 1 stars / 2020-01-16 ) - garthk/live_bg_demo -
(6 commits / 1 stars / 2020-11-04 ) - dersnek/chirp - A real-time Twitter clone with LiveView and Phoenix 1.5 (
(5 commits / 95 stars / 2021-01-25 ) - thomasbrus/phoenix-live-view-soccer-table - Soccer Table (Phoenix LiveView Demo)
(5 commits / 1 stars / 2019-04-23 ) - coletiv/blog-phoenix-live-view-google-maps - How to use Google Maps with Phoenix Live View
(4 commits / 4 stars / 2020-07-14 ) - drumusician/elixir_conf_live_view_dashboard - A LiveView Dashboard with ElixirConf Stats
(4 commits / 16 stars / 2019-04-03 ) - nicolasblanco/booking_calendar -
(4 commits / 18 stars / 2019-04-15 ) - CassiusPacheco/live_chat - A simple (non-optimised) real-time chat built with Phoenix LiveView
(3 commits / 2 stars / 2019-03-31 ) - benvp/liveview_autocomplete - A simple but powerful autocomplete using Phoenix LiveView and Alpine.js
(2 commits / 11 stars / 2020-07-11 ) - future-cyborg/phoenix_example_multi_nested_form - This is an example repo of how to work with nested forms while using Phoenix LiveView.
(2 commits / 1 stars / 2019-05-28 ) - ckampfe/rere -
(1 commits / 6 stars / 2019-03-28 ) - dashbitco/bytepack_archive - Archive of
(1 commits / 295 stars / 2020-12-03 )
- pedromtavares/moba - A turn-based browser RPG built with Phoenix LiveView
( 2022-02-05 / 191 commits / 132 stars ) - fly-apps/live_beats -
( 2022-02-04 / 226 commits / 370 stars ) - livebook-dev/livebook - Interactive and collaborative code notebooks for Elixir - made with Phoenix LiveView
( 2022-02-04 / 922 commits / 2415 stars ) - martinstannard/soup - A multi-player boggle clone written with Phoenix LiveView
( 2022-02-03 / 67 commits / 5 stars ) - surface-ui/surface - A server-side rendering component library for Phoenix
( 2022-02-03 / 575 commits / 1559 stars ) - Glimesh/ - Glimesh is a next generation live streaming platform built by the community, for the community.
( 2022-02-02 / 829 commits / 292 stars ) - fremantle-industries/workbench - From Idea to Execution - Manage your trading operation across a distributed cluster
( 2022-02-02 / 924 commits / 83 stars ) - pentacent/keila - Open Source Newsletter Tool.
( 2022-01-31 / 423 commits / 450 stars ) - wyeworks/elixir_console - Elixir Web Console
( 2022-01-28 / 467 commits / 67 stars ) - archethic-foundation/archethic-node - Official ArchEthic Blockchain node, written in Elixir
( 2022-01-27 / 746 commits / 24 stars ) - seb3s/kandesk - Simple Kanban application written in elixir using phoenix liveview
( 2022-01-26 / 346 commits / 134 stars ) - mcrumm/live_upload_example - Demonstrating file uploads with Phoenix LiveView
( 2022-01-24 / 44 commits / 35 stars ) - tonyc/open890 - A web-based remote UI for the Kenwood TS-890.
( 2022-01-22 / 686 commits / 41 stars ) - barsoom/ex-remit - A self-hosted web app for commit-by-commit code review, written using Phoenix LiveView.
( 2022-01-19 / 586 commits / 18 stars ) - Logflare/logflare - Never get surprised by a logging bill again. Centralized structured logging for Cloudflare, Vercel, Elixir and Javascript.
( 2022-01-18 / 4543 commits / 356 stars ) - code-shoily/covid19 - A Phoenix app to display Novel Coronavirus (COVID-19)
( 2022-01-02 / 268 commits / 90 stars ) - sgobotta/live_dj - 💿 Join or create video playlists to share a real-time experience with others! 🎧
( 2021-12-27 / 1226 commits / 18 stars ) - Sanchos01/Phoenix-Sea-Battle - Battleship, using Phoenix framework (LiveView)
( 2021-12-20 / 132 commits / 8 stars ) - fully-forged/tune - A streamlined Spotify client and browser with a focus on performance and integrations.
( 2021-12-03 / 587 commits / 197 stars ) - mmmries/showoff - A small elixir service for playing with the ChunkySVG library
( 2021-11-27 / 34 commits / 6 stars ) - BigTom/changeban -
( 2021-10-17 / 131 commits / 0 stars ) - H12/foss_retro - A simple retro tool built with Phoenix LiveView and OTP
( 2021-10-13 / 136 commits / 3 stars ) - fully-forged/memento - Collect saved items from different sources around the web
( 2021-10-04 / 267 commits / 96 stars ) - coingaming/bennu - Component system and rendering engine for Phoenix and LiveView
( 2021-09-26 / 88 commits / 2 stars ) - chrismccord/phoenix_live_view_example -
( 2021-09-24 / 112 commits / 488 stars ) - topherhunt/reassembling-the-line - Record video interviews where people share first-hand experience on an important topic. Code each segment of the video by theme. Explore the results using a novel filterable segment playback UI. Demo:
( 2021-09-23 / 280 commits / 1 stars ) - DEalog/backoffice - The backoffice application for the DEalog platform
( 2021-09-16 / 194 commits / 4 stars ) - dnsbty/level10 - Phoenix LiveView multiplayer card game
( 2021-09-09 / 267 commits / 40 stars ) - axelclark/ex338 - Web application to manage the 338 Challenge fantasy sports league
( 2021-08-15 / 916 commits / 16 stars ) - monjohn/phellow - A Trello Clone in Phoenix using LiveView
( 2021-08-07 / 59 commits / 14 stars ) - mitchellhenke/mprop -
( 2021-05-08 / 206 commits / 9 stars ) - jmschles/cribbex - Cribbage in elixir!
( 2021-05-03 / 66 commits / 0 stars ) - vorce/lasso - Real-time UI for webhooks
( 2021-03-19 / 226 commits / 26 stars ) - angelikatyborska/falling_blocks - A simple game made with PhoenixLiveView
( 2021-03-10 / 54 commits / 15 stars ) - nickdichev/markdown-live - MarkdownLive is an example application using Phoenix LiveView which renders user-submitted Markdown on the server.
( 2021-03-10 / 81 commits / 41 stars ) - oestrich/grapevine - The MUD Chat Network
( 2021-02-16 / 1209 commits / 138 stars ) - dersnek/chirp - A real-time Twitter clone with LiveView and Phoenix 1.5 (
( 2021-01-25 / 5 commits / 95 stars ) - FlyingDutchmanGames/battle_box - The Open Source Bot Battle Engine
( 2021-01-06 / 1200 commits / 2 stars ) - jeffkreeftmeijer/hayago - The Go game, implemented with Phoenix LiveView.
( 2020-12-31 / 7 commits / 56 stars ) - artsy/inflow - Experiment - Artsy import app in Elixir/Phoenix
( 2020-12-11 / 35 commits / 3 stars ) - dashbitco/bytepack_archive - Archive of
( 2020-12-03 / 1 commits / 295 stars ) - happycodrz/bordo - mirror / backup from
( 2020-12-02 / 879 commits / 0 stars ) - garthk/live_bg_demo -
( 2020-11-04 / 6 commits / 1 stars ) - moomerman/flappy-phoenix - 🐦 Flappy Bird clone written in Elixir using Phoenix LiveView to render the game UI from the server.
( 2020-10-17 / 256 commits / 71 stars ) - gaslight/live_deck - A Real-Time Presentation Application Powered by Phoenix LiveView
( 2020-10-02 / 241 commits / 66 stars ) - guitsaru/rest_client - A REST client made with Phoenix LiveView
( 2020-09-29 / 19 commits / 23 stars ) - neslinesli93/breakoutex - A breakout clone written in pure Elixir, using Phoenix LiveView
( 2020-09-09 / 93 commits / 34 stars ) - stevegrossi/sengoku - An online Risk-like game built with Elixir and Phoenix LiveView
( 2020-08-28 / 447 commits / 56 stars ) - coletiv/blog-phoenix-live-view-google-maps - How to use Google Maps with Phoenix Live View
( 2020-07-14 / 4 commits / 4 stars ) - benvp/liveview_autocomplete - A simple but powerful autocomplete using Phoenix LiveView and Alpine.js
( 2020-07-11 / 2 commits / 11 stars ) - JohnB/phoenix_live_view_example -
( 2020-06-20 / 83 commits / 4 stars ) - kuroda/live_dendron - Live Dendron - a Phoenix LiveView demo
( 2020-06-03 / 95 commits / 5 stars ) - syfgkjasdkn/lazy-live-view -
( 2020-06-02 / 17 commits / 3 stars ) - mreishus/demon_spirit_umbrella - Demon Spirit is an abstract board game played on a 5x5 grid.
( 2020-05-18 / 429 commits / 10 stars ) - elixirschool/live-view-chat - A chat app built with Phoenix LiveView, PubSub and Presence
( 2020-04-22 / 12 commits / 48 stars ) - padde/scrumpokr - Online Scrum poker for remote software development teams
( 2020-04-08 / 25 commits / 3 stars ) - dmitriid/phreak - Kubernetes Dashboard with Phoenix LiveView
( 2020-03-16 / 19 commits / 17 stars ) - ramortegui/phoenix_trivia - Phoenix trivia is a Real Time Multiplayer game developed using Elixir without the need to write javascript
( 2020-02-26 / 102 commits / 13 stars ) - zorbash/observer_live - A port of observer_cli using LiveView
( 2020-02-20 / 13 commits / 208 stars ) - cadebward/live_view_surface_editor - An example repo that uses LV hooks to integrate the ACE editor
( 2020-01-16 / 6 commits / 1 stars ) - DataKrewTech/AcqDat - IoT Data Acquisition and Visualization Engine
( 2020-01-16 / 28 commits / 0 stars ) - sasa1977/demo_system -
( 2019-12-14 / 66 commits / 180 stars ) - djthread/lucidboard - A realtime, collaborative kanban tool, built on Elixir, Phoenix, and LiveView.
( 2019-12-12 / 281 commits / 80 stars ) - PJUllrich/e2e-testing-with-cypress - Auxiliary code to the talk: End-2-End Testing with Cypress
( 2019-10-22 / 7 commits / 2 stars ) - zkayser/georacer - GeoRacer -- The Hot Cold GeoRacing App With Phoenix LiveView Driving Webcomponents and SVGs!
( 2019-10-02 / 215 commits / 62 stars ) - barboza/chatter - A simple chat application using Phoenix Live View
( 2019-09-18 / 11 commits / 2 stars ) - DefactoSoftware/BearNecessities - Multiplayer bear game with Phoenix Live View
( 2019-09-17 / 260 commits / 19 stars ) - alanvardy/rexex - Elixir regular expression editor, inspired by Rubular
( 2019-09-05 / 72 commits / 0 stars ) - makerion/makerion -
( 2019-08-10 / 129 commits / 3 stars ) - alukasz/pentago - Implementation of board game Pentago
( 2019-08-02 / 54 commits / 3 stars ) - dsdshcym/phoenix_live_view_sudoku - A Sudoku solver written with Elixir, Phoenix, and Phoenix LiveView
( 2019-07-26 / 21 commits / 12 stars ) - Echoes93/flood -
( 2019-07-12 / 22 commits / 0 stars ) - joerichsen/phoenix_live_view_example -
( 2019-06-15 / 64 commits / 34 stars ) - andreaseriksson/poor_man_spa - Proof of concept for a SPA with Phoenix Live View, Turbolinks and Rails UJS
( 2019-06-10 / 16 commits / 4 stars ) - imartinat/phoenix_live_view_tablefilter - Table Filter with Phoenix LiveView
( 2019-06-08 / 91 commits / 15 stars ) - tuacker/phoenix_live_view_form_steps - Small test to try and split a form into multiple steps using Phoenix Live View
( 2019-05-31 / 11 commits / 5 stars ) - future-cyborg/phoenix_example_multi_nested_form - This is an example repo of how to work with nested forms while using Phoenix LiveView.
( 2019-05-28 / 2 commits / 1 stars ) - zkayser/pfds_visualizations - A UI for visualizing purely functional data structures
( 2019-05-18 / 41 commits / 8 stars ) - mnussbaumer/cocktail - A LiveView Test of a Visual HTML Editor server side rendered
( 2019-05-15 / 11 commits / 0 stars ) - amberbit/board - An example Elixir + Phoenix + OTP + LiveView app
( 2019-05-15 / 6 commits / 15 stars ) - SophieDeBenedetto/phat - A Phoenix chat app built with LiveView, PubSub and Presence
( 2019-05-12 / 9 commits / 37 stars ) - bigardone/phoenix-liveview-ant-farm - Concurrent ant farm with Elixir and Phoenix LiveView
( 2019-05-11 / 10 commits / 62 stars ) - thomasbrus/phoenix-live-view-soccer-table - Soccer Table (Phoenix LiveView Demo)
( 2019-04-23 / 5 commits / 1 stars ) - nicolasblanco/booking_calendar -
( 2019-04-15 / 4 commits / 18 stars ) - dorilla/live_view_black_jack - BlackJack
( 2019-04-04 / 20 commits / 58 stars ) - toranb/elixir-match - The original source code for
( 2019-04-03 / 12 commits / 38 stars ) - drumusician/elixir_conf_live_view_dashboard - A LiveView Dashboard with ElixirConf Stats
( 2019-04-03 / 4 commits / 16 stars ) - CassiusPacheco/live_chat - A simple (non-optimised) real-time chat built with Phoenix LiveView
( 2019-03-31 / 3 commits / 2 stars ) - ckampfe/rere -
( 2019-03-28 / 1 commits / 6 stars ) - hurty/phoenix_live_view_example -
( 2019-03-26 / 55 commits / 19 stars ) - zblanco/libu - A series of experiments built with Elixir, Phoenix, LiveView, and Tailwind CSS.
( 2019-03-26 / 7 commits / 20 stars ) - aleph-naught2tog/live_tinkering - Little toy demos for Phoenix LiveView
( 2019-03-21 / 25 commits / 29 stars ) - smeade/phoenix_live_view_example -
( 2019-03-18 / 58 commits / 4 stars ) - eteubert/open_adventure_capitalist - A Phoenix LiveView experiment. Simple implementation of Adventure Capitalist.
( 2019-03-17 / 7 commits / 13 stars )
- livebook-dev/livebook - Interactive and collaborative code notebooks for Elixir - made with Phoenix LiveView
(2415 stars / 2022-02-04 / 922 commits ) - surface-ui/surface - A server-side rendering component library for Phoenix
(1559 stars / 2022-02-03 / 575 commits ) - chrismccord/phoenix_live_view_example -
(488 stars / 2021-09-24 / 112 commits ) - pentacent/keila - Open Source Newsletter Tool.
(450 stars / 2022-01-31 / 423 commits ) - fly-apps/live_beats -
(370 stars / 2022-02-04 / 226 commits ) - Logflare/logflare - Never get surprised by a logging bill again. Centralized structured logging for Cloudflare, Vercel, Elixir and Javascript.
(356 stars / 2022-01-18 / 4543 commits ) - dashbitco/bytepack_archive - Archive of
(295 stars / 2020-12-03 / 1 commits ) - Glimesh/ - Glimesh is a next generation live streaming platform built by the community, for the community.
(292 stars / 2022-02-02 / 829 commits ) - zorbash/observer_live - A port of observer_cli using LiveView
(208 stars / 2020-02-20 / 13 commits ) - fully-forged/tune - A streamlined Spotify client and browser with a focus on performance and integrations.
(197 stars / 2021-12-03 / 587 commits ) - sasa1977/demo_system -
(180 stars / 2019-12-14 / 66 commits ) - oestrich/grapevine - The MUD Chat Network
(138 stars / 2021-02-16 / 1209 commits ) - seb3s/kandesk - Simple Kanban application written in elixir using phoenix liveview
(134 stars / 2022-01-26 / 346 commits ) - pedromtavares/moba - A turn-based browser RPG built with Phoenix LiveView
(132 stars / 2022-02-05 / 191 commits ) - fully-forged/memento - Collect saved items from different sources around the web
(96 stars / 2021-10-04 / 267 commits ) - dersnek/chirp - A real-time Twitter clone with LiveView and Phoenix 1.5 (
(95 stars / 2021-01-25 / 5 commits ) - code-shoily/covid19 - A Phoenix app to display Novel Coronavirus (COVID-19)
(90 stars / 2022-01-02 / 268 commits ) - fremantle-industries/workbench - From Idea to Execution - Manage your trading operation across a distributed cluster
(83 stars / 2022-02-02 / 924 commits ) - djthread/lucidboard - A realtime, collaborative kanban tool, built on Elixir, Phoenix, and LiveView.
(80 stars / 2019-12-12 / 281 commits ) - moomerman/flappy-phoenix - 🐦 Flappy Bird clone written in Elixir using Phoenix LiveView to render the game UI from the server.
(71 stars / 2020-10-17 / 256 commits ) - wyeworks/elixir_console - Elixir Web Console
(67 stars / 2022-01-28 / 467 commits ) - gaslight/live_deck - A Real-Time Presentation Application Powered by Phoenix LiveView
(66 stars / 2020-10-02 / 241 commits ) - bigardone/phoenix-liveview-ant-farm - Concurrent ant farm with Elixir and Phoenix LiveView
(62 stars / 2019-05-11 / 10 commits ) - zkayser/georacer - GeoRacer -- The Hot Cold GeoRacing App With Phoenix LiveView Driving Webcomponents and SVGs!
(62 stars / 2019-10-02 / 215 commits ) - dorilla/live_view_black_jack - BlackJack
(58 stars / 2019-04-04 / 20 commits ) - jeffkreeftmeijer/hayago - The Go game, implemented with Phoenix LiveView.
(56 stars / 2020-12-31 / 7 commits ) - stevegrossi/sengoku - An online Risk-like game built with Elixir and Phoenix LiveView
(56 stars / 2020-08-28 / 447 commits ) - elixirschool/live-view-chat - A chat app built with Phoenix LiveView, PubSub and Presence
(48 stars / 2020-04-22 / 12 commits ) - nickdichev/markdown-live - MarkdownLive is an example application using Phoenix LiveView which renders user-submitted Markdown on the server.
(41 stars / 2021-03-10 / 81 commits ) - tonyc/open890 - A web-based remote UI for the Kenwood TS-890.
(41 stars / 2022-01-22 / 686 commits ) - dnsbty/level10 - Phoenix LiveView multiplayer card game
(40 stars / 2021-09-09 / 267 commits ) - toranb/elixir-match - The original source code for
(38 stars / 2019-04-03 / 12 commits ) - SophieDeBenedetto/phat - A Phoenix chat app built with LiveView, PubSub and Presence
(37 stars / 2019-05-12 / 9 commits ) - mcrumm/live_upload_example - Demonstrating file uploads with Phoenix LiveView
(35 stars / 2022-01-24 / 44 commits ) - joerichsen/phoenix_live_view_example -
(34 stars / 2019-06-15 / 64 commits ) - neslinesli93/breakoutex - A breakout clone written in pure Elixir, using Phoenix LiveView
(34 stars / 2020-09-09 / 93 commits ) - aleph-naught2tog/live_tinkering - Little toy demos for Phoenix LiveView
(29 stars / 2019-03-21 / 25 commits ) - vorce/lasso - Real-time UI for webhooks
(26 stars / 2021-03-19 / 226 commits ) - archethic-foundation/archethic-node - Official ArchEthic Blockchain node, written in Elixir
(24 stars / 2022-01-27 / 746 commits ) - guitsaru/rest_client - A REST client made with Phoenix LiveView
(23 stars / 2020-09-29 / 19 commits ) - zblanco/libu - A series of experiments built with Elixir, Phoenix, LiveView, and Tailwind CSS.
(20 stars / 2019-03-26 / 7 commits ) - DefactoSoftware/BearNecessities - Multiplayer bear game with Phoenix Live View
(19 stars / 2019-09-17 / 260 commits ) - hurty/phoenix_live_view_example -
(19 stars / 2019-03-26 / 55 commits ) - barsoom/ex-remit - A self-hosted web app for commit-by-commit code review, written using Phoenix LiveView.
(18 stars / 2022-01-19 / 586 commits ) - nicolasblanco/booking_calendar -
(18 stars / 2019-04-15 / 4 commits ) - sgobotta/live_dj - 💿 Join or create video playlists to share a real-time experience with others! 🎧
(18 stars / 2021-12-27 / 1226 commits ) - dmitriid/phreak - Kubernetes Dashboard with Phoenix LiveView
(17 stars / 2020-03-16 / 19 commits ) - axelclark/ex338 - Web application to manage the 338 Challenge fantasy sports league
(16 stars / 2021-08-15 / 916 commits ) - drumusician/elixir_conf_live_view_dashboard - A LiveView Dashboard with ElixirConf Stats
(16 stars / 2019-04-03 / 4 commits ) - amberbit/board - An example Elixir + Phoenix + OTP + LiveView app
(15 stars / 2019-05-15 / 6 commits ) - angelikatyborska/falling_blocks - A simple game made with PhoenixLiveView
(15 stars / 2021-03-10 / 54 commits ) - imartinat/phoenix_live_view_tablefilter - Table Filter with Phoenix LiveView
(15 stars / 2019-06-08 / 91 commits ) - monjohn/phellow - A Trello Clone in Phoenix using LiveView
(14 stars / 2021-08-07 / 59 commits ) - eteubert/open_adventure_capitalist - A Phoenix LiveView experiment. Simple implementation of Adventure Capitalist.
(13 stars / 2019-03-17 / 7 commits ) - ramortegui/phoenix_trivia - Phoenix trivia is a Real Time Multiplayer game developed using Elixir without the need to write javascript
(13 stars / 2020-02-26 / 102 commits ) - dsdshcym/phoenix_live_view_sudoku - A Sudoku solver written with Elixir, Phoenix, and Phoenix LiveView
(12 stars / 2019-07-26 / 21 commits ) - benvp/liveview_autocomplete - A simple but powerful autocomplete using Phoenix LiveView and Alpine.js
(11 stars / 2020-07-11 / 2 commits ) - mreishus/demon_spirit_umbrella - Demon Spirit is an abstract board game played on a 5x5 grid.
(10 stars / 2020-05-18 / 429 commits ) - mitchellhenke/mprop -
(9 stars / 2021-05-08 / 206 commits ) - Sanchos01/Phoenix-Sea-Battle - Battleship, using Phoenix framework (LiveView)
(8 stars / 2021-12-20 / 132 commits ) - zkayser/pfds_visualizations - A UI for visualizing purely functional data structures
(8 stars / 2019-05-18 / 41 commits ) - ckampfe/rere -
(6 stars / 2019-03-28 / 1 commits ) - mmmries/showoff - A small elixir service for playing with the ChunkySVG library
(6 stars / 2021-11-27 / 34 commits ) - kuroda/live_dendron - Live Dendron - a Phoenix LiveView demo
(5 stars / 2020-06-03 / 95 commits ) - martinstannard/soup - A multi-player boggle clone written with Phoenix LiveView
(5 stars / 2022-02-03 / 67 commits ) - tuacker/phoenix_live_view_form_steps - Small test to try and split a form into multiple steps using Phoenix Live View
(5 stars / 2019-05-31 / 11 commits ) - andreaseriksson/poor_man_spa - Proof of concept for a SPA with Phoenix Live View, Turbolinks and Rails UJS
(4 stars / 2019-06-10 / 16 commits ) - coletiv/blog-phoenix-live-view-google-maps - How to use Google Maps with Phoenix Live View
(4 stars / 2020-07-14 / 4 commits ) - DEalog/backoffice - The backoffice application for the DEalog platform
(4 stars / 2021-09-16 / 194 commits ) - JohnB/phoenix_live_view_example -
(4 stars / 2020-06-20 / 83 commits ) - smeade/phoenix_live_view_example -
(4 stars / 2019-03-18 / 58 commits ) - alukasz/pentago - Implementation of board game Pentago
(3 stars / 2019-08-02 / 54 commits ) - artsy/inflow - Experiment - Artsy import app in Elixir/Phoenix
(3 stars / 2020-12-11 / 35 commits ) - H12/foss_retro - A simple retro tool built with Phoenix LiveView and OTP
(3 stars / 2021-10-13 / 136 commits ) - makerion/makerion -
(3 stars / 2019-08-10 / 129 commits ) - padde/scrumpokr - Online Scrum poker for remote software development teams
(3 stars / 2020-04-08 / 25 commits ) - syfgkjasdkn/lazy-live-view -
(3 stars / 2020-06-02 / 17 commits ) - barboza/chatter - A simple chat application using Phoenix Live View
(2 stars / 2019-09-18 / 11 commits ) - CassiusPacheco/live_chat - A simple (non-optimised) real-time chat built with Phoenix LiveView
(2 stars / 2019-03-31 / 3 commits ) - coingaming/bennu - Component system and rendering engine for Phoenix and LiveView
(2 stars / 2021-09-26 / 88 commits ) - FlyingDutchmanGames/battle_box - The Open Source Bot Battle Engine
(2 stars / 2021-01-06 / 1200 commits ) - PJUllrich/e2e-testing-with-cypress - Auxiliary code to the talk: End-2-End Testing with Cypress
(2 stars / 2019-10-22 / 7 commits ) - cadebward/live_view_surface_editor - An example repo that uses LV hooks to integrate the ACE editor
(1 stars / 2020-01-16 / 6 commits ) - future-cyborg/phoenix_example_multi_nested_form - This is an example repo of how to work with nested forms while using Phoenix LiveView.
(1 stars / 2019-05-28 / 2 commits ) - garthk/live_bg_demo -
(1 stars / 2020-11-04 / 6 commits ) - thomasbrus/phoenix-live-view-soccer-table - Soccer Table (Phoenix LiveView Demo)
(1 stars / 2019-04-23 / 5 commits ) - topherhunt/reassembling-the-line - Record video interviews where people share first-hand experience on an important topic. Code each segment of the video by theme. Explore the results using a novel filterable segment playback UI. Demo:
(1 stars / 2021-09-23 / 280 commits ) - alanvardy/rexex - Elixir regular expression editor, inspired by Rubular
(0 stars / 2019-09-05 / 72 commits ) - BigTom/changeban -
(0 stars / 2021-10-17 / 131 commits ) - DataKrewTech/AcqDat - IoT Data Acquisition and Visualization Engine
(0 stars / 2020-01-16 / 28 commits ) - Echoes93/flood -
(0 stars / 2019-07-12 / 22 commits ) - happycodrz/bordo - mirror / backup from
(0 stars / 2020-12-02 / 879 commits ) - jmschles/cribbex - Cribbage in elixir!
(0 stars / 2021-05-03 / 66 commits ) - mnussbaumer/cocktail - A LiveView Test of a Visual HTML Editor server side rendered
(0 stars / 2019-05-15 / 11 commits )
Phoenix LiveView Tutorial: Handling Connection Errors & Push Notifications With JS Hooks - 2019/12
Phoenix LiveView – Change the URL without refreshing the page - 2019/06/19
Talking to the LiveView - Updating the Phoenix LiveViews from outside the process - 2019/04/19
- Introduction to Phoenix LiveView LiveComponents - 2019/12/09
- Creating a Modal LiveView LiveComponent - 2019/12/17
- ElixirConf 2019 - Friday Evening Keynote - 2019/08/30
- ElixirConf 2019 - Lighting Talk - Phoenix LiveView in Healthcare - Tyler Clemens - 2019/08/30
- ElixirConf 2019 - Beyond LiveView: Building Real-Time... - Sophie DeBenedetto - 2019/08/30
- ElixirConf 2019 - Phoenix LiveView Demystified - Alex Garibay - 2019/08/30
- ElixirConf 2019 - How LiveView Handles File Uploads - Gary Rennie - 2019/08/30
- Phoenix Presence with LiveView - 2019/08 - Plangora
- JavaScript Interop with Phoenix LiveView - 2019/07/19 - Plangora
- CRUD with LiveView Part 3 - 2019/07/12 - Plangora
- Andrew Forward: LiveView: Rich Client Side Experience Delivered from the Server - 2019/07/01 - EMPEX Conference
- Upgrade Phoenix Live View - 2019/06/26 - Plangora
- CRUD with Live View Part 2 - 2019/06/21 - Plangora
- CRUD with Live View Part 1 - 2019/06/06 - Plangora
- Setup Phoenix Live View - 2019/05/24 - Plangora