This repository aims to provide Nix and NixOS entrypoints for the Haqq ecosystem.
Currently we only support the x86_64-linux
target. Support for anything over
than that is not planned at this point in time. Contributions are welcome.
A user must be somewhat proficient with Nix and NixOS. If not, please consider following our official installation instructions.
Add the haqq.nix
repository to your flake.nix
inputs and import the desired
module. For example:
inputs = {
haqq-nix.url = "github:haqq-network/haqq.nix";
nixpkgs.follows = "haqq/nixpkgs";
outputs = inputs: {
nixosConfigurations.myHaqqNode = inputs.nixpkgs.lib.nixosSystem {
system = "x86_64-linux";
modules = [
({ pkgs, ... }: {
services.haqqd = {
enable = true;
settings = {
app = {
pruning = "custom";
pruning-interval = 10;
pruning-keep-recent = 30000;
min-retain-blocks = 30000;
api = {
enable = true;
address = "tcp://";
config = {
moniker = "my-haqq-node";
p2p.laddr = "tcp://";
rpc.laddr = "tcp://";
extraPreStartup = ''
if [ ! -f "$DAEMON_HOME/.bootstrapped" ]; then
snapshot="$(curl -s "$index" | jq -r .pruned[0].link)"
wget -qO- "$snapshot" | \
lz4 -d - | \
tar -C "$DAEMON_HOME" -x -f -
}; = with pkgs; [ curl jq wget lz4 gnutar ];
This will enable and launch a haqqd.service
systemd service, which will
download the latest pruned snapshot on the first start. You can look up all
available options in the source code for the module.
We plan on adding more documentation and guides in the future.