PyTorch implementation and pretrained models for IPCL (instance-prototype contrastive learning). For details see Beyond category-supervision: Computational support for domain-general pressures guiding human visual system representation [bioRxiv]
title={Beyond category-supervision: Computational support for domain-general pressures guiding human visual system representation},
author={Konkle, Talia and Alvarez, George A},
publisher={Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory}
This code has been tested with python=3.6, and PyTorch v1.7 and 1.9. See conda_env.ipynb for notes on environment setup, or use the environment.yml file to install a new conda environment with all dependencies.
Models are numbered to align with Supplementary Table 1 in our paper bioRxiv.
load an AlexnetGN model trained on imagenet with IPCL:
import torch
model, transform = torch.hub.load("harvard-visionlab/open_ipcl", "alexnetgn_ipcl_ref01")
load one of several IPCL replications, with variations in code-base and training recipe (these variations had little impact on linear readout, or fit to neural responses):
import torch
model, transform = torch.hub.load("harvard-visionlab/open_ipcl", "alexnetgn_ipcl_ref02")
model, transform = torch.hub.load("harvard-visionlab/open_ipcl", "alexnetgn_ipcl_ref03")
model, transform = torch.hub.load("harvard-visionlab/open_ipcl", "alexnetgn_ipcl_ref04")
model, transform = torch.hub.load("harvard-visionlab/open_ipcl", "alexnetgn_ipcl_ref05")
We trained IPCL models on different datasets. All of these models were trained with a less extreme random-resized-crop range (to prevent cropping faces too closely, and to allow a fair comparison acroos all datasets). These models generally performed less well on imagenet linear classification:
import torch
model, transform = torch.hub.load("harvard-visionlab/open_ipcl", "alexnetgn_ipcl_ref06_diet_imagenet")
model, transform = torch.hub.load("harvard-visionlab/open_ipcl", "alexnetgn_ipcl_ref07_diet_openimagesv6")
model, transform = torch.hub.load("harvard-visionlab/open_ipcl", "alexnetgn_ipcl_ref08_diet_places2")
model, transform = torch.hub.load("harvard-visionlab/open_ipcl", "alexnetgn_ipcl_ref09_diet_vggface2")
model, transform = torch.hub.load("harvard-visionlab/open_ipcl", "alexnetgn_ipcl_ref10_diet_FacesPlacesObjects1281167")
model, transform = torch.hub.load("harvard-visionlab/open_ipcl", "alexnetgn_ipcl_ref11_diet_FacesPlacesObjects1281167x3")
We trained several category-supervised models for direct comparison to our IPCL models.
trained on imagent with 5 samples per image (like IPCL), using same augmentsions as IPCL models 1-5:
import torch
model, transform = torch.hub.load("harvard-visionlab/open_ipcl", "alexnetgn_supervised_ref12_augset1_5x")
or a single sample per image (as is standard), using same augmentsions as IPCL models 1-5:
import torch
model, transform = torch.hub.load("harvard-visionlab/open_ipcl", "alexnetgn_supervised_ref13_augset1_1x")
Finally, two category-supervised models trained on imagenet, using the augmentations used in our visual-diet manipulation (IPCL models 6-11):
import torch
model, transform = torch.hub.load("harvard-visionlab/open_ipcl", "alexnetgn_supervised_ref14_augset2")
model, transform = torch.hub.load("harvard-visionlab/open_ipcl", "alexnetgn_supervised_ref15_augset2_rep1")
Models are numbered to align with Supplementary Table 1 in our paper bioRxiv. For example, to load a self-supervised model, trained with IPCL:
import models
model, transform = models.__dict__['ipcl1']()
The transform returned here should be used when getting activations for test images, which in our case were stimuli from a neuroimaging experiment. For these test images, standard validation transforms (e.g., those used in or would crop out details of the object depicted. The transform returned above resizes to 224 pixels, then center crops (as opposed to resizing to 256 pixels followed by a center crop).
Resize(size=224, interpolation=PIL.Image.BILINEAR)
CenterCrop(size=(224, 224))
Normalize(mean=[0.485, 0.456, 0.406], std=[0.229, 0.224, 0.225])
To get the activations for any model layer, you can use the FeatureExtractor class.
from PIL import Image
from lib.feature_extractor import FeatureExtractor
# load an image
img ='./images/cheetah.jpg')
# transform and add batch dimension
img = transform(img).unsqueeze(0)
# get features from fc7
with FeatureExtractor(model, 'fc7') as extractor:
features = extractor(img)
for name,val in features.items():
print(name, val.shape)
# get features from fc7, fc8, and l2norm layers
with FeatureExtractor(model, ['fc7','fc8','l2norm']) as extractor:
features = extractor(img)
for name,val in features.items():
print(name, val.shape)
# get features from conv_block1.0, conv_block1.1, conv_block1.2
with FeatureExtractor(model, ['conv_block_1.0','conv_block_1.1','conv_block_1.2']) as extractor:
features = extractor(img)
for name,val in features.items():
print(name, val.shape) Can be used to estimate KNN classification accuracy based on model activations. Just specifiy the model_name (e.g., 'ipcl1'), the layer to be readout (e.g., 'l2norm'), and the path to the imagenet dataset:
CUDA_VISIBLE_DEVICES='0' python ipcl1 l2norm --data_dir /path/to/imagenet
We adapted the standard linear evaluation protocol to use a one-cycle learning rate policy, enabling us to estimate linear evaluation accuracy in 10 epochs (as opposed to 100 in the standard protocol.). Just specifiy the model_name (e.g., 'ipcl1'), the layer to be readout (e.g., 'fc7'), and the path to the imagenet dataset:
CUDA_VISIBLE_DEVICES='0' python ipcl1 fc7 --data /path/to/imagenet --gpu 0
Our original training code was based on, but the IPCL models were slow to train (~21 days on a single Titan X Pascal). The same code runs faster on newer gpus (e.g., ~7 days on a Tesla V100), but is included here only for reference. For updated code and faster model training use (see below).
replicate original ipcl_alexnet_gn model (warning could be slow, unless you have a Tesla V100)
python --data /path/to/imagenet
We found the primary bottleneck for training these models was the fact that IPCL augments each image N times (N=5 in our experiments), so we implemented custom transforms that perform augmentations on the GPU. These models train almost twice as fast (~11 days on a single Titan X Pascal gpu; ~4 days on a Tesla V100), and perform as well on imagenet classification (we have not tested these newer models for correspondence with neural responses).
train ipcl_alexnet_gn with faster augmentations (faster training, equally performant models)
python -a alexnet_gn /path/to/imagenet
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