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remove stuff related to old build system
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clear out Makefile targets for release and Docker builds
remove all old Docker configuration and support files
  • Loading branch information
eikenb committed Jun 15, 2021
1 parent 88cadca commit ab9aea2
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Showing 6 changed files with 3 additions and 352 deletions.
205 changes: 3 additions & 202 deletions Makefile
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Expand Up @@ -2,178 +2,36 @@
CURRENT_DIR := $(patsubst %/,%,$(dir $(realpath $(MKFILE_PATH))))

# Ensure GOPATH
GOPATH ?= $(shell go env GOPATH)
# assume last entry in GOPATH is home to project
GOPATH := $(lastword $(subst :, ,${GOPATH}))

# Tags specific for building

# Number of procs to use

# Get the project metadata
PROJECT := $(shell go list -m -mod=vendor)
OWNER := "hashicorp"
NAME := $(notdir $(PROJECT))
NAME := "consul-template"
PROJECT := $(shell go list -m)
GIT_COMMIT ?= $(shell git rev-parse --short HEAD || echo release)
VERSION := $(shell awk -F\" '/Version/ { print $$2; exit }' "${CURRENT_DIR}/version/version.go")

# Current system information
GOOS ?= $(shell go env GOOS)
GOARCH ?= $(shell go env GOARCH)

# Default os-arch combination to build
XC_OS ?= darwin freebsd linux netbsd openbsd solaris windows
XC_ARCH ?= 386 amd64 arm arm64
# XC_EXCLUDE "arm64" entries excludes both arm and arm64
XC_EXCLUDE ?= darwin/arm64 freebsd/arm64 netbsd/arm64 openbsd/arm64 solaris/arm64 windows/arm64 solaris/386

# GPG Signing key (blank by default, means no GPG signing)

# List of ldflags
-s \
-w \
-X ${PROJECT}/version.Name=${NAME} \
-X ${PROJECT}/version.GitCommit=${GIT_COMMIT}

# List of Docker targets to build
DOCKER_TARGETS ?= alpine light scratch

# Create a cross-compile target for every os-arch pairing. This will generate
# a make target for each os/arch like "make linux/amd64" as well as generate a
# meta target (build) for compiling everything.
define make-xc-target
ifneq (,$(findstring ${1}/${2},$(XC_EXCLUDE)))
@printf "%s%20s %s\n" "-->" "${1}/${2}:" "${PROJECT} (excluded)"
@printf "%s%20s %s\n" "-->" "${1}/${2}:" "${PROJECT}"
env \
GOOS="${1}" \
GOARCH="${2}" \
go build \
-a \
-o="pkg/${1}_${2}/${NAME}${3}" \
-ldflags "${LD_FLAGS}" \
-tags "${GOTAGS}"
.PHONY: $1/$2

$1:: $1/$2
.PHONY: $1

build:: $1/$2
.PHONY: build
$(foreach goarch,$(XC_ARCH),$(foreach goos,$(XC_OS),$(eval $(call make-xc-target,$(goos),$(goarch),$(if $(findstring windows,$(goos)),.exe,)))))

# Use docker to create pristine builds for release
# First build image w/ arm build requirements, then build all binaries
@docker build \
--rm \
--force-rm \
--no-cache \
--compress \
--file="docker/pristine/Dockerfile" \
--tag="pristine-builder" .
@docker run \
--interactive \
--user $$(id -u):$$(id -g) \
--rm \
--dns="" \
--volume="${CURRENT_DIR}:/go/src/${PROJECT}" \
--volume="${GOPATH}/pkg/mod:/go/pkg/mod" \
--workdir="/go/src/${PROJECT}" \
--env=GO111MODULE=on \
"pristine-builder" \
env GOCACHE=/tmp make -j4 build

# dev builds and installs the project locally.
@echo "==> Installing ${NAME} for ${GOOS}/${GOARCH}"
@rm -f "${GOPATH}/pkg/${GOOS}_${GOARCH}/${PROJECT}/version.a" # ldflags change and go doesn't detect
@env \
go install \
-ldflags "${LD_FLAGS}" \
-tags "${GOTAGS}"
.PHONY: dev

# dist builds the binaries and then signs and packages them for distribution
@$(MAKE) -f "${MKFILE_PATH}" _cleanup
@$(MAKE) -f "${MKFILE_PATH}" pristine
@$(MAKE) -f "${MKFILE_PATH}" _compress _checksum
.PHONY: dist

release: dist
ifndef GPG_KEY
@echo "==> ERROR: No GPG key specified! Without a GPG key, this release cannot"
@echo " be signed. Set the environment variable GPG_KEY to the ID of"
@echo " the GPG key to continue."
@exit 127
@$(MAKE) -f "${MKFILE_PATH}" _sign
.PHONY: release

# Create a docker compile and push target for each container. This will create
# docker-build/scratch, docker-push/scratch, etc. It will also create two meta
# targets: docker-build and docker-push, which will build and push all
# configured Docker containers. Each container must have a folder in docker/
# named after itself with a Dockerfile (docker/alpine/Dockerfile).
define make-docker-target
@echo "==> Building ${1} Docker container for ${PROJECT}"
@go mod vendor
@docker build \
--rm \
--force-rm \
--no-cache \
--compress \
--file="docker/${1}/Dockerfile" \
--build-arg="LD_FLAGS=${LD_FLAGS}" \
--build-arg="GOTAGS=${GOTAGS}" \
$(if $(filter $1,scratch),--tag="${OWNER}/${NAME}",) \
--tag="${OWNER}/${NAME}:${1}" \
--tag="${OWNER}/${NAME}:${VERSION}-${1}" \
@rm -rf "${CURRENT_DIR}/vendor/"
.PHONY: docker-build/$1

docker-build:: docker-build/$1
.PHONY: docker-build

@echo "==> Pushing ${1} to Docker registry"
$(if $(filter $1,scratch),@docker push "${OWNER}/${NAME}",)
@docker push "${OWNER}/${NAME}:${1}"
@docker push "${OWNER}/${NAME}:${VERSION}-${1}"
.PHONY: docker-push/$1

docker-push:: docker-push/$1
.PHONY: docker-push

@echo "==> Removing docker image ${1}"
@docker rmi "${OWNER}/${NAME}:${1}" || true
@docker rmi "${OWNER}/${NAME}:${VERSION}-${1}" || true

docker-clean:: docker-clean/$1
.PHONY: docker-clean

$(foreach target,$(DOCKER_TARGETS),$(eval $(call make-docker-target,$(target))))

# test runs the test suite.
@echo "==> Testing ${NAME}"
Expand All @@ -187,69 +45,12 @@ test-race:
.PHONY: test-race

# _cleanup removes any previous binaries
@rm -rf "${CURRENT_DIR}/pkg/"
@rm -rf "${CURRENT_DIR}/bin/"
@rm -f "consul-template"
.PHONY: _cleanup

clean: _cleanup docker-clean
.PHONY: clean

# _compress compresses all the binaries in pkg/* as tarball and zip.
@mkdir -p "${CURRENT_DIR}/pkg/dist"
@for platform in $$(find ./pkg -mindepth 1 -maxdepth 1 -type d); do \
osarch=$$(basename "$$platform"); \
if [ "$$osarch" = "dist" ]; then \
continue; \
fi; \
ext=""; \
if test -z "$${osarch##*windows*}"; then \
ext=".exe"; \
fi; \
cd "$$platform"; \
tar -czf "${CURRENT_DIR}/pkg/dist/${NAME}_${VERSION}_$${osarch}.tgz" "${NAME}$${ext}"; \
zip -q "${CURRENT_DIR}/pkg/dist/${NAME}_${VERSION}_$${osarch}.zip" "${NAME}$${ext}"; \
cd - >/dev/null; \
.PHONY: _compress

# _checksum produces the checksums for the binaries in pkg/dist
@cd "${CURRENT_DIR}/pkg/dist" && \
shasum --algorithm 256 * > ${CURRENT_DIR}/pkg/dist/${NAME}_${VERSION}_SHA256SUMS && \
cd - >/dev/null
.PHONY: _checksum

# _sign signs the binaries using the given GPG_KEY. This should not be called
# as a separate function.
@echo "==> Signing ${PROJECT} at v${VERSION}"
@gpg \
--default-key "${GPG_KEY}" \
--detach-sig "${CURRENT_DIR}/pkg/dist/${NAME}_${VERSION}_SHA256SUMS"
@git commit \
--allow-empty \
--gpg-sign="${GPG_KEY}" \
--message "Release v${VERSION}" \
--quiet \
@git tag \
--annotate \
--create-reflog \
--local-user "${GPG_KEY}" \
--message "Version ${VERSION}" \
--sign \
"v${VERSION}" master
@echo "--> Do not forget to run:"
@echo ""
@echo " git push && git push --tags"
@echo ""
@echo "And then upload the binaries in dist/!"
.PHONY: _sign

# Add/Update the "Table Of Contents" in the
Expand Down
58 changes: 0 additions & 58 deletions docker/alpine/Dockerfile

This file was deleted.

30 changes: 0 additions & 30 deletions docker/alpine/

This file was deleted.

27 changes: 0 additions & 27 deletions docker/light/Dockerfile

This file was deleted.

8 changes: 0 additions & 8 deletions docker/pristine/Dockerfile

This file was deleted.


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