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Move Logger into Cradle
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wz1000 committed Aug 7, 2023
1 parent 6f4551d commit 75227d7
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Showing 8 changed files with 119 additions and 119 deletions.
22 changes: 11 additions & 11 deletions exe/Main.hs
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -63,28 +63,28 @@ main = do
hSetEncoding stdout utf8
cwd <- getCurrentDirectory
cmd <- execParser progInfo
cradle <-
-- find cradle does a takeDirectory on the argument, so make it into a file
findCradle (cwd </> "File.hs") >>= \case
Just yaml -> loadCradle yaml
Nothing -> loadImplicitCradle (cwd </> "File.hs")

printLog (L.WithSeverity l sev) = "[" ++ show sev ++ "] " ++ show (pretty l)
logger :: forall a . Pretty a => L.LogAction IO (L.WithSeverity a)
logger = L.cmap printLog L.logStringStderr

cradle <-
-- find cradle does a takeDirectory on the argument, so make it into a file
findCradle (cwd </> "File.hs") >>= \case
Just yaml -> loadCradle logger yaml
Nothing -> loadImplicitCradle logger (cwd </> "File.hs")

res <- case cmd of
Check targetFiles -> checkSyntax logger logger cradle targetFiles
Check targetFiles -> checkSyntax logger cradle targetFiles
Debug files -> case files of
[] -> debugInfo logger (cradleRootDir cradle) cradle
fp -> debugInfo logger fp cradle
[] -> debugInfo (cradleRootDir cradle) cradle
fp -> debugInfo fp cradle
Flags files -> case files of
-- TODO force optparse to acquire one
[] -> error "too few arguments"
_ -> do
res <- forM files $ \fp -> do
res <- getCompilerOptions logger fp [] cradle
res <- getCompilerOptions fp [] cradle
case res of
CradleFail (CradleError _deps _ex err) ->
return $ "Failed to show flags for \""
Expand All @@ -97,7 +97,7 @@ main = do
CradleNone -> return $ "No flags/None Cradle: component " ++ fp ++ " should not be loaded"
return (unlines res)
ConfigInfo files -> configInfo files
CradleInfo files -> cradleInfo files
CradleInfo files -> cradleInfo logger files
Root -> rootInfo cradle
Version -> return progVersion
putStr res
127 changes: 63 additions & 64 deletions src/HIE/Bios/Cradle.hs
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -84,31 +84,31 @@ findCradle wfile = do
runMaybeT (yamlConfig wdir)

-- | Given root\/hie.yaml load the Cradle.
loadCradle :: FilePath -> IO (Cradle Void)
loadCradle = loadCradleWithOpts absurd
loadCradle :: LogAction IO (WithSeverity Log) -> FilePath -> IO (Cradle Void)
loadCradle l = loadCradleWithOpts l absurd

-- | Given root\/foo\/bar.hs, load an implicit cradle
loadImplicitCradle :: Show a => FilePath -> IO (Cradle a)
loadImplicitCradle wfile = do
loadImplicitCradle :: Show a => LogAction IO (WithSeverity Log) -> FilePath -> IO (Cradle a)
loadImplicitCradle l wfile = do
let wdir = takeDirectory wfile
cfg <- runMaybeT (implicitConfig wdir)
case cfg of
Just bc -> getCradle absurd bc
Nothing -> return $ defaultCradle wdir
Just bc -> getCradle l absurd bc
Nothing -> return $ defaultCradle l wdir

-- | Finding 'Cradle'.
-- Find a cabal file by tracing ancestor directories.
-- Find a sandbox according to a cabal sandbox config
-- in a cabal directory.
loadCradleWithOpts :: (Yaml.FromJSON b, Show a) => (b -> CradleAction a) -> FilePath -> IO (Cradle a)
loadCradleWithOpts buildCustomCradle wfile = do
loadCradleWithOpts :: (Yaml.FromJSON b, Show a) => LogAction IO (WithSeverity Log) -> (b -> CradleAction a) -> FilePath -> IO (Cradle a)
loadCradleWithOpts l buildCustomCradle wfile = do
cradleConfig <- readCradleConfig wfile
getCradle buildCustomCradle (cradleConfig, takeDirectory wfile)
getCradle l buildCustomCradle (cradleConfig, takeDirectory wfile)

getCradle :: Show a => (b -> CradleAction a) -> (CradleConfig b, FilePath) -> IO (Cradle a)
getCradle buildCustomCradle (cc, wdir) = do
getCradle :: Show a => LogAction IO (WithSeverity Log) -> (b -> CradleAction a) -> (CradleConfig b, FilePath) -> IO (Cradle a)
getCradle l buildCustomCradle (cc, wdir) = do
rcs <- canonicalizeResolvedCradles wdir cs
resolvedCradlesToCradle buildCustomCradle wdir rcs
resolvedCradlesToCradle l buildCustomCradle wdir rcs
cs = resolveCradleTree wdir cc

Expand Down Expand Up @@ -147,36 +147,34 @@ data ProgramVersions =
, ghcVersion :: Maybe Version

makeVersions :: ([String] -> IO (CradleLoadResult String)) -> IO ProgramVersions
makeVersions ghc = do
cabalVersion <- unsafeInterleaveIO getCabalVersion
stackVersion <- unsafeInterleaveIO getStackVersion
makeVersions :: LogAction IO (WithSeverity Log) -> FilePath -> ([String] -> IO (CradleLoadResult String)) -> IO ProgramVersions
makeVersions l wdir ghc = do
cabalVersion <- unsafeInterleaveIO (getCabalVersion l wdir)
stackVersion <- unsafeInterleaveIO (getStackVersion l wdir)
ghcVersion <- unsafeInterleaveIO (getGhcVersion ghc)
pure ProgramVersions{..}

getCabalVersion :: IO (Maybe Version)
getCabalVersion = do
let p = proc "cabal" ["--numeric-version"]
res <- optional $ readCreateProcessWithExitCode p ""
getCabalVersion :: LogAction IO (WithSeverity Log) -> FilePath -> IO (Maybe Version)
getCabalVersion l wdir = do
res <- readProcessWithCwd l wdir "cabal" ["--numeric-version"] ""
case res of
Just (ExitSuccess,stdo,_) ->
CradleSuccess stdo ->
pure $ versionMaybe stdo
_ -> pure Nothing

getStackVersion :: IO (Maybe Version)
getStackVersion = do
let p = proc "stack" ["--numeric-version"]
res <- optional $ readCreateProcessWithExitCode p ""
getStackVersion :: LogAction IO (WithSeverity Log) -> FilePath -> IO (Maybe Version)
getStackVersion l wdir = do
res <- readProcessWithCwd l wdir "stack" ["--numeric-version"] ""
case res of
Just (ExitSuccess,stdo,_) ->
CradleSuccess stdo ->
pure $ versionMaybe stdo
_ -> pure Nothing

getGhcVersion :: ([String] -> IO (CradleLoadResult String)) -> IO (Maybe Version)
getGhcVersion ghc = do
res <- optional $ ghc ["--numeric-version"]
res <- ghc ["--numeric-version"]
case res of
Just (CradleSuccess stdo) ->
CradleSuccess stdo ->
pure $ versionMaybe stdo
_ -> pure Nothing

Expand All @@ -194,9 +192,9 @@ addActionDeps deps =
(\(ComponentOptions os' dir ds) -> CradleSuccess (ComponentOptions os' dir (ds `union` deps)))

resolvedCradlesToCradle :: Show a => (b -> CradleAction a) -> FilePath -> [ResolvedCradle b] -> IO (Cradle a)
resolvedCradlesToCradle buildCustomCradle root cs = mdo
let run_ghc_cmd l args =
resolvedCradlesToCradle :: Show a => LogAction IO (WithSeverity Log) -> (b -> CradleAction a) -> FilePath -> [ResolvedCradle b] -> IO (Cradle a)
resolvedCradlesToCradle logger buildCustomCradle root cs = mdo
let run_ghc_cmd args =
-- We're being lazy here and just returning the ghc path for the
-- first non-none cradle. This shouldn't matter in practice: all
-- sub cradles should be using the same ghc version!
Expand All @@ -205,11 +203,10 @@ resolvedCradlesToCradle buildCustomCradle root cs = mdo
(act:_) ->
versions <- makeVersions (run_ghc_cmd mempty)
versions <- makeVersions logger root run_ghc_cmd
let rcs = ResolvedCradles root cs versions
cradleActions = [ (c, resolveCradleAction buildCustomCradle rcs root c) | c <- cs ]
cradleActions = [ (c, resolveCradleAction logger buildCustomCradle rcs root c) | c <- cs ]
err_msg fp
= ["Multi Cradle: No prefixes matched"
, "pwd: " ++ root
Expand All @@ -218,13 +215,14 @@ resolvedCradlesToCradle buildCustomCradle root cs = mdo
] ++ [show (prefix pf, actionName cc) | (pf, cc) <- cradleActions]
pure $ Cradle
{ cradleRootDir = root
, cradleLogger = logger
, cradleOptsProg = CradleAction
{ actionName = multiActionName
, runCradle = \l fp prev -> do
, runCradle = \fp prev -> do
absfp <- makeAbsolute fp
case selectCradle (prefix . fst) absfp cradleActions of
Just (rc, act) -> do
addActionDeps (cradleDeps rc) <$> runCradle act l fp prev
addActionDeps (cradleDeps rc) <$> runCradle act fp prev
Nothing -> return $ CradleFail $ CradleError [] ExitSuccess (err_msg fp)
, runGhcCmd = run_ghc_cmd
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -266,13 +264,13 @@ resolvedCradlesToCradle buildCustomCradle root cs = mdo
notNoneType _ = True

resolveCradleAction :: (b -> CradleAction a) -> ResolvedCradles b -> FilePath -> ResolvedCradle b -> CradleAction a
resolveCradleAction buildCustomCradle cs root cradle =
resolveCradleAction :: LogAction IO (WithSeverity Log) -> (b -> CradleAction a) -> ResolvedCradles b -> FilePath -> ResolvedCradle b -> CradleAction a
resolveCradleAction l buildCustomCradle cs root cradle =
case concreteCradle cradle of
ConcreteCabal t -> cabalCradle cs root (cabalComponent t) (projectConfigFromMaybe root (cabalProjectFile t))
ConcreteStack t -> stackCradle root (stackComponent t) (projectConfigFromMaybe root (stackYaml t))
ConcreteBios bios deps mbGhc -> biosCradle root bios deps mbGhc
ConcreteDirect xs -> directCradle root xs
ConcreteCabal t -> cabalCradle l cs root (cabalComponent t) (projectConfigFromMaybe root (cabalProjectFile t))
ConcreteStack t -> stackCradle l root (stackComponent t) (projectConfigFromMaybe root (stackYaml t))
ConcreteBios bios deps mbGhc -> biosCradle l root bios deps mbGhc
ConcreteDirect xs -> directCradle l root xs
ConcreteNone -> noneCradle
ConcreteOther a -> buildCustomCradle a

Expand Down Expand Up @@ -391,15 +389,16 @@ isOtherCradle crdl = case actionName (cradleOptsProg crdl) of

-- | Default cradle has no special options, not very useful for loading
-- modules.
defaultCradle :: FilePath -> Cradle a
defaultCradle cur_dir =
defaultCradle :: LogAction IO (WithSeverity Log) -> FilePath -> Cradle a
defaultCradle l cur_dir =
{ cradleRootDir = cur_dir
, cradleLogger = l
, cradleOptsProg = CradleAction
{ actionName = Types.Default
, runCradle = \_ _ _ ->
, runCradle = \_ _ ->
return (CradleSuccess (ComponentOptions argDynamic cur_dir []))
, runGhcCmd = \l -> runGhcCmdOnPath l cur_dir
, runGhcCmd = runGhcCmdOnPath l cur_dir

Expand All @@ -410,8 +409,8 @@ noneCradle :: CradleAction a
noneCradle =
{ actionName = Types.None
, runCradle = \_ _ _ -> return CradleNone
, runGhcCmd = \_ _ -> return CradleNone
, runCradle = \_ _ -> return CradleNone
, runGhcCmd = \_ -> return CradleNone

Expand All @@ -435,13 +434,13 @@ selectCradle k cur_fp (c: css) =


directCradle :: FilePath -> [String] -> CradleAction a
directCradle wdir args
directCradle :: LogAction IO (WithSeverity Log) -> FilePath -> [String] -> CradleAction a
directCradle l wdir args
= CradleAction
{ actionName = Types.Direct
, runCradle = \_ _ _ ->
, runCradle = \_ _ ->
return (CradleSuccess (ComponentOptions (args ++ argDynamic) wdir []))
, runGhcCmd = \l -> runGhcCmdOnPath l wdir
, runGhcCmd = runGhcCmdOnPath l wdir

Expand All @@ -450,12 +449,12 @@ directCradle wdir args

-- | Find a cradle by finding an executable `hie-bios` file which will
-- be executed to find the correct GHC options to use.
biosCradle :: FilePath -> Callable -> Maybe Callable -> Maybe FilePath -> CradleAction a
biosCradle wdir biosCall biosDepsCall mbGhc
biosCradle :: LogAction IO (WithSeverity Log) -> FilePath -> Callable -> Maybe Callable -> Maybe FilePath -> CradleAction a
biosCradle l wdir biosCall biosDepsCall mbGhc
= CradleAction
{ actionName = Types.Bios
, runCradle = biosAction wdir biosCall biosDepsCall
, runGhcCmd = \l args -> readProcessWithCwd l wdir (fromMaybe "ghc" mbGhc) args ""
, runCradle = biosAction wdir biosCall biosDepsCall l
, runGhcCmd = \args -> readProcessWithCwd l wdir (fromMaybe "ghc" mbGhc) args ""

biosWorkDir :: FilePath -> MaybeT IO FilePath
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -513,12 +512,12 @@ projectLocationOrDefault = \case

-- |Cabal Cradle
-- Works for new-build by invoking `v2-repl`.
cabalCradle :: ResolvedCradles b -> FilePath -> Maybe String -> CradleProjectConfig -> CradleAction a
cabalCradle cs wdir mc projectFile
cabalCradle :: LogAction IO (WithSeverity Log) -> ResolvedCradles b -> FilePath -> Maybe String -> CradleProjectConfig -> CradleAction a
cabalCradle l cs wdir mc projectFile
= CradleAction
{ actionName = Types.Cabal
, runCradle = \l fp -> runCradleResultT . cabalAction cs wdir mc l projectFile fp
, runGhcCmd = \l args -> runCradleResultT $ do
, runCradle = \fp -> runCradleResultT . cabalAction cs wdir mc l projectFile fp
, runGhcCmd = \args -> runCradleResultT $ do
buildDir <- liftIO $ cabalBuildDir wdir
-- Workaround for a cabal-install bug on
-- ./dist-newstyle/tmp/environment.-24811: createDirectory: does not exist (No such file or directory)
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -906,12 +905,12 @@ stackYamlLocationOrDefault (ExplicitConfig yaml) = yaml

-- | Stack Cradle
-- Works for by invoking `stack repl` with a wrapper script
stackCradle :: FilePath -> Maybe String -> CradleProjectConfig -> CradleAction a
stackCradle wdir mc syaml =
stackCradle :: LogAction IO (WithSeverity Log) -> FilePath -> Maybe String -> CradleProjectConfig -> CradleAction a
stackCradle l wdir mc syaml =
{ actionName = Types.Stack
, runCradle = stackAction wdir mc syaml
, runGhcCmd = \l args -> runCradleResultT $ do
, runCradle = stackAction wdir mc syaml l
, runGhcCmd = \args -> runCradleResultT $ do
-- Setup stack silently, since stack might print stuff to stdout in some cases (e.g. on Win)
-- Issue 242 from HLS:
_ <- readProcessWithCwd_ l wdir "stack" (stackYamlProcessArgs syaml <> ["setup", "--silent"]) ""
Expand Down
14 changes: 6 additions & 8 deletions src/HIE/Bios/Environment.hs
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -68,20 +68,18 @@ makeTargetIdAbsolute _ tid = tid
-- Obtains libdir by calling 'runCradleGhc' on the provided cradle.
getRuntimeGhcLibDir :: LogAction IO (WithSeverity Log)
-> Cradle a
getRuntimeGhcLibDir :: Cradle a
-> IO (CradleLoadResult FilePath)
getRuntimeGhcLibDir l cradle = fmap (fmap trim) $
runGhcCmd (cradleOptsProg cradle) l ["--print-libdir"]
getRuntimeGhcLibDir cradle = fmap (fmap trim) $
runGhcCmd (cradleOptsProg cradle) ["--print-libdir"]

-- | Gets the version of ghc used when compiling the cradle. It is based off of
-- 'getRuntimeGhcLibDir'. If it can't work out the verison reliably, it will
-- return a 'CradleError'
getRuntimeGhcVersion :: LogAction IO (WithSeverity Log)
-> Cradle a
getRuntimeGhcVersion :: Cradle a
-> IO (CradleLoadResult String)
getRuntimeGhcVersion l cradle =
fmap (fmap trim) $ runGhcCmd (cradleOptsProg cradle) l ["--numeric-version"]
getRuntimeGhcVersion cradle =
fmap (fmap trim) $ runGhcCmd (cradleOptsProg cradle) ["--numeric-version"]


Expand Down
9 changes: 4 additions & 5 deletions src/HIE/Bios/Flags.hs
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -7,11 +7,10 @@ import Colog.Core (LogAction (..), WithSeverity (..), Severity (..), (<&))
-- | Initialize the 'DynFlags' relating to the compilation of a single
-- file or GHC session according to the provided 'Cradle'.
:: LogAction IO (WithSeverity Log)
-> FilePath -- ^ The file we are loading it because of
:: FilePath -- ^ The file we are loading it because of
-> [FilePath] -- ^ previous files we might want to include in the build
-> Cradle a
-> IO (CradleLoadResult ComponentOptions)
getCompilerOptions l fp fps cradle = do
l <& LogProcessOutput "invoking build tool to determine build flags (this may take some time depending on the cache)" `WithSeverity` Info
runCradle (cradleOptsProg cradle) l fp fps
getCompilerOptions fp fps cradle = do
(cradleLogger cradle) <& LogProcessOutput "invoking build tool to determine build flags (this may take some time depending on the cache)" `WithSeverity` Info
runCradle (cradleOptsProg cradle) fp fps
12 changes: 5 additions & 7 deletions src/HIE/Bios/Ghc/Api.hs
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -33,24 +33,22 @@ import HIE.Bios.Flags
-- | Initialize a GHC session by loading a given file into a given cradle.
initializeFlagsWithCradle ::
GhcMonad m
=> LogAction IO (WithSeverity Log)
-> FilePath -- ^ The file we are loading the 'Cradle' because of
=> FilePath -- ^ The file we are loading the 'Cradle' because of
-> Cradle a -- ^ The cradle we want to load
-> m (CradleLoadResult (m G.SuccessFlag, ComponentOptions))
initializeFlagsWithCradle l = initializeFlagsWithCradleWithMessage l (Just Gap.batchMsg)
initializeFlagsWithCradle = initializeFlagsWithCradleWithMessage (Just Gap.batchMsg)

-- | The same as 'initializeFlagsWithCradle' but with an additional argument to control
-- how the loading progress messages are displayed to the user. In @haskell-ide-engine@
-- the module loading progress is displayed in the UI by using a progress notification.
initializeFlagsWithCradleWithMessage ::
GhcMonad m
=> LogAction IO (WithSeverity Log)
-> Maybe G.Messager
=> Maybe G.Messager
-> FilePath -- ^ The file we are loading the 'Cradle' because of
-> Cradle a -- ^ The cradle we want to load
-> m (CradleLoadResult (m G.SuccessFlag, ComponentOptions)) -- ^ Whether we actually loaded the cradle or not.
initializeFlagsWithCradleWithMessage l msg fp cradle =
fmap (initSessionWithMessage msg) <$> liftIO (getCompilerOptions l fp [] cradle)
initializeFlagsWithCradleWithMessage msg fp cradle =
fmap (initSessionWithMessage msg) <$> liftIO (getCompilerOptions fp [] cradle)

-- | Actually perform the initialisation of the session. Initialising the session corresponds to
-- parsing the command line flags, setting the targets for the session and then attempting to load
Expand Down

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