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Audit Competition for VMEX

This repository is for the audit competition for the VMEX. To participate, submit your findings only by using the on-chain submission process on .

How to participate

Good luck!

We look forward to seeing your findings.


Contracts Package

run commands in contracts package script with yarn contracts <command> start local node with yarn contracts start:dev link packages with yarn link recompile typescript with yarn contracts tsc

SDK Package

link contracts with yarn link "@vmexfinance/contracts" run command in sdk package script with yarn sdk <command> recompule typescript with yarn sdk tsc start tests after starting local node in contracts package, use command yarn sdk test to begin sdk test workflow

Publishing to NPM

create a .npmrc file in the root directory go to npmjs and create both and account then generate a token inside of the .npmrc, past this inside, replacing '{AUTH_TOKEN}' with your respective token:


from the root directory, run lerna publish --no-private

Notes for auditors

The directory for all vmex audit information is under packages/contracts/audits/vmex/