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Mikko Jaakkola edited this page Dec 11, 2018 · 12 revisions

Frequently Asked Questions

Q: Where is the left handed mode?

Enable the "Left handed (Inverted)" option and set the rotation to 0 degrees.

Q: Why is the cursor shaking?

Small amount of shaking is to be expected with this driver, even when the pen is stationary.

Every graphics tablet does have some amount of noise in the pen position signal. Shaking will get worse when you lift the pen higher. Some tablets might have more noise than others, even if the tablet model is the same.

You can enable the noise filter to reduce the amount of shaking.

Q: What does the smoothing filter do?

Smoothing filter calculates average cursor position.

The filter latency value is an approximation of how much time it will take the cursor to reach the current pen position.

Higher latency will smooth out the cursor movement, but limits how fast the cursor can change the position.

Filter latency value between 15 and 25 milliseconds should be close to some Wacom drivers.

Default rate for the smoothing calculation is 250 Hz, so it should show 250 packets/sec in the osu! raw input settings.

It is possible to set the rate to 1000 Hz, but lower end computers might have problems with the higher update rates.

Q: Driver Stopped, Restarting! Tablet not found! Init failed!

Check the GitHub issues #1 and #35

Q: I've installed VMulti driver, but i get an error: "Can't open VMulti device"

VMulti driver is from the XP-Pen's installation package so you could try this:

  1. Run remove_vmulti_driver.bat to uninstall the VMulti driver
  2. Install:
  3. Kill processes PentabletService.exe and PenTablet.exe with the Windows Task Manager
  4. Remove PentabletService.exe and PenTablet.exe from the Pentablet folder (C:\Program Files\Pentablet)

Q: Why my cursor doesn't reach the edges of the screen?

You might have incorrect screen mapping settings.

If you are sure that settings are correct, you should check this:

If the problem only occurs in osu!, then disable the "Map absolute raw input to osu! window" from the osu's settings.

Q: I have read this FAQ, but i still have a problem with the driver!

You can report the driver issues to here: