Releases: haxii/fastproxy
Releases · haxii/fastproxy
made plugin hijacker's init public
Bug Fixing: Nil Pointer Error onHijackFinished
v0.5.15 fixed a potential nil pointer error
AfterResponse supported
added to pair with each BeforeRequest
reuse hijacked https connections
- resue hijacked https connection by not closing every connection after response returned
- removed outdated usage tracking
Fast fail on HTTP CONNECT
v0.5.12 fast fail on tunneling
bug fixing on AddSSL
- fixed a bug that AddSSL can take over HTTP hijacker
body readable for hijackedReq
v0.5.10 added BodyInspectWriter in hijackedReq of plugin
Method can be reached in RequestConnInfo
v0.5.9 added method in RequestConnInfo
memory cache in plugin available
v0.5.7 added a simple memory cache in plugin