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Learning Bash Scripts

Just one of the things I'm learning.

You type commands in a terminal or console, and those commands get translated by the shell for the kernel to perform.

A nice article on key things to know: (my own summary notes are below)

To enable running a script upon click, you need to edit permissions. For example, for

chmod 744

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> and < and >> and << in bash

  • > = redirect output = "(over)write to", e.g.: echo 'hello' > file.txt
  • < = redirect input = "read", e.g.: cat < file.txt (same as just cat file.txt)
  • >> = append to end of file, e.g.: echo 'new last line of text' >> file.txt
  • cat << EOF >> file.txt = "start multiline input session that ends when you type EOF and hit Enter" (but personally, nano seems to do this simpler)

Useful git commands

  • git commit --amend

  • git reset HEAD~1 to "un-commit"

  • git pull origin dev (if you want to merge commits into dev branch into your local branch) and then type :qa and hit enter. Now you can git push.

  • git tag <name-of-tag>; git push --tags (and then you can draft a new release on the same tag name to add details to it on GitHub)

From :

  • git update-index --skip-worktree your-file-to-ignore-future-revisions-for.txt
  • git update-index --no-skip-worktree your-file-to-start-watching-revisions-for.txt

From :

  • git status -sb
  • git hooks
  • Try using git bisect with "binary search" automation to find the breaking change
git bisect start
git bisect good c5ba734 # if c5ba734 is a commit without the bug
git bisect bad 6c093f4 #if 6c093f4 is a commit with the bug
# run test: git bisect run ./test-bug  (or: git bisect run jest)
git bisect bad # if the current commit has the bug
git bisect good # if current commit does not have the bug
# (repeats until find the first commit with the bug)
git bisect reset # or: git bisect reset HEAD (or: git bisect reset <commit-id>)
git rebase -i --exec "yarn test" d294ae9 # test all commits from d294ae9 to HEAD, until hit first failing commit

From :

  • git rm --cached <file-name> to stop tracking <file-name> in version control

  • git diff --staged

  • git diff branch1..branch2

  • git commit --amend to add more changes to the last commit

  • git cherry-pick <commit-sha> to bring in a commit from a different branch

  • git checkout <branch-name> <file-name> to bring in a file from a differnt branch

  • git reset <commit-sha>

  • git reset --hard HEAD~1 = undo last commit and rewrite history (then git push -f to push rewritten history)

  • git reset --hard HEAD~n # where n is the last n commits = undo last n commit and rewrite history (then git push -f to push rewritten history)

  • git reset --hard <commit-sha> = undo comments and rewrite history (then git push -f to push rewritten history)

  • --soft = uncommit but still staged; --mixed = uncommit+unstage, but changes kept locally; --hard = uncommit+unstage+delete changes

  • git stash to save your changes to top of stash stack (add -u to stash untracked files as well)

  • git stash list to see what's in your stash

  • git stash save "message to go along with changes"

  • git stash pop

From :

  • git stash save nameforlater

    • and then later git stash list (note the index)
    • and then git stash apply <index> to use <index>
  • git branch -M main to rename branch to main, and then git push -u origin main (more info)

  • git log --graph --oneline --decorate for a pared-down git log

  • lots more git tips at a YouTube video

How to revert changes of a git push:

This shows the commit hash: (looks like l0ngStr1ng0fL3t7er5AndNum83rz)

git log

then use the hash of the commit you want to revert: (and when you're in the in-CLI editor, type :qa and then hit Enter)

git revert l0ngStr1ng0fL3t7er5AndNum83rz

How to create a branch with no history

git checkout --orphan <name_you_choose_for_orphan_branch>
git commit
git push <remote-name> <branch-name>

Random Notes

Get file info like edit date: stat filename

Example of script used by Travis CI npm run build to copy files to /public folder:

Example of script used to generate and insert a package SemVer number for a JS file:



Get list of globally installed packages

yarn global list

npm list -g --depth 0 for just top-level

npm list -g browser-sync or a specific package (this example checks if browser-sync is installed globally)

npm scripts that accept parameters

Examples I set up in package.json:

  "test": "tsc $npm_config_name.ts --lib es6,dom && node $npm_config_name.js",
  "demo": "echo \"HELLO $npm_config_file_name.ts GOODBYE (\\$npm_config_whatever will match --whatever=...)\""

So you can do this:

npm run demo --file_name=someFileName
# prints out: HELLO someFileName.ts GOODBYE [...]


npm run test --name=sameFileName
# will run: tsc sameFileName.ts --lib es6,dom && node sameFileName.js

Install package without dynamic version (i.e. without caret ^)

npm install <package-name> --save-exact

so you get 1.2.3 instead of ^1.2.3 in your package.json

Actually upgrade node

You can upgrade to the latest npm with npm install -g npm@latest

But installing node manually doesn't always work, and using n or clean cache didn't seem to work for me.

For Mac/OSX, try this first:

brew install node

Otherwise this:

nvm install node --lts
node -v

If you accidentally installed the latest but want to downgrade to the last stable instead:

nvm install 14.15.0 # whatever the latest unstable versioni on
nvm use 14.15.0

switching from bash to zsh: (and back)

Format whole directory instead of waiting for each file save in VSCode

prettier --write .


npx prettier --write .

how to sync forked repo with the original repo

git remote add upstream<owner>/<repo>.git
git fetch upstream

gh CLI commands

setting up GitHub PATs (Personal Access Tokens)

For gh CLI: copy your PAT, run gh auth login, and paste your PAT when prompted to.

For npm pkg: copy your PAT, open ~/.npmrc, and paste your PAT to be the "TOKEN" part of a string // in that ~/.npmrc file.

quickly set up a basic server to serve index.html (or whatever's in the current folder)

python3 -m http.server 8000

or set up shortcut srv in .bash_profile:

alias srv='python3 -m http.server 8000'
  • Bash ≈ Zsh
  • the terminal is kinda like the console log in browser dev tools, but can switch between shell languages
  • echoconsole.log
  • $ notation is just for start of prompt
  • pwd = print the current working directory folder path
  • ls = list current folder files/subfolders
    • ls -la = -long data too like updated dates, and -all files including hidden files/folders
  • cd = change directory
  • ~ = home folder, like /Users/yourusernamehere
  • . = current folder
  • .. = parent folder
  • use the tab key to auto-complete!
  • rm = remove
    • rm -r foldername = remove foldername and -recursively inside it too
    • rm -rf foldername = do that, but -force remove regardless of permissions
  • man somecommand = show a printout of the manual for somecommand
    • hit q to quit (arrow keys to scroll)
  • ping = continuously check latency against IP address (Google's DNS server), which can be used to continuously check if the server is online (Ctrl+c or Ctrl+d to stop)
  • - = "previous"
    • cd - = toggle to previous folder
    • git checkout - = toggle to previously-checked-out branch
  • alias hi='echo "Hello world!"'
    • now you can just do hi to get a printout of Hello world!
  • command1 && command2 = do command1 and then to command2
  • stuck in Vi/Vim? Ctrl+c won't work! hit Escape -> : -> q! -> Enter
  • common web dev tasks:
    • reinstall dependencies: rm -rf node_modules; npm install;

more to learn for unix:

5 linux command tricks from

  • mkdir, but with multiple sibling folders at the same time:
    • mkdir folder then:
      mkdir -p folder/{sibling1,sibling2}/{commonA,b,c}
    • gives you this:
  • cd, but back to where you last were instead of cd .. a bunch of times:
    • cd ./somewhere/deeply/nested then to get back to ./:
      cd -
  • touch, but create a bunch of files with names with a pattern:
    • touch file{1..10}.txt
    • (note: the one-liner command doesn't pad with 0s on my machine despite {01..10})
    • two 0-padding alternatives that worked for me: (%02g = zero-padding of width 2 of general number format)
      • touch $(seq -f "file%02g.txt" 1 10)
      • or this: (the space after txt matters for this one!)
        touch $(printf "file%02g.txt " {1..10})`
  • tail err.log to read a file, but tail -f err.log to "follow" changes
    • (note: doesn't seem to print out the right contents if i edit in another tab with nano)
  • history, but to get the last 5 commands:
    • history 5


Learning Bash Scripts








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