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Learning Django from YouTube

Just one of the things I'm learning.

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Boilerplate code:

What's next are my notes from following thenewboston's YouTube tutorial series:

get django

  • Have Anaconda installed? Do this: conda install django

create project "website"

  • django-admin startproject website (generates the base required files for any django project)
  • (Note to self: to remember what files do, read names as if reading directory paths.)
  • (Note to self: we're usually going to use website/ and website/
  • Navigate to website folder so that you see and website folder.
  • python runserver
    • You might have to do something like this beforehand: export PYTHONPATH=/usr/local/lib/python3.6/site-packages
    • To make it permanent (i.e. not have to type that every time), add export PYTHONPATH=/usr/local/lib/python3.6/site-packages to your .bash_profile file (open ~/.bash_profile).
  • Hit Ctrl+c to stop the server.

create "app"

  • (Note to self: "apps" are like subdirectories in a URL, like different tabs.)
  • (Note to self: each "app" should have a one-liner of what it does.)
  • python startapp app1
  • (Note: migrations folder is for connecting website to database.)
  • (Note: has admin functionality built in.)
  • (Note: is basically app settings.)
  • (Note: is app database model setup.)
  • (Note: are basically python functions for requests/responses.)
  • Create a file inside app1.
  • Make website/ include app1/
  • Make app1/ identify a request in the URL and call a function in app1/
  • Make a corresponding response function (in app1/ to the request.
  • (Note to self: website/website/ --> urlpatterns --> app1/ --> function request response)

connect/synchronize database

  • (Note: db.sqlite3 was automagically created as a default database for testing. Can change to MyQSL later.)
  • python migrate (to synchronize code with database)
    • website/ INSTALLED_APPS --> checks app directories for required tables

create & activate models (how you want to store your data; tables and columns)

  • (Note: in Django, python class variables get converted to database columns.)
  • Create a class ("table") and variables ("columns") in app1/, while specifying data types.
  • Make website/ INSTALLED_APPS include app1/ App1Config() as 'app1.apps.App1Config'.
  • Remember to synchronize database with models! python makemigrations app1.
  • (Optional to see what the migration does:)
    • (Migration = change to database.)
    • (python sqlmigrate app1 0001 shows changes that converts the model into an SQL file.)
    • (Note the "".)
  • python migrate (so databased synched with code)
  • python runserver
  • (Note to self: website/website/ INSTALLED_APPS --> --> check classes, variables to synch database)

Remember 3 steps when you want to udpate changes to databases:

  1. change website/
  2. python makemigrations app1
  3. python migrate

database API

  • python shell (and now you can write database commands!)
  • Then try these commands, one-by-one:
from app1.models import Album, Song
a = Album(artist="the new boston", album_title="Red", genre="Country", album_logo="")
a.album_title # this is the same # as this
b = Album()
b.artist = "artist2"
b.album_title = 'title2'
b.genre = 'Jazz'
b.album_logo = '[email protected]'
b.album_title = "High School"

filtering database results (video #10)

first, set up so filtered results show basic info

  • Make app1/ Album class to have a __str__() function to customize the shell output representation of an Album.
  • python shell
  • from app1.models import Album, Song
  • Album.objects.all() should output a list of strings for album titles/artists, for example, instead of just a list of Album objects.
  • (We didn't do save() for that last title, so the last album title udpate didn't actually get saved in the database.)
  • (I accidentally created a duplicate object. I did Album.objects.all().delete() to delete all records (and hence remote duplicates) and then Album.objects.all() again to check that it actually cleared everything.)

actually do the filtering

  • Album.objects.filter(id=5) to filter by finding result(s) with id=5 (there should only be one or none)
  • Album.objects.filter(id=6)
  • Album.objects.filter(artist__startswith='the ') using double underscore to get entries with artists starting with 'the '

admin interface

  • python createsuperuser to create admin
  • set username, email, password
  • log in
  • Go to app1/ to set up admin access to be able to see and edit databases.
    • Register Album in admin site.
  • (refresh)
    • You should see App1.
    • You can click on Albums to see the records.
    • You can click on a record to edit its contents.

create another view

  • (Note: view = function that takes a request and returns html)
  • (Note: each view is linked to a URL pattern.)
  • (Note: each URL is linked to an HTML response/page.)
  • Edit app1/ (to find pattern matches for requests) and app1/ (to define actions for requests).

connect request/response to database

  • Make app1/ import Album from .models
  • In app1/, you can type all_albums = Album.objects.all(), just like in the shell!
  • to see all albums
    • (Try going to details pages too.)
  • (Note: we want to be able to separate the html from the python code for "separation of concerns".)

create template

  • (Note: Use templates to separate front-end HTMl/CSS files etc. from back-end Python files.)
  • Create template HTML file app1/templates/app1/index.html:
    • Navigate to website (sub)folder (the one with in it).
    • mkdir app1/templates/
    • mkdir app1/templates/app1
    • touch app1/templates/app1/index.html
    • Create template code (see index.html), using html but also a for loop in "kinda python" code inside that html file.
  • Open and write in app1/templates/app1/index.html
  • Have app1/ make use of that template:
    • from django.template import loader to be able to load separate template files.
      • (Note: don't need this in later shortcut tutorial.)
    • Get database data, get template, get data to put into template, return filled template as HTML response.
  • to see it in action.

shortcut for load-render template

activate 404 HTTP error page + message

  • Create and make template HTML file app1/templates/app1/detail.html
  • app1/ from django.http import Http404 and edit detail().
  • Go to and try clicking on albums to see details.
  • Try going to (or an id that doesn't exist).

add entries to database

  • (We're going to add a song to an album.)
  • Add to app1/ class Song the function __str__().
    • (Note: don't have to migrate / synch database because not adding attributes / columns.)
  • Add to app1/ import Song model and register Song model in admin site.
  • and check Songs

and then create song, set attributes, and save it:

python shell
from app1.models import Album, Song
album1 = Album.objects.get(id=5)
album1.artist # should return 'the new boston'
song = Song() # requires album, file_type, song_title
song.album = album1
song.file_type = 'mp3'
song.song_title = 'some title'

oooor do that in one step with the create function:

(continuing with the same shell)

album1.song_set.all() # to see it so far
album1.song_set.create(song_title='I love bacon', file_type='mp3') # album already specified
album1.song_set.create(song_title='ice cream', file_type='mp3') # album already specified
song = album1.song_set.create(song_title='hamburger', file_type='mp3') # make use of returned reference to that song
album1.song_set.all() # to see all songs in album1
album1.song_set.count() # gets size of set

design the details.html template

  • Edit app1/templates/app1/detail.html
  • Refer to app1/ for the classes and corresponding variables.
  • should now show the image and other info available.

remove hardcoded URLs (i.e. completely dynamic URLs)

  • (I.e. make URLs completely dynamic, in case website structure changes.)
  • (Note: app1/ is a centralized place to edit the URL structure of the website.)
    • (Note: The ='index' in url(r'...', views...., name='index'), gives the URL pattern the name 'index', so other files can refer to it.)
  • Edit app1/templates/app1/index.html
    • href="{% url 'detail' %}/" means to use URL pattern named detail and give it parameter variable
  • and try going to one of the albums.

namespaces / pattern reuse

  • (Example: so we can reuse 'detail' pattern in both music/detail and video/detail, but need to specify which one.)
  • Add app namespace app_name = 'app1' to app1/
  • Use that namespace in app1/templates/index.html:
    • href="{% url 'detail' %}" becomes href="{% url 'app1:detail' %}".
    • I.e. 'detail' becomes 'app1:detail'. Means to look for app1 detail pattern instead of just a generic detail pattern.
  • (Note to self: can now reuse patterns.)

HTTP 404 shortcut

  • Import get_object_or_404 in app1/
  • album = get_object_or_404(Album, pk=album_id) replaces a whole try/except statement in detail().

create form (in the easiest way to understand anyways)

  • Make app1/ Song class have another attribute: is_favourite
  • Make change file: python makemigrations app1
  • Apply change to database: python migrate
  • Restart server: Ctrl+C and then python runserver (in that separate Terminal).
  • Refresh a view like to see no errors.

You might want to have a URL that doesn't link to a template, like a "logging out" page that runs and then automatically redirects to another page.

  • App a favourite URLs pattern in app1/

Actually make the form:

  • Create a <form> in app1/templates/app1/detail.html view
    • action="..." is the URL pattern to send data to: action="{% url 'app1:favourite' %}"
    • method="post"
    • csrf_token is for security CSRF
    • Loop through form elements. {{ forloop.counter }} auto-increments.
    • name="..." enables reference in the code.
  • (Note: detail.html's action will go to to find the URL pattern for app1:favourite)
  • (Note: URL pattern for app1:favourite will go to to find favourite())
  • Add function favourite() in app1/
  • Refresh a view like
  • Try favouriting a couple songs. (You can see updates in the admin page too!)
  • (Note to self: detail.html loop to generate form --> associate each song with --> user selects song + hits favourite --> app1:favourite --> views.favourite --> favourite())
  • (Note to self: --> selected_song.is_favourite --> --> redirect back to same page as if didn't leave)

add style with static files


  • (We're going to include CSS into the templates.)
  • Create app1/static/app1/ and in that, /images folder and style.css file.
  • Create CSS file app1/static/app1/style.css:
    • Navigate to website (sub)folder (the one with in it).
    • mkdir app1/static/
    • mkdir app1/static/app1
    • mkdir app1/static/app1/images (and put a background.png in it)
    • touch app1/static/app1/style.css
    • Create CSS code (see style.css).
  • Include that CSS file style.css in index.html:
    • app1/templates/app1/index.html
    • Load path to static files (like style sheet): {% load staticfiles %}.
    • Load specific files you need like style.css: href="{% static 'app1/style.css' %}" is literally for /static/
  • to see the changed background image.

add Bootstrap style

  • Include <link> in app1/templates/app1/index.html
  • Make changes as desired.

build up more of navigation menu

  • app1/templates/index.html
    • more for style: classes
    • more for function: type, data-target, role, etc.
  • Using: bootstrap css and js, google font, jquery js, and static file ('local')
  • Make sure app1/static/app1/style.css is being used after bootstrap.
  • Edit app1/static/app1/style.css
  • Try resizing to small width to see header's 3 icon-bars for expanding the navigation menu.
  • Test out the navigation menu's buttons and search form.

create base template (e.g. consistent navigation bar and styling)

  • Create a new html file app1/templates/app1/base.html
    • Remove the stylesheets and scripts and navbar from app1/templates/app1/index.html and move those into app1/templates/app1/base.html where appropriate (these will be things you'll need on every page).
    • Create a "block" to hold a "customizable area" in that base template: example: a block called "body": {% block body %} {% endblock %}
  • Use that template by including it in the other .html template files: {% extends 'app1/base.html' %}
  • Tell the base template the "custom area": {% block body %} (your original .html code here) {% endblock %}
  • (Note to self: you can have multiple "block" areas in the same base.html and in the files that use it!)
    • You can <title>{% block title %}default text here{% endblock %}</title> in the header section to overwrite!

generic views (to write less code with classes, instead of functions in

  • (Note to self: website pages come in 2 basic patterns: a list of objects or details on one object. Example: Youtube=list of videos --> go to video --> video details)
    • (Django automates generating these 2 basic patterns: list generic view and detail generic view.)
  • Rewrite app1/ to use classes instead of functions, and save a lot of code.
    • (Note: query results are put into a variable named object_list by default.)
    • IndexView(generic.ListView)
    • DetailView(generic.DetailView)
  • Rewrite app1/ urlpatterns to use the new classes (and pk for the detail view).
    • views.IndexView.as_view()
    • views.DetailView.as_view()
  • should have no albums to show because need to use object_list in your code, or rename it to store view data in a variable for template to use, e.g.: context_object_name = 'all_albums' in
  • should work now, either way.
  • (Note: in video 29 on generic views, detail.html and index.html have the "favourite"-related things removed.)

(before the model form tutorial videos 30-31)

model forms - CreateView part (videos 30-31)

  • (Note: model forms help generate form html and also form validation.)
  • In app1/
    • Add from django.core.urlresolvers import reverse
    • Create get_absolute_url() to get the new url for the Album created by the form.
  • In app1/
    • Add from django.views.generic.edit import CreateView, UpdateView, DeleteView
    • Create class AlbumCreate(CreateView) to create a new Album from the form.
  • In app1/
    • Assign a new URL pattern corresponding to the new view in (namely, AlbumCreate).
  • Create template app1/album_form.html for it to go to (naming format: "modelnameinlowercase_form.html").
    • (Note: include 'app1/templates/app1/form-template.html' is the generic form template to keep code DRY.)
  • Create app1/templates/app1/form-template.html
  • Add link to that navbar button "Add Album" in base.html so user can get to the form.
    • (Note: Replace '#'. Make sure the link matches the URL format in href="{% url 'app1:album-add' %}")
    • Click on "Add Album" to see the new album form!
    • Try not entering anything and hitting Submit --> should get errors for required fields using field.errors.
    • Try actually filling everything in and submitting --> shoudl get redirected to details view of the new album.


Learning Django






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