An optional MARCMaker and MARCBreaker Editor for Linux environment (Debian). MARC Gedit is powered by Gedit text editor.
- Gedit - official text editor of the GNOME desktop environment
- The MARC::* - series of modules create a simple object-oriented abstraction of MARC record handling.
- MARC::File::MARCMaker - work with MARCMaker/MARCBreaker records
- Class::Accesor - Perl module that automatically generates accessors
- Zenity - display graphical dialog boxes from shell scripts
- GtkSourceView - shared libraries for the GTK+ syntax highlighting widget
$ apt-get install libmarc-record-perl libmarc-file-marcmaker-perl zenity zenity-common gedit gedit-common gedit-plugins libclass-accessor-perl
# Clone repository or download ZIP file
$ git clone
$ unzip /
$ cd MARCGedit
# Install manually
$ cp snippets/. ~/.config/gedit/snippets
$ cp tools/. ~/.config/gedit/tools
$ cp marc.lang ~/.local/share/gtksourceview-3.0/language-specs
$ ./
# Or use the install script for local user
$ bash
Note: If snippets and tools directories does not exist please create manually.
- Open Gedit text editor normally
- Enable External Tools, goto Preferences -> Plugins -> External Tools
- Enable Snippets, goto Preferences -> Plugins -> Snippets
- Enable draw spaces, goto Preferences -> Plugins -> Draw spaces
- Enable line number, goto Preferences -> View -> Display line numbers
- Enable highlight line, goto Preferences -> View -> Highlight current line
- Choose View -> Highlight -> MARC (This is required)
- Open Gedit
- Choose View -> Highlight -> MARC
- Insert a book record
- Type the word "bibrecords" and press tab button
- A popup will show up with all options
- Select Book
- Test with another type of record
- Insert new fixed field
- Type "builder008" and press tab button
- A popup will show up with all options
- Select Bib>008 Book (builder008)
- Press tab button to move between coding positions
- Change data for each position (data coded in OCLC format)
- Insert new leader
- Type "builderLDR" and press tab button
- A popu will show up with all options
- Select LDR>Book (builderLDR)
- Press tab button to move between coding positions
- Convert MARC Maker to MARC
- Go to Tools -> External Tools -> MARC Maker
- Open Gedit
- Choose View -> Highlight -> MARC
- Insert a book record
- Type the word "rancor" and press tab button
- A popup will show up with all options
- Select rancor->Book.
MARCGedit use the Gedit snippets plugin The file marc.xml needs to be copied to /usr/share/gedit/plugins/snippets or ~/.config/gedit/snippets directory. Snippets allows you to introduce MARC records or fixed fields to the current text.
Tags plugin no more works in Gedit. The tags needs to be compresed in ".tags.gz" format. Once compresed, you can copy the gz files to one of this two directories: /usr/share/gedit/plugins/taglist or ~/.gnome2/gedit/taglist
The highlight syntax of MARCMaker is activated if you use marc.lang file. You need to copy this file to /usr/share/gtksourceview-3.0/language-specs or ~/.local/share/gtksourceview-3.0/language-specs directory
External tools plugin allows to execute the tools created for MARCGedit listed below:
- MARCMaker -> convert MARCMaker records to MARC binary (ISO 2709) [Ctrl-Alt-M]
- MARCBreaker -> convert MARC binary (ISO 2709) to MARCMaker in plain text [Ctrl-Alt-B]
- Field 005 Date and Time -> generate date in format of Representation of Dates and Times (ISO 8601) [Ctrl-Alt-D]
- Change case -> Changes the case of characters in the selection [Ctrl-Alt-C]
- Insert Double Dagger -> Insert double dagger for Rancor records as subfield delimiter [Shift+Ctrl+D]
To execute those tools you need to go to Tools -> External Tools or execute by shortcut key.